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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thank you for continuing this thread here so we can keep focus on the other thread. My reply is mostly about Cura, I think the forum is already discussed in length (and I think we are making good progress). The reason why you may occasionally get replies like 'we'll think about ..' or 'soon..' is because it is very easy and fast for users to follow up on each other asking questions, but it is not always as easy to make choices or change things. The saying, 'easier said than done' exists for a reason Nonetheless, I think through all times we maintain our open attitude and listen to our community, you guys. And we try to follow through as much as we can. About Cura, it is an award winning slicer which has proven to be very reliable etc. But, as it evolved to be named; 'Cura Legacy' was nearing a dead end, future-wise. We had big plans but most of them could not be implemented the way it was build. For that reason it needed to be rebuild, hence The New Cura. A foundation was build and launched which is ready for the future, but as we al learned to know, it did not have all the features we were used to. Yet. We just launched an Open Beta which will contribute in the development of The New Cura. You strike a fair point on creating a better distinguishment between the 2 versions; Cura Legacy or The New Cura. Monday we will talk about this internally on what the best course would be, most likely altering the 'Which Cura version is right for you' text, with the goal to create a better expectation management. Like, adding 'work in progress' for example, or what we consider appropriate. Thank you!
  2. I didn't say nobody is responsible, but decisions are made together. Those are 2 different things. Don't want to hijack the thread, please continue with Cura 15.06.03. A new release will come shortly.
  3. We'll add that to the list of suggestions, but it won't be in the upcoming launch. When the last launch is live, we will still have a list of suggestions and we will continue with improving the forum. But probably in a different pace. Maybe we can make like a selection of what doable suggestions are and together decide on the priority in like a poll or something? Don't you think that read/unread in combination with last active posts will kinda cover that same need?
  4. Sorry but that isn't really the case. I have heard accusations about this quite a few times but for once I want to make a reply, not aiming to start a discusion but just to clarify how things are done. For one, everyone at Ultimaker knows how to use an Ultimaker, we have all had some training and experience, and especially passion for 3D printing. Otherwise you never even start. You'll see with the next Cura-release that it will be labeled as beta. So no fear there. At Ultimaker we do everything together as a team, nothing is solely up to one department, or in particular 'the marketing department'. Don't really like the sound of that either.
  5. @gr5, you probably know exactly what suppliers are great in the US. I would say Colorfabb is always a great choice.
  6. @Marrit, do you know what could be the cause of this? @Flannel, in what condition is your Ultimaker when the X+Y motor turn on? Like is it turned on, or is it even printing?
  7. Very interesting, curious to see where this is headed. Could you post your progress here @TinyRhino?
  8. Hi @H2Befjon, please select the answer which helped you most as 'Best Answer'. It could help future readers who suffer from the same issues help the solution faster. Thank you!
  9. They shouldn't break like it is a dried up branch, but rather like a fresh strand which you have to bend and rotate to make it snap. I would be surprised if this makes sense.. but I couldn't think of a better way to describe it right away Usually there is this little inside of white (which I suspect to be PHA?) which makes it tougher to break.
  10. Olsson block is certainly an interesting alternative hot end to look into. Quite a few users use it already. @swordriff, where can you get one near Italy? If your filament breaks immediately it usually is not a good sign. Imagine this behavior in the bowden tube, a lot of friction will be the result which creates under extrusion. I think the problem lies with the filament in this case.
  11. The problem is not the code, the problem is the wrong diameter filament. You need to hack/modify your Ultimaker if you want it to work with 1.72/2mm. By default it needs 3mm filament, that is what the feeder and hot end are designed for to process.
  12. Like I said, I love the idea, and I see that it's PET and ABS only at the moment. So what's the logic behind the choice of images in the article you linked to above? There is a photo of several spools of plastic with a large sign above reading "PLA" the caption below the photo says "Perpetual Plastic's recycled filament". Well @Peetersm, you strike a very good point! I actually didn't notice the PLA sign, it is a still from the movie. It must be filament they use to test with, make comparisons. Thanks for noting it, we'll replace it for a more appropriate image.
  13. Have you used different materials to determine if that is the problem? Is the filament old, or has it been in the sun for a long time, or anything else that could have made it brittle? If you bent/break the filament by hand, does it bend or does it break immediately?
  14. I assume this is not happening with fresh/new material? If this is just happening when you pull out the filament from your hot end, I think it is because there is a little bit of room between the bottom of your bowden tube and the PTFE/teflon part. If you retract the bowden tube may move a little, and when this happens while your filament is hot it may get in that little space. What you should do is loosen the 4 screws a little bit, remove the horse shoe, push down the bowden tube as far as it goes, put the horse shoe in again, push it down once more and then tighten the 4 thumbscrews again. Good luck, and let us know how it goes
  15. @Zoev89, can you give some more details on what phone you are using, and what version of android? We need that info if we want to fix this. Thanks!
  16. You mean in your notification screen? What about after @jonnybischof's suggestion, still gone?The fact that an upload can be displayed as fuzzy is a bug and we are working on it. I'll double check with my colleague about the rest.
  17. @thedeugd, can you look into this?
  18. Hi Simon, Didn't recognize your lastname, there are a few Simon's around here Glad to hear you are still sticking around! You know you can update your profile so it shows what machines you have? In all of your time with your Ultimaker, have you ever replaced your teflon/PTFE part? I don't know if that is actually the cause, but that has the tendency to start showing signs of wear after a while. How long that while is depends on what material you generally use, retractions, printtimes. So many variables.. Have you ever done the Atomic Method, in an attempt to clean your nozzle?
  19. Hi Simon, It is great that you have started with a picture, but could you also include what machine you are using and what the current settings are you are using? What material is this? Do you have a new or old Ultimaker? Looking forward hearing from you!
  20. I havent't, but if you are interested in recycled filament you could also look into these guys and their filament!
  21. Hi Neone, Please select a best answer so it can help future readers as well Thank you!
  22. Is this the case with every print, or just some? Has it always done this, or only recently? In what version of Cura did you slice it? Thank you!
  23. On youtube you should have the option to enable subtitles, right next to the settings button on the bottom right.
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