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Everything posted by Daid

  1. How much has UM replenished of your stock? j Working there now must have some benefits! I have 1 roll of the "bad batch of gray" from Ultimaker, which sometimes jams. That's it. But I already had 26 different colors, mostly from faberdashery before I started at Ultimaker. I'm not a heavy user of PLA, as I mostly print small things.
  2. I just did some GCode export for my own slicer, should be easy to adept that for your intermediate format. I did notice my slicer is faster then that it can write the GCode to disk I'm working towards having multiple slicers in Cura. Is quite some work due to my bad code :-) (Also, my own slicer just produced it's first GCode, without any infill so far)
  3. Note the 12.12 release for Mac is broken on MacOS 10.6, we've found the problem and working on a fix.
  4. If it works, then ok. But if you have problems with one program, try the others! Please do!
  5. At Ultimaker we print all our PLA at 210C except for the white, then we use 230C (we are aware of the state of white). Diameter can slightly vary between batch and even roll. If you want to know the best diameter to use for your roll, get digital calipers. Else, 2.89 seems like a good average. But we never have plugging problems anymore with any of our machines, the V2 hotend solved that for all 12 of our R&D machines. I've never had problems with the gold or black. (I actually had 2.3kg of black with my machine, only 0.5kg left now)
  6. You can set the skirt distance to zero and then add some more skirt lines, this might even work better then a raft.
  7. Yes, this has been an error in one of our latest batches of thermocouples. There have been a small amount of thermocouples which are wired the wrong way around. (Red/yellow swapped) they work fine, but only the wire colors are wrong.
  8. It has been disabled, it was hard to follow and in the wrong place. I do want to add it again, but not in the first setup wizard.
  9. It can be done, but due to how the code works you need to enter them from high to low values, if you do them the other way around it causes problems. I've done a 4 pause print a week ago.
  10. Most likely it's the background GCode loader that slowing things down, it's been a thorn in Cura's side from the start, and I'm working towards interface changes to get around this. The öäü is yet another "none ascii" bug, fixed a bunch already. Fixed this one for the next version. (It's annoying because it depends on the character used where the bug pops up, and if it pops up at all)
  11. Due to vandalism and people editing the pages thinking they where adding tips but those tips where actually wrong, we disabled editing except for ourselves. As we do not have the manpower to monitor the changes all the time, and they are our official build instructions that people expect to be right. Feel free to post your ideas so we can see if we can incorporate them in the instructions.
  12. Rotating would be the best option, you could also use "exterior only" support, but that will be less pretty. I would also rotate the model so the back points at the front left corner, this is where the "scar" usually ends up, that you see crossing his eye. I would also lower the temperature to 210C
  13. It should have moved 10mm forward to give you access to the screw. But maybe it's not moving far enough forwards.
  14. I'm sorry that the big creeped into the 12.12 release!
  15. Not sure which PLA was shipped to NY. Could be our stuff or stuff from grrf. We do test our new types of PLA for printability, but we do kinda assume the chemical consistency stays the same. After all, that's what the producers do, produce plastics with certain chemical properties. The mechanical properties (roundness, diameter) is what's new for them and thus causing the most problems. Note, stole this link from another topic, this is our new silver: https://www.icloud.com/photostream/nl-nl/#A3G4TcsmdjgFe As you can see, it's nice and sparkly, and ligher then the old gray.
  16. As far as I know, we haven't sold anything of the old stock in months. We still have a few rolls here and there, but those are just used for small test prints. Marked as bad, and cannot be sold. Another reason why I'm happy with this new silver, as the color is different it no longer looks the same as the bad silver. So we have 3 silvers in the field now. "Bad gray-silver" from about half way 2012, "Good gray-silver" from our new supplier, which has the same color as the bad gray-silver. And there is the new "metalic" silver, which is also from our new supplier and thus warranted to be good. Also, to be sure, we test one roll of each shipment we get. We pull the full roll trough a 3mm hole in a metal plate, and it should not get stuck. This should catch the case where we suddenly would get thick sections in the filament again. But so far, that has not happened.
  17. Note that we've switched supplier of PLA after multiple attempts to get the right stuff from our old supplier. Doesn't mean we are up to faberdashery-quality with our new supplier, but the diameter we get now is much more consistent. And no longer over 3mm, so it no longer gets stuck in the tubes. We also made a new silver with our new supplier, which is much more awesome then the old "gray" silver. As it's a bit lighter in color and contains tiny glitters.
  18. The pause function is also present in Cura 12.11, which you can still get from http://software.ultimaker.com/?show=all In 12.12 the packaging method has changed to solve a whole number of issues. And 12.12 doesn't require anything installed on the system anymore (as it contains everything) but apparently it doesn't work on your 10.6.4 install (while my build target was 10.6, so that's odd) I'll look into it. And try to use 12.11 in the meantime.
  19. Which is the normal way, if you could push it trough by hand before, then it wasn't putting enough pressure on the filament.
  20. There is quite a bit info about the heated bed if you search for it, but you'll have to build it yourself as we don't sell any yet. But tried a brim? In Cura, if you set the skirt distance to 0, and the line count to 5. Should help keeping the part down and is easier to remove then a raft.
  21. Seems like something goes wrong in the cura code, as this shouldn't happen: "Changing monitoring state from 'Printing' to 'Error: No Checksum with lin...'" It seems that the exception for that error state is missing (Sadly enough, the machine reports both critical errors and communication errors as "Error:"
  22. Interresting design, care to share the files?
  23. The older releases can still be found at https://github.com/daid/Cura/downloads
  24. Do you have the drivers installed for your 3D card? And DirectX?
  25. Knowing about when he received his machine, I'm guessing a lose pulley on a motor.
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