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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Running linux? I did apply a patch to the linux SD card detection a few days ago, as suggested by a linux user.
  2. It's not on loan, it was a preview model sold at NewYork. 5 UM2 machines where sold at NY. These where from the "zero series" intended for demos, they miss some minor things like a few stickers and will need a firmware update soon. They where sold at NY because people really wanted to have them, and they could not wait. It was also crazy expensive to ship them back, so double win for all of us. The UM2 is quite a step up from the kit. But as LePaul says, I do not think it's 100% care free printing yet. However, the forums and our support desk are ready and waiting to assist with any problem.
  3. There is some issue with the shop that some confirmations are not send out. I'm not part of the web-dev team, but I know they are working hard to get it fixed. As your card was charged it means the payment has been put trough. Which is a good thing, as it confirms your order and puts it in the shipping queue. You can double check if you login on the webshop if it says "payment confirmed", if not, send an email to support@ultimaker.com, they have the means to sort it out. (Also, they start shipping on the 21st. Not all news outlets seem to have copied this tiny bit of information, which is causing some confusion at customers)
  4. That would only get you brutally murdered, nobody tries to steal my cat.
  5. The support dual-extrusion checkmark is bugged in 13.06, it's fix in the 13.07 beta's or newer: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/
  6. I've build on the Marlin branch, but not found time to merge changes back yet. As Marlin has also moved on, it's going to be some work to merge changes back in. The new GCode settings also depend on the new OLED display code, which does not run on the UM-Original (as it has no OLED display)
  7. I'm not sure yet, the changes in the firmware are quite intrucive, not sure how the RepRap people will react to them...
  8. You best send off an email to support@ultimaker.com, just to be sure. Note that shipping starts on the 21st, so no need to refresh all the time till then ;-)
  9. The next release of Cura supports multiple machines. Which is available in pre-release form from http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ Should make it a lot easier to switch between different RepRaps and Ultimakers. Also, the UM2 supports having settings in the machine instead of the slicer. For example filament diameter can be on the machine, as well as printing temperature. This puts less "silly" dependencies in the slicer and makes the GCode less machine and material depended. (The UM-Original will need an firmware update for this feature) And, the next release support dropping of ini files on Cura, so you don't have to go trough the file menu.
  10. On the initial released photos of the UM2 there was an slot visible which is not part of the final machine, people where asking what the slot was for. And I joked that it was for feeding the invisible pink unicorn inside of the machine. (And the invisible pink unicorn is also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Pink_Unicorn ) Disclaimer: Any remarks made by my about Unicorns or Ponies are about totally fictional. No ponies (nor unicorns) where harmed at Ultimaker.
  11. The buildspace on the UM2 won't disappoint you. If you are expecting shipment within a week from now, then you will be disappointed. No amount of nagging will help. The 21st the first will ship, during the initial launch this date was not set in stone, but it is now. However, after this initial shipping date, I still think you'll have to wait a week due to the large amount of orders already placed, and the extra care we are putting in making sure every single machine is working properly.
  12. That's the awesome press working for you. I'm not 100% sure what the intention of WiFi "ready" was. But there is no WiFi in the machine. There is room for a RaspPi if we want to build an future upgrade based on that. And there is the Doodle3D box which has WiFi and should be available soon.
  13. I think you need to do: M140 S{print_bed_temperature} M190 S{print_bed_temperature} M104 T0 S{print_temperature} M104 T1 S{print_temperature2} M109 T0 S{print_temperature} M109 T1 S{print_temperature2}
  14. On Mac different installations of Cura seem to cause odd conflicts with each-other. This seems to have something to do with MacOS, I have no idea wtf MacOS is doing there and why it fucks up like that, but it causes random bugs that seem to dissapear if you only have 1 version installed. The "multi-language" contains a bug, if you set it to english it seems to take your system default language.
  15. Note the "On a pro rata basis." I rather not want people to have false expectations. We're taking extra care that all machines shipped are working properly before shipping them. As we will start shipping the 21st I'm not 100% sure that we can fill all orders directly on the 21st. I'm not part of shipping or sales, so I do not know the exact numbers. But I hear things in our small company. We are feeling the pressure on us, and everyone is chipping in to get everything done ASAP. So if you are sitting on the 21st refreshing your email all day for a shipping notification you might get disappointed. Just want to prevent disappointment :-) but you won't be disappointed with the machine! (Another small funny fact, when I ordered my UM-Original kit 2 years ago, the lead time from payment to shipping was 5 weeks. Right now UM-Originals are usually shipped from stock)
  16. Currently all spare-parts up for sale in the shop are UM-Original parts. They won't fit in the UM2. For Australia I would recommend at looking for a local ABS/PLA/Nylon supplier. There is a huge list of suppliers here: http://reprap.org/wiki/Printing_Material_Suppliers General 3mm filament should work (which is actually 2.85mm), but we only guarantee our own PLA/ABS. There is a difference in quality from different suppliers, which is why I recommend staying away from chinees suppliers. (We once found small balls from ball-bearings in Chinese filament. Not to mention huge varying thickness) The UM2 comes with: * The awesome Machine, fully assembled. * A roll of blue tape (can be used, but not required. Can be used to print PLA without the heated bed on) * A glue stick (printing on glass with a glue-stick does wonders for both PLA and ABS). It's also cheap and easy to replace locally when used up. * The hex-screwdriver. It could be used to take apart almost the whole machine. But the only real use case is adjusting the feeder pressure. * A cardboard box (you know, to ship it all in) with a huge Ultimaker logo on it. So you will be happy even before you unpack it! * Single roll of PLA * An 2GB SD card * An invisible pink unicorn (it improves printing quality. Really!)
  17. Note that we will be working on the heated bed for the UM1 soon. But currently we are ironing out a few minor production issues for the UM2. The UM2 release is a wild ride, and while production goes mostly smooth, there are still problems to fix to ensure everyone gets a high quality printer.
  18. We're already working towards that. Cura's new YouMagine upload does upload STL files, but if you have a dual-color model loaded it will upload an AMF file of that instead. YouMagine also converts ascii STL files to binary STL to improve compatibility with all software and decrease download size.
  19. The vertical lines look like the infill "visible" from the outside. As the material you printed with is slightly translucent. I'm working hard on getting a proper Cura out for the UM2. There was a slight miscommunication between sales and R&D, which is why the software was not 100% ready yet (we did not know they would sell 5 of them at NY). There will also be a firmware upgrade which will improve your UM2 even more. The 13.09 pre-release are recommended for UM2 right now. A new full release will be out soon, I still need to verify and fix a few minor things.
  20. The Ultimaker2 uses about 200W of power with the heated-bed enabled. Electricity costs somewhere between 10 and 20 cents per KiloWattHour (depending on where you live). So running the UM2 costs between 2 and 4 cents per hour, or between 48 and 96 cents per day. It's a fraction of the cost compared to filament cost.
  21. The thin-wall stretchlet is too thin for Cura. You should use the solid version, and set the top/bottom to 0 as well as the infill. This gives you a nice outside single line wall.
  22. Most likely it's just missing right now from the shop. The shop is brand new with the UM2 and still needs a few fixes here and there.
  23. It's 2 hours to get to Groningen from my place. And Limburg (or Limland as we call it, as we would rather split it from The Netherlands) is also 2 hours away. And that's without the usual traffic jams. You can easy spend 1.5 hour in a traffic jam and not going anywhere :-)
  24. Note, I've come to the attention that information that I'm spreading about possible future upgrades is used to contact sales&support about these possible upgrades, and requesting delivery dates for them. Which resulted in me having a less pleasant conversation here at Ultimaker about me posting stuff like pictures. Once again, everything I say does NOT, NOT, NOT mean that we'll do this for sure and that we're actively working on it. You should NOT contact sales&support on something I say. Like this UM2 prototype with cows: http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20130717_164528.small.jpg, we won't be making UM2 with custom stickers, and you cannot buy the cow version. Ever. (Unless you offer a million for it, then I would be willing to part with this prototype, maybe)
  25. There is a bug in the current Cura release which causes the first layers to be printed too fast in combination with the first layer speed. This usually happens with small objects. There is a new test version on http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/%20which%20will%20most%20lkely%20fix%20it.
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