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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi, could you upload some detailed pictures of your print, and especially where it fails? Currently I am in Boston for a show, so my response may be a little bit slower then usual, my apologies! What happens when you increase temp to 220ºC/225ºC?
  2. Congratulations! .. And Best Answer seems to work for me. ( I was assuming this was the answer that won? ) Let me check with @TheDeugd why he thinks you couldn't select it..
  3. @Zews, here is the link if you want to report your bug! Thanks!
  4. Oh nice. Do you have pic's? You could also use the Ultimaker to print chocolate (on) cookies. YUM!
  5. Thank you for your post! You could pauze your print to change the filament? Do you have an Ultimaker Original or an Ultimaker 2? An Ultimaker Original requires some more manual labor, where the Ultimaker 2 is a bit of a more automated system.
  6. Sorry, we can't move replies, only entire treads. We could delete it though, but lets all just agree on replying here instead from now on, in regard of your contest. Also, I am going to second 'Imbeingverysillium', credits to @danilius!
  7. First I thought it could be removed PLA, but it doesn't look like it is printed. Then I thought it had to do with the Olsson block too, and I recalled reading he received out of spec drilled nozzles so that was my guess too.. but I didn't know how to describe it.. and I figured my train of thought was probably to complex. But 'brass swarf'.. I think it is a pretty good call
  8. I have also wondered if you could bake an egg on a heated bed at 100ºC. It will probably be gross and inefficient.. but maybe also groundbreaking?
  9. @Nallath, does this sound familiar?
  10. Well, this is far out of my personal field of expertise so I can't really give a technical founded answer. What I do know is for this launch we had to choose between 2 big features. In this case it was read/unread or email notification. We chose the latter, and I am pretty sure if we chose read/unread I was now typing this same message but then the other way around.. Hopefully you can take comfort in the fact it is coming fairly soon, in about 1,5month time. @IRobertI, feel free to contribute if you can spare the time. Send me an email if you can/want.
  11. I would suggest to put them in your Ultimaker with your heated bed turned on, and a closed frame!
  12. After my previous reply I remembered I forgot to add this story. The entire dress is printed on a stock Ultimaker Original, and later parts were printed on the Ultimaker 2, with solely PLA Flex. You don't need to mod the machine if you don't want to, but you can. Every material requires a certain print profile, this goes for regular PLA, ABS, PLA flex, Lay wood and other materials. Our apologies if this was not clear from the start. Hopefully with the offered tips and tricks you can start printing again.
  13. I don't know if someone has already seen this device, but for all of you who still struggle to convince the Mrs's about the added value of 3D printing, here you go! https://www.youtube.com/embed/v_UEaiefYhA
  14. Well yes you could, but a few wizards that are still being used like calibration and first run wizard are not in the New Cura. Dual Extrusion isn't in the New Cura yet either. For that reason we recommend the Old Cura, but if you don't have or use those things, you would be fine hope that answers your question.
  15. Hi All, We made some improvements to the New Cura, which can be downloaded here. Some of the new features: New firmware: 15.04.2 Abort print if any move would result in printing outside the build volume. Slightly reduce motor current to reduce the chance of overheating. Pause now accounts for different models that have already been printed and will not cause a double retraction on abort. If you have an Ultimaker Original, or if you just prefer to use the Old Cura, you can download the latest firmware (15.04.2) as well, right here. Enjoy!
  16. If you haven't yet, you will be contacted by my colleague from tech support. You could ask her to notify you about the cause of your problem once she figured it out. Ok, back on topic. Who else likes to kill animals?
  17. Hi Guys, Hope you are all well! I wanted to give you an update about the upcoming improvements on our dear forum. Initially we planned on starting Beta-testing this week, but development was delayed a little bit. This means beta-testing will start in the week of August 10th, and if all goes well the improved forum will go live approx. 1 week later. This is not the full preview of what we showed you in 'The Future' though. That has been cut up in 2 launches, which we are now nearing the first of two. What you can expect, amongst others, in this launch is: Improved notifications, like the subcategories e-mail notification Improved forum design and settings (not yet the read / unread distinction, that will be in the second launch because of the required work to build it) Way better search feature Some bug fixes like the ghost notifications The second and final launch of 'the Future' will be approx. 1 month after this launch. You can expect a post about this when we are closing up to that momentum too. Looking forward to this launch, as it will push the forum forward again towards the level we all desire. Thank you for your time!
  18. @dim3nsioneer, oh the good old days @labern, 'I make sure I give them a big hug while I hang them up though so I guess that's nice. ' LOL! oh, and without going off topic; I heard we are going to replace your UM2Go
  19. I don't think I have seen that response.. but that is maybe for the better
  20. Did Davide come here for help? ..maybe I missed it during my holiday.
  21. @gr5, if I didn't know any better I would think you live at a petting zoo! 40 rabbits?? Gee.. do they come through the fence? @Labern, ..punch the skin? So you first shoot the animal, and then punch it when it is already dead? Sounds kinda like the american action movie style; shoot first; ask questions later What did you use the Wallaby skin for? Did you stuff it?
  22. Could you select the answer that helped you as Best Answer? This will help future readers to find the best solution asap, when they have a similar problem. Thank you!
  23. Depending on your printspeed, 200ºC could work, even down to 190ºC if your speed is low enough. But I could also see some other tweaks in your profile. For starters, to rule out any inconsistencies in your hardware, could you do a print with default setting in Cura? Second, I would suggest these settings: 0.06mm layer height Initial layer thickness 0.3 shell thickness 0.8 wall count 2 Bed temperature 60 Retraction default combing on print speed 50 travel 150 infill Grid, 1mm spacing enable cooling at 1mm No support. Looking forward to see the results!
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