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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Well the germans are known for their well-build mechanics.. I could imagine that within 60 years a more refined lathe, or easier/lighter to use would be build, that is why I asked. But you sound pretty convincing @Labern, how do you hunt the rabbits? With a trap, so the skin doesn't get damaged or are you like a highly trained sniper? Are you making something, or do you have to many rabbits in your garden and you found a hobby in getting rid of them?
  2. Well, the presentations are in Dutch. So we would need to add subtitles. Some may got it pinned down, but I don't expect everyone to have excellent presentation skills. Then a presentation may not be the best way, a summary would be more pleasant to read. In a text you can also scroll faster to another part without missing stuff. We could use the presentation as the starting point. The plans to go international are still there. It was kinda pushed back due to a lack of time, because several other things came up. We were considering starting in Belgium and Germany. Would you be interested to see if you can contribute in this concept? It is not solely the distributor's task, but they could pitch in too.
  3. If your fan is broken, you could reach out to Makershop. If you need local technical support, I would recommend to reach out to them too. If you want to have a go at it yourself, you can roll up the black braided sleeve (shown here behind the bowden tube, but ignore the rest of the suggestions, because they are about a different topic). Underneath that sleeve are a few connectors, and your fans are the black and red cable. Is it loose? If you are unsure, please take a picture.
  4. Lol! We could start drinking white wine too. This week would even have been a lousy autumn! Well.. more reasons to stay indoors and fire up that Ultimaker! How did the 60y/o Lathe work? Why did you go with a 60 y/o one? Because you had it around or do you prefer it for some reason?
  5. 'Tanning some rabbit skin..'? What's that? I'll make sure your UM2Go will work, or you will get one that works!
  6. Thanks for your message. I will have someone from support reach out to you to fix it!
  7. Hi @greengecko & @neotko, then I think there was indeed a miscommunication, we don't have a full video so I wouldn't have kept you waiting. Following the demand we are moving towards a more detailed and documented way to share the content from the Ulti-evenings. Yesterday was the last edition with Roos Meerman whom you may know from our story. We will document her presentation, even though it has some similarities with the info shared in the story. The wow-factor of blowing up some prints live is something we unfortunately can't share over the internet
  8. Do you have a better picture that shows what went wrong? It would help isolating the problem. For starters I would also play around with the temp a little bit. What settings did you use for printing this?
  9. Hi Finyan, thank you for your post. Do you have an Ultimaker 2, or Ultimaker Original? Perhaps the connection got lose, and you don't need any new fans. Where are you located?
  10. one time I read that it could also help if you put the bowden tube in hot water, it would make the filament a bit more willing to move. Next I would use a new piece of filament, push it in from the hot end side with a pair of pliers. Good luck!
  11. @korneel, Hi! Just got back from my holidays, sorry for the late reply. Doing a lot of reading today. Your suggestions, you mean the ulti-evening theme to be about maintenance you suggested on the first page? I discussed this with my colleague Marrit, whom I usually organize the events with and we are keeping it in mind for a future edition So don't give up hope yet And here is the video of the June edition.
  12. As far as I know it is still July, but we are looking at 2 launches with improvements. One in July, one in August. By then, we should be on full speed again and we are eager to learn where we can dot the remaining i's and cross the remaining t's.
  13. Hi @labern, what is the latest update on this? Are you already back on your saddle? Let me know, maybe I can help too!
  14. Thanks! I went to Mallorca and got back yesterday. Besides getting sunburned multiple times (one time even in the shadow!), it looks like I may even got a minor tan as well! I still have some time off, but at least I have a laptop again @dim3nsioneer, after a quick browse the anarchy doesn't look that bad. Does anyone else have vacation-plans?
  15. Jammer! Maar we gaan iets nieuws proberen met het documenteren van de Ulti-evenings, dus hopelijk heb je er toch nog wat aan als je het terug kijkt/leest
  16. Hi Guys, I wanted to let you all know I am away on my holiday until July 27th. Just so you know if you tag me my response may be a bit slower then usual. I will continue to check on you all every now and then, but a little bit less frequent then usual. Hope you will all do well.. and be nice to the moderators
  17. I don't know about you guys, but here in the Netherlands we are experiencing the hottest summer since 1944. I saw a dog chasing a cat the other day and they were both walking! While we are on our siesta, we prefer our Ultimaker's to continue working reliable. But with temperatures reaching almost 40ºC the normal settings don't always work. So we wanted to share some tweaks with you guys: With this summer weather there is a possibility the driver chips on your mainboard get hot. This can cause your motor to skip steps and ruin your print. To prevent this from happening it helps to reduce the current on your motors to approximately 1100-1150. On the Ultimaker 2 family this can be done by going to Maintenance > Advanced > Motion Settings > Current x/y & Current Z. If you are printing with a lot of retractions during hot weather there is a higher chance of deforming your filament in the feeder. This will increase the friction in your bowden tube and can ruin your print. To prevent this from happening you can change "minimal extrusion before retracting" in Cura. This setting can be found under: Expert > Expert settings'. Note: Don't be too enthusiastic because it can also lead to stringing. Important to find the sweet spot. Last but not least, make sure to have a nice cool drink every once and a while, when checking on your Ultimaker Enjoy!
  18. Ha Neerlandse vrienden, Over een paar weekjes staat de volgende Ulti-Evening weer voor de deur, met een nieuw thema waar je weer iets van op kan steken. Dit maal hebben we een speciale gast uitgenodigd die je misschien al wel kent van een van onze laatste stories. Namelijk, Roos Meerman! Ze komt langs om wat over haar werk te vertellen, hoe ze op het idee is gekomen en wat er voor nodig is om zo'n installatie op te zetten. Heb je ook zin om een printje op te blazen? Kom dan vooral langs op 27 juli. Datum: 27-07-2015 Tijd: 17.00 - 22.00 Locatie: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Aankomst (Neem je Ultimaker mee) en bestel wat lekkers te eten (€10) 18.00 - 18.30 Korte introductie en een hapje eten 18.30 - 19.00 Presentatie door Roos Meerman 19.00 - 22.00 Q&A Tot de 27e!
  19. Hi Guys, The next Ulti-evening is coming up with another interactive theme, that will blow your mind! For this show we have invited our star Roos Meerman, who you might know from her story. She will explain her work, how she got the idea and what is needed to give it a try yourself. So, are you eager to blow up some 3D prints? Make sure to pay us a visit on July 27th. Date: 27-07-2015 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Location: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (bring your Ultimaker) and order food if you are hungry (€10) 18.00 - 18.30 Short introduction and food. 18.30 - 19.00 Presentation by Roos Meerman 19.00 - 22.00 Q&A See you then!
  20. Is there such a thing as to many donuts? Well, at least you didn't loose your artistic touch and sense of humor
  21. Been a while, good to hear from you again Ian! Any plans on getting back in the 3D-saddle?
  22. Thank you for your post, indeed it is spam. We are aware of the situation and are on it. I think it is important to note Daniel is not from Ultimaker HQ but an employee for our partner in the UK. His email got hacked and a couple of emails like these were send out. Precautions were taken to prevent this from continuing and happening again but it is clever to stay alert. For that reason it is clever to change your password if you have clicked the link to prevent any funny business happening to you too.
  23. Hi Landway, Sorry, what do you mean by localization?
  24. Hi @Landway, I am note sure if we are all on the same page. From my, and I think I can say our understanding, you are stuck in the leveling procedure? By rotating the knob on the front of your Ultimaker, which you also use to click next, you can move your buildplate aaaaall the way, even to a point where it touches the nozzle. I am thinking, you are missing this step, and once you rotate the knob and move the bed it will all be fine. Good luck!
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