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Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

On the 2nd of October we initially placed our order with Ultimaker for the Ultimaker 2, especially to receive the offer of 3 extra rolls of filaments due to branching into the US market. Our payment was completed via the direct transfer from our company bank account on the 12th of October thus payment complete - this confirmation was sent to Ultimaker twice. We still have not received delivery of the ordered system. Our accounts department has contacted via email and telephone their support department at least 10 or 12 times now and it has been a nightmare to deal with. I have also contacted support via email and have gotten only one reply and no replies since my last enquiry. Our last email from support confirmed that the system would ship on the week starting 10th November - 1 month after confirming payment - BUT yet we still have no received our order and have since that date emailed/telephoned support on a few occasions again to find out what is going on????? we have received no reply or update and at this stage any type of reasons for the very unprofessional service. I would not recommend this company at this stage to anybody to deal with and we will are now at a stage that we want our money returned (even if it is a great 3D printer) but due to the fact that the service and support of this company is so poor.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service


    I'm sorry to hear that you have a bad experience with customer support.

    If i was you , i would wait a couple of days more. You can also send a pm on the forum to Sanders from Ultimaker with your order number to see what is going on.

    Ultimaker has a lot of support work to catch up and they are trying to resolve this but it's something that takes a lot of time.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi Didier

    Thank you for the reply - we will be patient for 1 more working week........ What I would say to you and Ultimaker as a company - that you will need to be more honest with your clients on advertising with regard to your deliverables and the true capacity of the company. Only now when I look across other forums, is this not the first instance for this to occur and the excuses that have been given are not solutions.

    We await direct action this week or request that our payment be returned with transaction charges that were paid to the bank.

    Thank you again for your attention.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    I know it can be long distance. But simply call them. They answer the phone. I think the emails just get backed up and you end up in the pile.

    Call in working hours. Office: +31 (0)345 712 017

    Hopefully this works better

    (Note I called when my printer was delayed last year they answered were able to give me a direct update right away)

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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Ultimaker is well aware of this problem, now like i said it's not something that clears it self in a couple of days or so. They are expanding a lot in terms of workers, i'm sure this will settle down soon.

    I understand your frustration, the only advise i can give you myself is too either call (again) as cleven said. Or send a PM to SandervG here on the forum with your order number to give you information about the status.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi DesignPro,

    Thank you for your message and I am sorry to hear that you have not yet received the help you are in need of.

    I would be happy to help, therefor I need your ordernumber so I can look into your order and situation.

    As you should have been made aware of when you completed your order, there is a lead time on the Ultimaker 2.

    This is a big inconvenience, we are working hard to send everything out as soon as possible, but we can not deny its existence. We will do our best to give you an update on the shipping schedule and an eta on your order.

    Looking forward hearing from you, thank you for your time and patience


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi Sander

    The order no is: R588633177.

    just to let you know, our accounts department has also been in contact with Simone in Support 9 times now - 2 times send I posted this forum and yet no update. I hope you are more successful !!!!!!!!!!


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service


    It should be send out tomorrow or Monday.

    I will keep you posted and send you the tracking number once it has shipped :)


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi DesignPro,

    I will send you the tracking in a DM.

    It has shipped today :)


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    It's unfair. I ordered on Oct 2nd too and my UO+ hasn't been sent out yet.

    Should I start posting about it everywhere (twitter maybe?) to get my 1600+ euro order fulfilled??....


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    No you shouldn't. Patience is a virtue



    Hi Domichal,

    Thank you for your post.

    Just like affentanz26 your order is going to be shipped this week.

    I will see if I can get an actual day of shipment, but I received confirmation it will definitely be shipped out this week.

    Let me know if you have any further questions,




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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi Didier & domichal,

    Thank you for your posts.

    Like Didier also copied, it has been resolved and confirmed that your order will be shipped out this week.

    Thank you for your time,


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Sander, thanks. Could you also respond to my PM please?

    Didier you're got to be kidding me...


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi Domichal,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I will.

    And lets all play nice :)


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service


    I'm still waiting for some update about my order R171336387-1 - Invoice 20579, sent several emails asking an update but no answer,


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi Sander,

    me too I'm waiting for an order of ONLY spare parts paid and "ready to ship" from 1 Dec ... Order R673373486 !

    For spare parts, "ready to ship" it's really an unacceptable delay !!!


    P.S. : See also ticket #TIO-767-37482


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Same here, still waiting for my order from December 4th to ship. Order #R280025300

    Really not impressed at this point.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Hi Sander,

    me too I'm waiting for an order of ONLY spare parts paid and "ready to ship" from 1 Dec ... Order R673373486 !


    UPDATE ... Thank God today, 16/12 ... finally (from the 01/12) the spare parts were shipped ... just received the eMail from UM !!! :)



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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    Mine is shipping as well, thanks Sander!


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    UPDATE ... Thank God today, 16/12 ... finally (from the 01/12) the spare parts were shipped ... just received the eMail from UM !!! :)



    I was just about to email you saying it shipped.


    Mine is shipping as well, thanks Sander!


    You are welcome, sorry it took us so long!


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    I am being patient as possible but I was wondering if there is any update when my printer will ship. Order #R337542762 I know the lead time can be 4-6 weeks I am just curious if it is looking that it will be closer to the 4 or 6. I am just excited to start using and sharing what I am able to do with it:)

    Also thank you to everyone who uses this forum. It was very helpful answering a lot of my questions before ordering my printer.



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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service


    I ordered in October - Order # ROJ-968-22278. Will my order be shipping soon? I was told awhile ago that it should be shipping on December 15th but I can't find my order information on your website anymore. I have not received any emails saying it shipped. Please DM me with an update or email me at the address from that order number. Thanks!

    Best Regards,

    Brian P


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    The ordering software was switched to new software so even though it doesn't show many orders - they are still there.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    gr5 -

    I was reading that the software switch isn't showing certain orders but it wasn't updating for months anyway so the information wasn't super accurate. It said "ready to ship" since November 2nd. I changed my shipment address based on this 4-6 week lead time information, now I am probably not going to be in the state at the address where I changed it to. I don't want to miss my shipment and then have to pay more to ship it back to myself 2 states over. I'm a patient dude, I can wait, thats not the problem. The misinformation regarding lead times listed online is the problem. If it takes 6-8 weeks or 8-10 weeks it should be listed online openly, not just talked about randomly on forum threads when people complain. I'm glad ultimaker is busy - the product looks sweet and the reviews have been wonderful, however, I would not spend that amount of money with a company just to be told I might get my order sometime down the road. What have I paid for? The opportunity to get something way later than quoted? It's frustrating because I can drive 2 miles and have a 3d printer in my hands in minutes but I chose ultimaker because of the reviews. If I can't get an official shipment date then I see no reason to wait longer, there are a lot of companies to buy 3d printers from. I will be cancelling my order today - I'm not in the business of handing out $2500 interest accumulating loans.


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    Posted · Delivery and Order Issues - Poor Support & Service

    i will add to this that a great product only goes so far, if support isn't there then long term the company will suffer and people will go elsewhere. and i don't mean the ultimaker support people, they've been great and helpful (chris has been very helpful, give her a christmas bonus), more support by management and communication is needed when a crises hits. yes, sometimes customers need there hand held. problems happen, we understand, but just drop ins with were getting it sorted as best we can, and soon... that only goes so far. suggestions by moderators to send pms and not read for a week and then not even a reply. you're busy i'm sure, but not that busy. delegate?

    sod4111 said it right, if it's longer than it's longer, just give a best estimate so we can plan as well or make other arrangements.



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