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Everything posted by Daid

  1. So far the only cause that I know off is sometimes giving this problem is outdated-messed-up virus-scanners or firewalls. Do you have any of those?
  2. The fan is a 5V fan, not sure how much amps it draws, but not that much. (too much to drive it from a pin, but not so much it takes a heavy FET. A BD679 will most likely work, as that's also used for the UM1 fan. The pin currently controlled is PJ6, however, this is not routed to any of the external pins on the board you have. But I could easy add another pin to be set with this state: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/blob/master/Marlin/temperature.cpp#L508 (PJ6 is not mapped to any Arduino pin numbering, which is why I'm using registers directly)
  3. That was possible with 1 update. However, the latest version checks if the bed-position is in a valid range, and if it's not it forces the bed leveling wizard.
  4. And, the firmware change for this has already been added. (Sadly, the first prototypes of this new board had a problem with the motor drivers, so it will take a bit longer before it's rolled out). But once this new board is in new machines this feature gets activated automatically. Our electronics guy also proposed to note down a small schematic so people could wire this up themselves if they want. We still have spare pins in the board that could be used for this. (It should just be a transistor and a few resistors)
  5. Good news everyone The price of the spare parts will change. I do not know when&how. But stuff has been set in motion. Pretty new info, just got updated on this myself, and not everyone in the company knows this yet. So will take some time before it's all changed, finished, implemented and stuff like that.
  6. (Thanks to google translate I can respond. Note that we only deliver support in English. But I noticed this topic pop up in the "recent updated topics" a few times. And the UM2 initialization sequence is my work. I checked this topic to see if it was a potential software issue. However, I might know what is wrong) So. What's going wrong here. Your machine restarts, which 95% of the time indicates that the power supply shuts off. Which, so far, always has been a short-circuit somewhere. As step 12 is the heating step, it indicates a short-circuit in the heating cables. (As this is the point where this is powered for the first time) Unfortunate, in some rare cases, these heating cables have come lose during transport (something we are addressing right now in production) So, you could do 2 things: a) Contact support@ultimaker, which can repair&replace the machine. (Adds some time due to shipping) b) Take off the electronics cover at the bottom and see if the heater cables (the only white thick cables) are properly secured and not making a short) And see if you can fix it yourself. (Someone feel free to translate to french)
  7. It's no use to go beyond 0.8, as you cannot heat up the material fast enough to get the increased flow you want beyond that. (With the UM2 hotend+feeder combination)
  8. I know of the problem. But I do not know of a fix right now... (The Mac version has a few odd problems like this one)
  9. I'm more of a "if you cannot figure this out, then you most likely cannot figure out the rest of the code as well"
  10. Ah, ok, good, finally. (Just so people know. I introduced this feature over 2 years ago)
  11. https://github.com/daid/Cura2/blob/master/Cura/machine/fdmprinter.py#L144
  12. Actually, if you set the filament-diameter to 1.75 it's ok from the software side. Hardware side you'll run into a simple problem, and that is that the feeder is not designed to take 1.75mm filament. So it will not properly grab the filament. I think you could make a feeder that works for 1.75 with a few changes, and the feeder parts are printable: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker2-feeder-printable
  13. Personally. I'm not that happy with the cc-by-nc. It's a odd license, it's unclear if you actually can enforce the -nc part. (Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer) What the intention is from Ultimaker, is to prevent a copy-cat machine from a big party. I've seen a shop sell Ultimaker Original wooden parts, and we didn't do anything. There are even whole Ultimaker Original copies. Nothing was done about those, except when they used the Ultimaker trademark. People have also sold bits and pieces of the Original. There are quite a few machines that are clearly based on the Ultimaker Original drawings, but improved (or not actually improved, only changed). So nobody at Ultimaker is actually trying to enforce the NC part. So steve, you have my blessing. That's the best I can give you. As well as the knowledge that I'm seriously unhappy about the pricing situation.
  14. You don't, as you are trying to print outside of your printer range, Cura refuses to do that. It's a feature.
  15. I pretty much hate it when people say that some "needs" to be done. If I added everything that people told me that was really needed. Then Cura would have been an unwieldy beast. (Not to mention buggy, as it's difficult to implement tons of features without problems) It's also not a bug if it happens by design. And, I'm having enough focus issues as it is.
  16. That's because Cura looks specifically for an Mega2560. (Every Arduino acts differently, it's pretty much a mess on the firmware loading side from Arduino)
  17. Daid


    I normally get payed in chocolate-chip cookies. Just saying ;-)
  18. It's a secret plot to sell more heated-bed-upgrade-kits. But don't tell anyone that.
  19. Daid


    I'll try to make sure to bring some spare UM2 nozzles on the UltiEvening monday.
  20. PLA bed temperture. Initial tests had shown that 70C was optimal. However, we later discovered that those tests where flawed. The default is actually at 60C right now: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/blob/master/Marlin/UltiLCD2_menu_material.cpp#L573 As for ABS. It's just one of those things we have way less experience in. I knew some changes that had to be made, but they are certainly not dialed in perfectly. The fans are at 50% for ABS actually. I have had problems at 230C with ABS in the office. As for the temperature on screen. It's one of those "easy to use/simplicity" vs "hackers" things. But there is the hackers version of the firmware: https://github.com/norpchen/Ultimaker2Marlin/tree/master/Compiled%20Binary This adds a lot more info on the screens. Advantage of being open is that everyone can make their own version if they do not like the defaults, and are free to share that. I most certainly do not thing that "1 version will rule them all"
  21. Wait a sec. Do you have a heated bed? Because if you have a heated-bed selected, it assumes you have a 3 point leveling system instead of the 4 point leveling system.
  22. Woops, sorry, thought this was the Octoprint UM2 topic
  23. Sorry, it should be on the left, and mine is on the right. (was looking at the machine from the wrong direction) The bed-leveling-wizard in Cura should account for this and put the head a bit out of the way of the screws...
  24. Is your fan on the left or the right? (It should be on the right. I know this is easy to do wrong. As it's still on the left on my home printer)
  25. The M200 is not implemented in UM2 yet.
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