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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hopelijk krijg je goed nieuws! Wij zullen ook een rapport van de Ulti-Evening schrijven en deze naderhand online zetten.
  2. That is pretty darn small! As an official rule of the contest I would like to ask you to also upload it in the print section
  3. Sounds like a good guide.. but.. what did it result into? Is there any room for play? If you ever cut the bottom of your bowden tube because you thought it was damaged or another reason that could also be the source of your problem. For example, a cut like this '/' instead of '|' leaves some room for filament to get into during printing, even if that one end is touching the PTFE coupler. (.. does this make sense to you?)
  4. Sounds like a gap between your bowden tube and PTFE coupler? When your set up is stationairy, is there any play in your bowden tube if you pull it gently? Does it move (even if it is just a mm) in your printhead?
  5. And, no avail? (btw, the slowness should be fixed Thursday) edit; and can you describe what your workflow is? Try to be precise. What happens when your print fails? Since you have Roberts feeder, after opening it up, can you manually pull out the filament if it is still hot? Can you still manually extrude by manually pushing in the filament? Is there more to it than a seemingly random grinding behaviour?
  6. It happens that I just replied to your thread! I am expecting an entry from you too @frederiekpascal.. or can you already predict you're not gonna win?
  7. ow misread your message sorry, my reseller is 100km from here... Ultimaker headquarters is a few hunderd km from where I live And I didn't even knew you could knock on their door with your UM2 to fix it? You wouldn't be the first to try But unfortunately our repair centre is not in our main office so that won't be helpful. Did any of this feedback in regard of your gcode mean anything? Did we ever see any of the teethmarks in your filament? Since the feeder, regardless of how awesome it is, is not stock Ultimaker, can we rule this out as a troublemaker? What happened with me after a while of using it, that sometimes the filament would get pushed of the bearing.
  8. We ran an unofficial contest a few months back, but that never lead to a winner or anything. A lot of people seemed to have enjoyed it, and since we have a lot of new participants I figured it was a good idea to do a re-run
  9. This could be an interesting read, look for topics called banding or here.
  10. Ok.. but don't tell @DesignMakeTeach.. (saw a pretty funny post on instagram)
  11. That is a pretty cool lion! Never saw that one before. Is it available?
  12. Here it is @Labern! This is not an official entry, it is an example. The bearing is 31mm in width, 9mm tall. .. and it moooooves! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n0oJ8tMBXI
  13. Version 1.0


    This is an example on how to upload your entry. This is not an entry to the contest. The bearing is 31mm in width. Do you want to participate in the contest and win a free special edition Olsson Block? Read more about it here!
  14. haha I knew someone would notice Hopefully, it's on my Ultimaker in the office waiting for me. And hopefully, the bottom layer did not turn into 1 solid layer this time It should be uploaded in a few hours
  15. Thank you all again for participating, we loved all your work! Hopefully you will join us again for our next contest. It just went live! Who is going to be the first? It will be a challenge again to see who has his printer dialed in best and who gets most creative with Cura. Looking forward seeing your entry, thank you!
  16. Three weeks ago we started adding a free Olsson Block set with every sold Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended. We'll continue doing this for a few weeks because we believe it is a great example of what the community contributes to Ultimaker. And the Olsson Block can definitely be a valuable addition to your Ultimaker. You guys carry a lot of knowledge, helped countless of users and continue to contribute to the Ultimaker ‘Universe’. Obviously, you deserve something for this too! So for the next few weeks we will host a 3D printing contest. This week, we'll focus again on the more refined expertise in 3D printing. Lets see who got it dialed down best! We would like to see the smallest working 5 or 6 geared bearing. You can change it in Cura all you want, but no modifying of the tolerances! A tip; experience with the first layer. When it is squeezed as usual the first layer will probably solidify and you'll have a hard time getting it to work. Every week we’ll have a new winner who wins a special edition Olsson Block set. It contains the same set of nozzles we share with our new users, but especially for you we have added the 1.0mm nozzle too, for the super fast prints! To draw you the full picture, it contains the: Olsson Block itself 0.25mm nozzle 0.4mm nozzle 0.6mm nozzle 0.8mm nozzle 1.0mm nozzle a screwdriver and socket to swap nozzles The other rules of the contest are pretty simple. RULES We know how you all love hacking and modifying, so we have only one guideline: it must be printed on an Ultimaker with a 0.4mm nozzle. Besides that.. everything goes! Print as small as possible, but it has to work! Entries must be uploaded in the Print section. (Fill out your settings if you want. The winner agrees to share his settings at the end of the week) Share the link and a picture of your upload in this thread. Add at least one picture in your upload which illustrates its size, like by adding a ruler, digital calliper or something like that. Everyone can participate in every contest, but you can only win once. There will be only 1 prize per contest EXTRA INFORMATION *We will choose a winner based on size, but aesthetics as well. Small is great, but it also has to look like a good print! We will announce each weeks winner on Monday in the corresponding thread on our forum, on our Twitter feed and Instagram! You can participate until Sunday midnight CEST. WHAT DO I NEED TO PRINT? This model is something most of us are probably familiar with. Hopefully that experience reflects in the entries! We would like to see the smallest working 5 geared bearing. Courtesy of Emmet Lalish for letting us use his model, thank you Alrighty then.. Ready? Set? Print awaaaaaay!
  17. ohhh the part I hate about these contests is selecting a winner. I love all the entries and we needed a team of 5 people to announce a winner. But.. we made it! Congratulations..... @PeggyB! We really liked how you went creative and added a fur on the Gorilla, and create a scenery with the ice. One special edition Olsson Block set coming to you! The next contest will be launched in a few hours, stay tuned!! Hopefully you will all participate again! I hate to be picky on the rules, but the rules say that the file needs to be uploaded in the print section. I noticed not all entries were uploaded this time. Please don't forget for the next contest. Thanks!
  18. Have you tried printing with (for example), a book under the left side of your Ultimaker Original? The purpose is to get some more airflow under your Ultimaker to reduce heating. When your steppers are overheating you could get some layer shifting. I don't think it is the case but it is easy to rule out. Did you make any alterations to the acceleration speed? It looks like the issue has gotten worse (or changed), looking at the pictures. Your surfaces are much smoother, but all of the sudden there is a shift in your layer.
  19. @cloakfiend, you still have some access to the Ultimaker?
  20. @Dim3nsioneer, I was hoping you couldn't resist Thanks! Last contest was about printing small, didn't require a lot of thinking I think.. this contest was a bit more about creativity. We will have similar contests of both coming up next week an week after. Because they involved the Olsson Block as a prize I didn't want to make them too long.. shorter times means more winners eh? Let me think about a banner.. we also announce the contests on social media and on one hand I think people also need to learn that they exist. Maybe in the beginning it could do with a block on the dashboard. If it gets some traction I want to continue the contests, and we could do a 2 week run for example... did anyone say coffee-mug?
  21. ohh super gaaf!! Ik heb er helaas nooit een in het echt gezien.
  22. @Dim3nsioneer, are you gonna enter as well? Show us some of that Swiss creativity.
  23. The Big Ronin?? I mean.. it is a nice idea...... .. but come on.. the Big Ronin?
  24. @Dim3nsioneer, yes I know. We are currently working in 2 week implementations so we haven't had the change to fix it. @Labern, you have it too? I thought it was only on my account.. or actually my laptop is acting up lately. Noted!
  25. what settings do you use for printing? It also looks like over extrusion. What version of Cura are you using? Thank you!
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