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Everything posted by Daid

  1. http://wiki.ultimaker.com/PEEK_insulator I think this is the only published drawing right now. My TITAN OpenSCAD design contains the parts but those where modeled from taking measurements from the actual parts (before I worked at Ultimaker), not by using design specs.
  2. Did you configure Cura for dual-extrusion? (In the preferences or the first-run-wizard?)
  3. It should change the spacing, but it might be bugged, can always happen. I did not fully test all the raft settings (I'm not a fan of the raft, sorry)
  4. I recommend making a solid cube and set the top/bottom and infill to 0.
  5. Cura is currently not designed to handle the corner case single extrusion thin walls.
  6. Note, I store my PLA in an open grocery bag next to the radiator. Never had issues with it :-) I think the radiator heat keeps the moister out.
  7. Try to losen it while the hotend is hot. It's pretty difficult to disassemble a cold hotend.
  8. It should work, but after you turn the machine on, it thinks it is at 0,0 so that command won't do a thing. Try "G28", it should home then. After that "G1 F3600 X100 Y100"
  9. Are you sure you are receiving that and that it's not your software? Maybe you are not NUL terminating your strings?
  10. Add an option for the supply and calculate the price with it (some people are willing to pay 80 extra for a good known working supply), and list good supplies for people to use at different locations in the world?
  11. Most likely the bottom of the object is not totally flat, because the first layer is smaller then the 2nd.
  12. Known bug, I have a fix for it in the next version. Can you post the contents of your start-code? Maybe it's crashing the gcode reader (not totally unlikely, as there are some bugs in it)
  13. I've recently been using Spaceclaim for some modeling work: http://www.spaceclaim.com/ It's not cheap (I think a single floating license is something like 2k), but holy shit. It blows everything away. Just to explain a totally ridiculous example. I made the dual-extrusion-mounting-aid in Spaceclaim: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/dual-extrusion-mounting-aid Well, I started out in FreeCAD, but FreeCAD was giving me all kinds of problems when I tried to adjust a few things and I could not get the top "fingers" attached like I wanted. So I exported the model I had as STL. This model was all blocky, no chamfers. It did have the screw hole. In Spaceclaim, I could import this STL file. Spaceclaim detected the cylinders and with some assistant it turned those into actual cylinders. From that point on I could do anything I wanted to the model. As Spaceclaim is not feature based (like Solidworks for example) I didn't care that I did not have the origonal sketch or info. I could modify the model like I wanted. Add chamfers, move the screwhole a bit. Extend it to add the fingers. All extremely easy. This is my new favorite modeling tool. Yes it's super expensive. But I love it. See a nice demo for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44UNSrfU6As I could do all of those things to my imported STL file without problems.
  14. Odd, we did do a shitload of testing with the silver PLA. It always printed great at the UM office. (We have a scary amount of empty spools already) We do see that you need some different temperatures for each material to get the best printing quality. But this temperature also seem to depend on environment conditions like ambient temperature and humidity levels (we had quite a few issues when our ambient temperature in our testing room went over 35C this summer) The Makerfair NY will be awesome. I know the UM team will be carrying a lot of stuff with them. I won't be there (sadly), but Coen from UM-R&D will be there for all your die-hard in depth technical questions, next to the normal sales&support people. I was also very pleased to hear who from the community are joining us there! But I think all will become clearer in the next few weeks.
  15. I suddenly figured out how to do this, it's a huge patch: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/commit/ca8ab015db26d9edda66e860626f983d85f04ed4 Yay for brainwaves! Next release will feature nice aligned infills.
  16. A proper pricing is 2.3x your part price. This might sound like a lot, but it's a known working and proper formula for OpenSource products. Don't forget that you also spend time to communicate with customers and will get faulty parts that you'll have to replace.
  17. It's the "anti-Ian" feature kicking in ;-) Could you send me the model? (I'll keep it confidential) then I can take a better look at why this happens.
  18. Try saving as DAE from sketchup, Cura can also open DAE files saved from sketchup and this can result in better models then the STL exporter from sketchup.
  19. It effects the flow in 13.06.X In the beta versions I uploaded this setting has been replaced by a few new support material settings. I highly recommend checking out that latest beta if you want to play with support material.
  20. Makerware uses it's own standard of GCode and isn't compatible with the Ultimaker. You could change the start code a bit. There is a "G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock" in there, change the "E3" to "E10" and it will prime the nozzle better. You could also have an issue with your bed height causing your prints to fail at the start. Hard to say without more info then "they fail"
  21. Support material dual-extrusion is broken in the 13.06 releases, known issue, fixed for the next release hoping to be out soon.
  22. If you want to print a single line, then Cura is not the way to go. Cura works on 2D slices and on those 2D slices it works with enclosed contours. So there will always be 2 lines.
  23. I combine line segments that follow the same angle, combining short segments gives incorrect results in some cases. So I only combine stuff shorter then 10 micron. Code that does this: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/polygonOptimizer.h (All code works on microns, so if you see a 10, it's 10 micron)
  24. Odd, Cura comes packaged with a python install, and thus should not use files from C:\python27 You could try moving/uninstalling the python from C:/python27 or copy the Cura python from C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_13.06.4\python\ to the C:\python27 location. It is odd that this causes a conflict, I also have a python install and this does not cause issues. Could you try something for me? Do, "start"->"run"->"cmd" and there type "set", and post the result. It will be about 2 pages of data, and there might be something in there causing this issue. Once I know what it is I might be able to work around this in future versions.
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