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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. In the final stage we are going to add the last replier too, so that will be added to the overview. So you'll not only know when the last post was made, but also by whom. Instead of view last, you could also click the pagination to go to the last page? Currently the information is categorized so most of the meta-tags and detailed info are right and global info about the thread is left. Since we yet have to make this last replier change lets see what the end result is going to be. Maybe it will remain the similar though, I think it already is pretty clear and fast.
  2. I found the topic on the old forum in the Art of printing on page 5. The fact you can't find it in google may be related to the fact the forum isn't as active anymore and doesn't pop up as high in google search anymore. M3Dical's history goes only as far back as April 17th, this specific post is created on April 4th. That is why it doesn't show up in his history. Why it is not in this forum we will look into, thanks! About your post, it is still noted but as guessed with the work we had to do it was not our highest priority, but definitely not forgotten. Thanks!
  3. Thank you!! And thank you all for supplying us with feedback and working together to get this build
  4. Hi Titus, afaik if you answer the feedback thingie once, it shouldn't bother you anymore. Unless if you go incognito, remove cookies or work on different computers every time.. Is this the case?
  5. .. sounds like a great way to spend the winter!
  6. New users can choose the name they want to, old users who's name was altered during the migration can ask me and I can put the capital back in your name @Labern, consider it done!
  7. I didn't do anything for 3 months during the holiday. I usually play volleyball but it is on a summer stop (starts again next week!) and I recently started boxing in the gym. Tomorrow will be the third class.. what a work-out! After the first class my belly (I can't say abs) hurt for 5 days!
  8. Read / Unread is coming, just a little bit more patience OP is visible in the top right corner. Is that OK? Calculation of points is scheduled for the next launch as well For last posts you could use this filter? You can even bookmark it and tweak it some more to your preference.
  9. Old albums not showing up, not being able to upload, 503 Service Unavailable errors Wanted to upload pictures, but couldnt Will look into it, my albums are showing (the ones I created before this update).
  10. That is strange, can't find it indeed. Will look into it tomorrow with the dev's!
  11. So THAT'S what's happening! Ah, it was driving me nuts. I was working on my laptop with Spotify - ....- this to me!?" and even went so far as to update drivers. It isn't happening with me, while listening to Spotify and refreshing the website. I work on Mac Yosemite. What about you @Titus?
  12. Happy to have those 2 developers available @Titus, what did you say about an error while uploading an image? It could very well been caused due to a fix for the notification bug.
  13. ..halfway there! Today is a big day, because we're going to implement a lot of new features which will improve using the forum and should make us feel like home in no time. After this we are just one step away from 'The Future', where our forum will be at its full capacity. Make sure to let us know what you think, because we are doing this together with you guys! We have quite a few improvements ready for you, which are available for you to enjoy. Keep a special eye out for: -] New forum user interface for better overview and better navigation -] New filters on the forum page that reload live and are stored for your next visit -] Customizable categories view - Choose the amount of topics you would like to see in the categories view per sub category (from lay out settings) (Note: sub categories will be sorted automatically based on the highest amount of topics per sub category) - From settings you can also choose to hide topics from certain sub categories (for example foreign languages). The result is that topics from these sub categories won't be shown in in overviews like the dashboard and the main topics view. -] Main header can be minimized when you're logged in. In your settings you can turn it back on. -] Less sub categories (3-4 max) -] Improved topic detail page - New pagination element - Printers + location in a user card - Changed the location of certain meta icons -] Search - Search now has tabs so you can quickly switch your view to site, forum, prints, people and support. - The tabs are context related, so if you use the main search button and you're at prints, it opens the tab for prints first. - A few search bugs related to users that couldn't be found in the search should be fixed. -] Improved notifications - Individual options to mark as read or delete - Mark all as read - New notification settings - Subcategory notifications are enabled - Ghost notification fixed. -] Email notifications ** - Email notifications can be found in the settings. - Hourly update will give you an update every hour. If you want to receive just 1 email per notification, choose immediate update. -] Minor things - You can tag users now with a - or _ in their usernames - There's a new breadcrumb in the main menu bar to quickly navigate to either the community dashboard or the forum page - Likes; You can now click on the number below a like heart to see who liked it. ** There is an important note though: During the last few days we continued testing the forum and we encountered 2 features which occasionally misbehave. We will fix them in the upcoming days but it is worth mentioning so you know what to expect: The subject in the e-mail notifications currently has a default line, it will be changed to a personalized line, informing you about content of the notification. Occasionally an e-mail notifications will direct you to the first post in a thread in stead of the designated reply. The preview mode in e-mail notification is not live yet. This will be activated later this week. We wanted to continue with making this update available for you anyway. There are a lot of other improvements which will make the forum a pleasure to use and we didn’t want to postpone the launch any more. Both ‘bugs’ are related to e-mail notifications, if you want to stay away from them you can disable ‘e-mail notification’ until it is fixed later this week. Enjoy these improvements!
  14. Thanks, very good point! Shouldn't be too hard to implement. Surprising it wasn't mentioned before.. Well, I guess we all like to remember those sweet words Samira sent us.. we all like to feel human every now and then
  15. Hi @FatdragonTom, make sure to also post your prints in the dedicated Print Section Great print by the way!
  16. 'I let @SandervG have my printer for a few days when he was in boston 2 weeks ago and when I got it back it was making some weird noises.. ' Lol that doesn't sound very good if you put it like that Sorry to hear it skipped a thread, someone must have lifted it wrong. I am happy to hear you were able to fix it. (@GR5 as always has been a huge help for us during Fab11!) Looking forward hearing how these tips will affect your print!
  17. what I did is 'buy' an additional fan-pack, cut the wires, re-soldered them all together (black+black - red+red) (@foehnsturm is familiar with my amazing soldering skills) and printed an additional fan shroud. Set fan-power down significantly. My first prints I literally blew the filament away from under the nozzle..
  18. Yea I heard of a different project that calculated the length of filament. Something like mozaic or something.. sounds familiar to anyone?
  19. We just launched a new timelapse, featuring some pretty cool low-poly models. They were designed especially for us and printed on the Ultimaker 2 Go. It is time to bring back some friends we all spent so much time with.. After assembling his first Ultimaker 3D printer, @Flowalistik got a real kick from printing models. Although he hadn’t designed them himself back then, he enjoyed the process of calibrating the machine and getting everything right for the perfect 3D print. He took a sense of ownership of it. Then in 2014, he was playing Pokémon and when he’d finished, he realized that he had the same feeling of ownership for the video game characters. It was this initial spark that led him to conceive his low-poly characters. Want to read the rest of his adventure? You can find it here. You can find the models here. Print 'm all! The energetic, sugar-rush like, weird and awesome video that goes along with these models can be found below. Enjoy!
  20. Cool! I think I saw the crossflow fan @Foehnsturm. Do you know if you have a similar set up? Any particular reason why you didn't go for the Ultimaker heated bed upgrade kit? I also have dual fans on my Original, makes quite a difference don't you think?
  21. That too yeah. But if they weld two ends together you probably have to apply pressure to create a bond.. I have tried this a couple of times by hand when my filament was about to run out, but I always ended up with either a weak connection that didn't make it through the feeder or a blob.. which didn't make it through the feeder either I assume this device will probably do a more precise job, but still.. Also, does it cut the filament for you? It needs to be a pretty sharp blade if it were not to leave an edge.
  22. Looks pretty cool, sounds a bit more difficult then they make it sound? Like difficulties with bonding etc, deviating diameters and printing temperatures with different materials? But if it could be working together with the 3D printing and everything is synced it could be pretty cool. Did you back it up?
  23. A wire messing with the third/back fan? But I don't see how pulling the bowden tube would stop that.. Don't overtighten the thumbscrews on the printhead, it will lead to other problems. Make sure they are secured, but don't overdo it. Well hey, at least you really get to know your machine and mechanics. You will know it inside out in no time! Knowledge is power!
  24. @tommyph1208, beautiful machine! Do you have an alternative printhead and sliderblocks? And what other mods have you installed?
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