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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Yes, RC5 is up there, should fix plugin problems, and most likely the file loading problems.
  2. Building an RC right now. I'm also changing a bit in my build environment. So this is the first test with those changes in there (less manual steps for building a release)
  3. Haskell is the only tool that I know right now. But most certain there will be others. You can rename/move the file and see if Cura works then. And see which application stops working after that.
  4. Except that when you get different expansion in different parts of the glass due to uneven heating, the glass could break.
  5. Seems to be an odd bug, hard to explain, but I think I fixed it for the next release.
  6. Note that the bed isn't more stable just because of wood vs metal. It's also how the bed is constructed. The old wooden bed has play in the design, causing it to change "neutral" tilt when you press it.
  7. Copy the DLL next to that programs executable, as that it where it should be. And then remove the one from windows/system32
  8. Could be (another) memory related issue. What happens if you double the layer thickness? (just for testing reasons)
  9. Do you have haskell install? (This problem happens when there is a glut32.dll in windows/system32 which isn't compattible with Cura. Haskell seems to be one of the programs that installs it there for no good reason)
  10. Actually, the Z is on 8 microsteps on the UM2. Which is a bit stupid of us (Sorry, we make mistakes). It can be changed with a jumper, but then you also need to change the steps-per-mm. And I have no idea how much noise it will reduce. The Z is much louder because it's so much mass that can vibrate there. It's the bed itself that makes most of the noise (we did some measurements) the motor itself and the casing where it's attached make much less noise compared to the bed itself.
  11. The firmware updates simply came from the community, I had little hand in those. The pause works, but it needs to wait for the buffer to be empty, during infill this can take a while. The feeder nor the hotend changed, so any extrusion priming problems you might be experiencing, I don't think they came from the heated bed upgrade. Might just be an unlucky timing for a partial nozzle block? No idea why there is an endstop in the kit... The bed comes with a significant improvement in bed stability, so you most likely never have to adjust it again, unlike the wooden bed you had before. Printing with a heated bed can be a bit tricky, I leave it to the above comments for assistance there. (I'm still a blue-tape guy myself)
  12. What happens? does the model load in the 3D area or not? Does the progress bar start or not?
  13. The Cura plugin buttons currently link to the Ultimaker wiki. However, due to the huge volume of spam found on the wiki, the plug was pulled on this server. (The spam also caused problems with our google results, which is never a good thing) I currently do not know if the data is safe, but I assume it is. However, it is currently inaccessible. And I'm not 100% sure when/if/how it will return. I got a few questions about this in mail and PM boxes, so I figured I explain it here quickly. Being all open about stuff and so. Now, I'm not sure if the wiki will remain the best place to archive and document Cura plugins. So, maybe some people here will have some ideas on that?
  14. That's the mesh-mixer method. We just got a new software engineer at Ultimaker (he simply known as Tim). And he actually knows about algorithms and stuff. So he is looking into this right now, to see if we could implement this method in Cura. Most likely months away from actual release. But, yes, support structures is finally something that is getting attention.
  15. I found the problem that is causing this, and changed it for the next version. Hope that this will improve the results.
  16. Old GCode files will work fine.
  17. I don't think Slic3r can generate "UltiGCode". Also, the M109 and S220 should be on the same line.
  18. You do need to install your own custom firmware then, not something from Cura, else you will have problems.
  19. Ah, yes, found the problem. Fixed for the next release.
  20. What kind of heated bed did you install? (missed that info on my first read, sorry)
  21. Actually, it's addressed in the test version, not the 14.09 release: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/
  22. Other possibility: Z motor driver overheating?
  23. Did you install the Ultimaker Original PLUS firmware by any chance? As that won't work (and the next Cura version will protect you from doing this)
  24. Most likely the printer is not heating up then. You can try adding a: M109 S220 To the start of the code.
  25. The runtime stats are never erased. (Unless you do special hacks)
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