Uploading to Youmagine now, looking at the layers the thing is basically empty - I think Cura is lying.
Uploading to Youmagine now, looking at the layers the thing is basically empty - I think Cura is lying.
Youmagine gave up, here is a link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D96EE0343F940893%2112237
Amazing - Kisslicer time estimates are in the same ballpark - about 80 hours. Hard to see why it should take that long.
I was able to get Kisslicer's estimate down to 48 hrs. by only doing Infill every third layer.
It is a huge cube. I once printed a model that size, but totally hollow, no infill only 2 perimeters (.8mm walls) and 80mm print speed and it took 24 hours.
So with infill, those very thick walls (1.2mm), and 50mm is kind of a slow print speed for an UM. Yes, it is probably
spot on. You could speed it up slightly by reducing the wall thickness to .8mm. Increase print speed, increase infill speed higher. You could try pushing the layer height to upper .2's or low .3's with possibly a higher than usual temp to compensate for the larger amount of plastic.
Forcing the printer to run faster is tricky, and can result in a half print. Just so you know.
Larger prints like this need a larger nozzle size so you can do a much larger layer height.
It is huge indeed. Just imagine in your head how much the print head has to move on every single layer of that print (all 810 of them). Just take the rings in the center for example, that's 64 retractions on those alone. Say it takes a second to do a retraction (I've never timed it so I have no idea how long it actually takes), that's an extra (64*810)/60/60 = 14+ hours on retractions alone. It adds up quick.
Well Cura 14.01 does not think it is a 6 inch cube. If you rescale to 30% it fits onto the build plate - and I think my bed is a bit bigger than that on a UM1.
Layer height .1 and print speed 20ms and infill 20% gives me 10.5 hours
Please post pic but if you can print 10mm^3/sec (some can't) then you can do .2mm layer, 230C, 120mm/sec, no retraction .8mm walls. I can't imagine that would take more than 10 hours. Post picture please (in cad or in cura).
I decided to be a bit more clever and spit the model. As this is only for a very alpha design test I don't need a solid part. I'll print many fronts and a single back, with a sliding join. First front is coming out out, 7 hours. Printing at 0.2, 60mm sec at 220.
Here it is in CAD ,altered since then but gives you a rough idea.
Good on you, the world needs more bees!
Also, why not just make it a cylinder instead of a box? The important stuff is inside the cylinder anyways.
I think you only need 2-5% infill for a model like this. Would save a lot of time.
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