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Everything posted by Daid

  1. For reference, here is the STL file. I've shared it before for people that wanted a different color one (as they didn't like pink)
  2. Never seen that before, but 13.03 will be out soon, which has a big number of internal changes, so could be fixed in there.
  3. You'll see that the full log will say "Extruder switched off: MINTEMP triggered"
  4. There is a log there right in front of you, behind the "error log" button ;-)
  5. Are you sure it doesn't say "Extruder switched off"? Because then it's most likely a mintemp/maxtemp error caused by one of the thermocouple connections not being properly secured. (The firmware does this, for good reason, as bad temperature measurements can cause a burned up hotend)
  6. My hands are tight by support&marketing who first want to create a proper blog post and some video showoff for the new version. But I have posted the linux .deb link because that solves a lot of the linux install problems for Ubuntu users.
  7. The bearing in the feeder upgrade is an 3x8x3 bearing. Which seems to be a bit hard to source. Searching for "MR83 bearing" yields some results. As for the feeder parts, I'll have to look if they are around somewhere.
  8. Also, the 14 day delivery time is a lie. It took them 6 weeks according to one of the customers I spoke. There are quite a few other printers out there. But if you get a LeapFrog then you are NOT getting anything worth your money. You are better off with a printer from 3dprinter4u.nl for example. If you do not want to pay the Ultimaker price.
  9. First off, if the LeapFrog prints, it prints like crap. We've seen them at the 3D print event in Eindhoven. They where suits without a clue on 3D printing. Ultimaker has 2 years of solid experience now. Secondly, they do not give support or even answer the phone anymore. (I had the chance to talk to 3 of the LeapFrog customers at RapidPro. They all want to get rid of their machines, as they cannot get them to print at all.) Price is not everything.
  10. The latest released version is on thingiverse. I don't think the feeder upgrade is online. The rest of the feeder is the same as in the released version. Which part are you looking for exactly?
  11. You could put a piece of teflon (pluming) tape between the threads. It's how the V1 hotends where usually sealed (as they where much more prone to leaking). Printing some ABS also helps. But in general screwing the hotend tight while hot works for most people. (but overtighting will break it!) But plugs do no happen at that location, they happen up higher at the white teflon piece to the PEEK part. Make sure the white teflon fits nicely into the PEEK and makes a secure connection.
  12. There is only a 2D lasercut drawing of the clip. So if you want to print it you'll have to turn that into a 3D shape. But in general, the feeder looks quite ok on those photos, and I think it cannot be the source of the huge amount of grinding you are experiencing. The bowden tube photos are too blurry to be useful. The spring pressure on the feeder looks about right (judging from average spring size I normally see)
  13. The V3 bolt was introduced a year ago. And I'm pretty sure those instructions for it where in place for quite a while already. The drive upgrade was a bit of a mess on the wiki. But the bolt instructions where there.
  14. I'm seeing 3 washer and then there is still room between the big gear and the side of the feeder. This could indicate that you are feeding on the wrong part of the bolt. I'm also not seeing the stock black piece holding the bold, but something green. http://wiki.ultimaker.com/File:Bolt_assy_v3bolt.png The chipped would doesn't cause it. My machine at home is missing a few more bits there. No problems on it. Finally, there could be something wrong with the inner diameter of the bowden tube, causing the filament not too push trough with ease. It should go trough it without too much force. (bowden tubes are tested before they are send, but maybe one has slipped trough)
  15. The "bed leveling wizard doesn't home" is an unfortunate bug that got into the wizard. It's fixed for the 13.03 release. It will be announced soon, but for linux you can already download the .deb from http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura-13.03-debian.deb (The new .deb saves a lot of problems for linux users) The connection problems with the wizard seem to be related to the Linux release.
  16. Average normal ultimaker power is around 60W. But the default supply is double that to account for variations.
  17. Because that only works on a known resister load, which motors are not. They are resister-inductive loads.
  18. It's a bug in Cura 12.12 The testing 13.01 version has a fix (but some other minor issues) the upcomming 13.03 release also has a fix. It will be out next week.
  19. Inkscape can convert it. You might think nothing shows after import, but that's because the lines are very thin, select everything and change the stroke width.
  20. It shows the object size when you are in scaling mode :-) In the other news, there will also be a linux debian package available. (I just build it and had someone test it)
  21. (new version will be very soon, but I cannot reach the software.ultimaker.com hosting, so I cannot upload it yet...)
  22. I've increased it for when you have configured the serial port. I rather not add configuration settings for stuff that doesn't need it. The new 10 seconds should work on any hardware I think.
  23. Here is a sneak peek at the next Cura release, which will be out soon:
  24. 3DSystems is in the patenting and stiffening 3D printing business. They also advertise their budget FDM printers with SLS prints next to it. I personally wouldn't touch them with a long stick. Your choice, I know you had a bad experience with the Ultimaker. And I hope you have a better one with the CubeX.
  25. Cura 13.01 has a bug in the default "nextObject.gcode" (you can edit this on the start/end-code tab) I only figured it out yesterday. The line: G1 X{object_center_x} Y{object_center_x} F{travel_speed} Should be: G1 X{object_center_x} Y{object_center_y} F{travel_speed} See the subtle difference?
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