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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. You may have read about it already, but the last few months we have been working on a new version of Cura. It has been completely reengineered from the ground up using the Uranium framework, for an even more seamless integration between hardware, software and materials. It's free for everyone to enjoy. In the New Cura, not all of the old features have been incorporated. Do you want to read more about it or find out which Cura version is best for you? Continue reading this blog Want to jump ahead and download the new Cura right away? Click here! If so, you may want to look into the manual as well, you can find that right here. Enjoy!
  2. Hi @Titus, 1 new version has been uploaded that should fix the problem some users encountered on windows, it is 15.06.01. 12.11 was a human mistake, where the upload date was set at 2015, instead of 2012, where it originates from. That has been corrected. Everything is ok What is up with the facebook post?
  3. That is a good idea, thanks! Could we agree this would serve the same purpose and functionality?
  4. How often do you download Cura that it keeps getting you frustrated? It has a better place under product, it belongs there. Hopefully you get used to it soon
  5. Isn't it more interesting to know what a certain users says in regard to a certain topic then just the fact a comment was made? Just trying to figure out what the desire is so we can respond with the best possible solution. From my perspective, I care more about what is being said then by whom. And if I care about a certain users activity in a topic, for example the magnetic toolhead changer, I follow that thread and I will get a notification if he/she or another users posts something. I think I personally wouldn't use that feature, doesn't mean it is not a good idea of course. What I am after is well.. what I said earlier: 'what the desire is so we can respond with the best possible solution.'
  6. It hasn't been mentioned yet, thanks. Usually interesting community members are also very active community members. This would result in a lotttt of notifications, don't you think? For example, we are also going to expand a users post history. Currently it is just the page, we will open up the entire history so you can look into someones posts. Would that serve your need to? Or how would you implement such a feature otherwise?
  7. In order to take away any miscommunications; an open beta test was not skipped. In fact, there was an open beta-version available on a dedicated link where people were directed to when shown interest to test. This finished together with the closed beta group, and together we moved towards an official launch. Hopefully this takes away any confusion.
  8. You are right, there is no reason to rush it and we didn't. What makes you think so? For the beta-team there is just an additional step needed right now (removing the Beta-version). There is a blog on our homepage that gives a release note and suggests for some users to continue using the old Cura. This will also be linked to the download-page.
  9. About the captcha, we had the suspicion yes. Hopefully you are not too inconvenienced About the notification, wasn't this always the case that it was developed by a uncertified developer?.. or whatever the official term is? We are also uploading the old versions for those users who want to look into them. Keeping our archives up to date. You shouldn't receive a notification about that, we will stop doing so until the notification is turned off
  10. Hi @jens, thank you for your elaborated feedback and taking the time to write us. In the other thread there is very often referred to our old forum, as not being perfect but functional and serving the needs, so we used that as an inspiration on some levels, together with other forums online and our conversations with our community members. What you say about looking and clicking left/right is similar to the old forum, which apparently seemed to work back then. Also, the amount of threads you see has even increased compared to the old forum. Personally I consider that as an improvement. There is a balance to find between cropping everything close to each other, and making it pleasant to read and I think we found a good balance now. Why would you want to see more then 20 threads before scrolling, if that would make the overview cluttered? 20 is a good start I think. Having different theme's could be something to look into, I'll write that down. But don't expect to see this in our upcoming 2 launches. I am not entirely sure what you mean by 'The page flipping thing below the start posting'? Do you mean the pagination? Why it is on top of the page too? In our research we found that, especially when you have already read a thread and you are looking for a certain post or page, you often don't want always want to scroll all the way to the bottom before you can navigate back and forth. Sometimes you already recognize a page by the first post. .. is this what you meant? 'For now, this place only slightly knocks on that door. Could we leave it that?' So.. this is a good thing then? Thanks again for sharing your feedback, have a great day!
  11. http://3dprint.com/77765/new-cura-release/ What did we do this time? Obviously we wouldn't release it unless we got 'the green light' that it is ready to go. Maybe @Nallath's estimation was a bit off.
  12. ohh, yes. Now I get it. What @didierklein said
  13. Hi @Patrick181, if I am not mistaken it is a combination between a firmware upgrade but also a change in the electronics.
  14. Thank you for your detailed reply and taking the time to write it. Who is it you seem to miss? I can understand your motivation to think we didn't listen by implementing a new forum, but there were a few reasons why we had to. For example, it is part of a community platform which is now designed for growth, where our old forum was just that.. the forum. Also, it was hosted outside of our website so that was very inconvenient too. You are very right that it wasn't good to take it offline for a week. The intention was to do it 'just' 2 days, but that got, unforseeingly, delayed. (is that a word?..) But before we did, we hosted a thread on the old forum to find out what our users did and especially did not want to see happen. We took that at heart, but all that feedback was just a fragment of the entire picture. We launched the forum and found out it did not met our users expectations. From that moment on we gathered more feedback and went out of our ways to meet and talk to our dedicated users, you being one of them. We collected all the feedback and divided our findings in 3 parts. The first part, which you acknowledged improved some things was the beginning, next month will be the next launch, part 2. I was hoping that by doing so, we would at least show our good intentions and our attitude to listen and implement your wishes. Our focus is definitely not solely on new users, however we also can not deny that new users generally need more help getting in the saddle. But we highly value our advanced users too, without a doubt they are a huge part of our company. If you can tell me how you think we could give them the desired tools to work with, please let me know! Maybe it is just reaching out to them, in that case, let me know who you are missing. Looking forward hearing from you, and thank you for being one of the advanced users who is still hanging on
  15. Very very awesome!! Do you also ever paint your models?
  16. Yes, but you are also openly experimenting with Aceton @Jens, how does the handle feel in your hand? Is it strong enough to apply force while using the blade?
  17. Hi @Sroho, thank you for your post and I am happy to read you are looking into the Ultimaker. Alternatively to your offer, have you considered ordering a model here, you can also post your request here? Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!
  18. Yes it is, we changed it a little while back to prevent the fan to be on for no reason. It is now only on when the machine is in use. Good luck with both of your Ultimakers!
  19. Hi Landway, what are you trying to print? It could be that you are trying to print a file which is sliced/prepared for the Ultimaker Original. Make sure that whatever you are printing is sliced in Cura for your machine. Change the settings by going to Machine and choose the Ultimaker 2 Go. Let me know if that solved your problem,
  20. ohh, in that case yes, it may look like you are lifting the nozzle. Looking forward seeing the pictures!
  21. Depending on where it is stuck, if it is on the edge of a PTFE coupler you could use a screwdriver through the front to push it into the right direction. Have you tried straightening the tube before you put it in? Did you remove the horse shoe and pushed down on the white clamp before you pulled out the bowden tube? The bowden tube should be fully detached from the nozzle. So you should not lift be able to move it with the bowden tube.
  22. Hi Neo-ninja, What kind of Ultimaker do you own? Could you post some pictures of the filament? Maybe you are pulling it out while it is slightly too hot, if you are stretching it. Hard to tell based on a description, pictures are always better! You could try to wiggle the bowden tube in, or use a screwdriver or tweezers to push it in the teflon PTFE coupler. Did you remove the horse shoe and pushed down on the white clamp before you pulled out the bowden tube?
  23. Hi anders-olsson , good to hear from you again. There is absolutely no problem with being honest, that is what we appreciate most! Not sure where you get the post-rate from that we are currently stuck at 30 posts per day? If it is based on the community page; it switched to stacking the replied per thread. So one block may represent 1 or 10 replies. But it shows now a higher variety of active threads. Like @Titus says, we are preparing some new improvements. With beta testing they should see the light of day around the end of July. Beta-testing should start around 20th of July. Most of the previous beta-testers, who did an excellent job, wanted to help with our next launch too. There has been an increase in activity from our previous improvement, and we foresee more increase with our upcoming launches. @Tinkergnome, on the old forum their was a thread about plans on making a new forum, we discussed some features like gamification, maybe you remember. Obviously, we expected it to be received differently, but I hope you can tell we put in serious efforts to meet your expectations. We had personal conversations with several community members to go through the improvements. The first were implemented a few weeks ago, the second will be shown near the end of July and the third (final) a few weeks later. If you want to get a better feel of where we are heading, please read this post. If you feel like we are missing something, make sure to reply there so we can look into your suggestion. We all have the same goal here, is making this forum the best home for you guys. So make sure to share your thoughts so you can also contribute. Thanks! @Jens, thank you for your input. This is the direction we are heading. Let me know what you think!
  24. Based on the pictures it is hard to tell what the condition is from your nozzle. In most events you should be able to clean it, whether by an atomic pull or something else but in case this doesn't work a new nozzle may be the only other thing I can see which shows 'some signs of wear', to put it nicely
  25. Een hamer is misschien niet zo gracieus, maar wel effectief. Afhankelijk van het model kan ik dit aan/af-raden. Is je print net klaar of al wel eventjes? Het bed af laten koelen is sowieso aan te raden. Soms 'plopt' hij dan zelfs los. Een plamuurmes wat je er ondersteekt en het daarmee los wipt werkt voor mij ook altijd goed. (gebruik ik vaker dan een hamer.) En inderdaad, feilloze print!!
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