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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Not the very bottom IMO, because the work we do shouldn't be unnecessarily difficult / complicated. The fact we have such dedicated moderators should be cherished, not neglected. But rocks it is for now (didn't we all collect them when we were young? )
  2. The admin tools are on the list of upcoming features, but we figured the main improvements on the forum for everyone (including the moderators) to use had slight priority Lets go over the tools again in the DM to get a full scope.
  3. Well i'm not old or wise but I already need to fill up those bald areas :( but i would rather be bald then look like Donald Trump Amen! Go bald and grow a beard!
  4. Hi All, first of all if you have feedback regarding the forum in the lines of a bug or improvements, please use the dedicated forum feedback thread. It would help keep an overview and nothing will be missed, thank you About the forum and the graph. (by the way, what is it representing? Replies? Topics? Sessions? Anyway, I also see that the amount of datapoints on the right end is significantly higher, which influences the graph so I am thinking this may not be a good representation.) Anyway, good graph or not, maybe that doesn't matter. We are collecting the data ourselves as well, and I think it all depends on perspective and what you want to see / what point you want to get across. It is undeniable that launching the new forum caused a drop in activity, lets get that out there. But there is also no point in continuously asking for the old forum, because that is not going to happen. The old forum wasn't perfect either, it definitely had flaws. Which were also well addressed when it was launched. But just as with most things gone it is kinda being idolised. How we see the data; like I said there was a drop but you can also very clearly see an increase in activity too. Currently we are still a little bit behind on the old level, and our expectations are that near the end of 2015 or not far into 2016 we can be at our old level again. (not taking time into the equation). This increase tells me the forum is the exact opposite of dying. Dying would have shown an ongoing decrease in activity. This tells me instead the forum is vibrant, viable and resilient. When we launched, @peetersm, we didn't think it was the best thing ever. But we did see potential, we had a vision and together with you guys we improved it. Personally, I like to look forward and channel our energy in positive and constructive things instead of looking back at what was or could have been. Together we can contribute in the recovery and added value, and exceed any levels ever achieved. At least, if you want to..
  5. That is pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of the droopy flowers @peetersm made. Ah @Labern, one day when we grow old and wise we'll be happy to fill up those bald areas with some 3D printed hair
  6. I have read it too, very informative and many thanks for taking the efforts of writing it down. I think he means you can use a knife or some sorts and make the entry of the bowden tube wider at the feeder. If you look at your bowden tube, it is wider at the 'bottom'.
  7. Thank you for your great write up, I am sure it will be helpful for other users!
  8. With the risk of making a stupid comment before checking it IRL, but this curling usually happens while it is priming, which is at the start of a print, which is when the fans are off?
  9. Looking at your first layer, it looks like your bed could be adjusted slightly higher. As a reference I usually have a screwdriver or something that I hold between 2 or 3 fingers and slide it gently over the first layer. If the filament moves it is not good, if it sticks and doesn't come off it is right.
  10. If I am not mistaken this usually happens when there is some dirt inside your nozzle. Are you already familiar with the 'Atomic Method'? Here in the knowledgebase you can find more useful information, and this guide too. For this particular thing, I think a good ol' Atomic Method should help you!
  11. Hi @LePaul, do you also take your R2D2's to MakerFaires? I spend some time talking to someone who was in such a group I think last year. But can't remember if it was in Bay Area or NYC.. (I am thinking Bay Area). Anyway, great way to give back! I am sure kids love it. Does your R2D2 has a lot of printed parts?
  12. @Yuviten, have you tried this? Summary: tighten the short belts and make sure the end caps do not cause friction on the rods.
  13. They look good to me You could try the community print service on our forum, or 3DHubs and find an Ultimaker Extended in your area?
  14. Hi @MrTechAgent, Thank you for your post. First of all, sorry to hear that the pinched wire was overlooked during assembly. I am happy to read you managed to solve it, even though I can understand you want to have a new fan to make sure this connection will not interfere with any of your prints? Could you let me know if that has already been arranged or not? Secondly, I am sorry to hear you have not received a reply on the emails you have sent. Could you let me know when you contacted us and what you used to reach us? As you said, we have been working very hard to get our support up and running and build a good reputation. If there is anything we can improve we would be happy to hear so. Looking forward hearing from you, thank you and take care. Enjoy your Ultimaker, and curious to see what you will be making
  15. Some colours do that, same with our bronze PLA. (plus pictures seem to emphasise it too.)
  16. Hi Johnny, Welcome again I would suggest to just participate, be part of the conversation and you'll learn on the way! Make sure to share some of the things you are making in our print section and you can even receive feedback on how to potentially improve it. With the collection of prints we have there it could also functions as a source of inspiration. Enjoy your Ultimaker and the community!
  17. How do you mean wobbling? What is the speed you print at currently? If you want, we are building a new version of Cura and it is open source so you can contribute with plug ins that have such behaviour.
  18. I am guessing, not sure, that somewhere down the line the filament got loose and uncoiled itself. By putting it back on the reel it probably got tangled up. It doesn't have to happen, but it can. Good luck!
  19. Yes, I can see how these huge prints require some courage and preparation to start. It is more something for the advanced
  20. Does this happen to you frequently with a new reel you just installed or with filament you stored and use again? Depending on where you buy your filament, some manufacturers coil up the filament tidier than others which increases (or decreases) the chance of tangled up filament. What you could do is print something like this to keep your filament from untangling while it is stored. If it is really bad you could measure and cut the filament you need (keep the length (68cm) of the bowden tube in account too) but that shouldn't have to be necessary.
  21. A brim and skirt add additional lines which are wider than the part you are trying to print. A skirt could be handy but if you print a part as big as the entire plate you don't really need a brim. A brim is used to increase adhesion to the bed for smaller prints, which obviously isn't the case with your print. Taking the clips in mind I can make it into 220-205mm so this '202,5x203,7x20mm' should fit. Good luck!
  22. Maybe this thread and link will be of help
  23. @cloakfiend, the blue circle-thingy is solved again
  24. Looks like we are back on track. Let me know if you notice any more oddities. Oh, and welcome to the forum Looking forward seeing you again!
  25. Looks like we are back on track! Let me know if you still notice any oddities.
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