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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I don't find it hard. Not one bit. I love that people do that. It keeps us on edge and will improve the total level of technology. If you look at being sustainable, I don't believe you can get quite as cheap as what UM does. Especially not if you still want to invest in R&D (which is expensive). Despite it not being quite visible, we have a lot of R&D going on.
  2. There are 'dumb' users. With dumb users, it's generally meant that there are people who do not understand the paradigm of a piece of software (which doesn't make them stupid, they just dont have the knowledge / mindset). This means that you must keep your software simple. That's why there is so much protection in the software. If you compare our 'protection' mechanisms with say, makerbot, you can see that we have very little. We only warn people if they are about to do something 'stupid' but in most cases still let them do it. Pink Unicorn will support more advanced plugins. Like, way, way more advanced plugins. This will make it a lot easier to contribute code, without forcing us to spend more time on maintaining it. Think of it a bit more like the elder scrolls games; Its the modding that makes it awesome (even though there are pretty crappy & unstable mods out there!)
  3. Well, it was so hard, as adding it means maintaining it. And that takes enough time as it is already. Every 'new' feature takes away implementation time of future features, so at that point it's a simple; Is this feature cool enough.
  4. I don't know much about it. Just that polyurethane is nasty stuff. We've started paying a lot more attention to safety on the materials end. I believe it's only the ninjaflex that is the problem. From what little I understand is that the problem occurs with high temperatures and is greatly increased if you burn the material.
  5. None. The visualisation keeps on working. I don't even get a hickup.
  6. Could you pretty please stop making snide remarks. If you don't like it, you can say it. But there is really no reason to insult either me, daid or any of the software engineers that work on Cura.
  7. The visualization also works for me. Same for 0.1 mm. So you're telling me that I don't use the software or is this miscommunication?
  8. I just did. The GUI does not freeze up on my computer. I don't have that impressive hardware (macbook air). Seems like gr5 is right, you have a bug.
  9. One of the chemists at UM told me this.
  10. Be very, very carefull with ninjaflex! It's poisonous at high degrees! Ninjaflex contains polyurethane, which can form hydrogen cyanide.
  11. Sigh, the main point is that where if you actually bought a UM, you might have some moral ' higher ground' in demanding functionality (as you know, ultimaker pays software engineers to develop cura). It's your own choice to build it, but it's not 'our' problem to cater everyone’s whim. Especially not if you don't buy the products. And the calculation of the bounding box can take very long, especially with big objects. Python is not very good at long lists, specially not when it needs to loop through every single one of them to compute the bounding box. The slicing might make it a bit slower, but not very much. I personally don't find the checkbox very logical. I think the automated process is logical, as it's something that needs to be done. This is the same as the rendering. Adding a checkbox that ensures that the 3D view isn't rendered every time will also speed up the process (and we also don't do that ).
  12. It depends what superglue you use and how hard you press the items together when they are still drying.
  13. Het is een gigantisch moeilijk probleem om een 'perfecte' orientatie voor een model te vinden (voor een computer that is). Zelfde is ook waar voor support en voor het object in onderdelen ophakken. Al die problemen zijn in de academische computer science wereld nog zgn 'open' problemen (er zijn wel oplossingen die soort van werken, maar niet echt goed omdat ze niet altijd werken, moeilijk te implementeren zijn of een supercomputer aan rekenkracht nodig hebben). Ga er niet van uit dat die problemen de komende 5 jaar echt opgelost worden.
  14. Besides, it not the slicing that causes the problem, its the GUI that calculates the bounding box. So removing the auto slicing will most likely not even speed up the process in the first place. Correlation does not imply causation!
  15. I'm very suprised what causes this, as I've never had problems with it freezing up because of the slicing. It shouldn't happen as the slicing process is done at the lowest priority setting. Your operating system should therefore (by definition) try to do it as fast as possible without jamming up other processes. This software was actually made for the developer. Funny story that But if you disagree, send an email to UM support. Might be that if there are a few hundred people that agree with your opinon that management will decide that this is a usefull feature. The other option would be to change the current version of Cura so that this no longer automatically happens and use that (yay for open source! ) ** edit** ugh, Daid got the answer before me...
  16. So what is the solution then? And how do you know it's simple to implement? That already implies that you know software engineering, which also means there is little stopping you from implementing it
  17. It probably won't be in the first release of pink unicorn Cura.
  18. This pretty much indicates that we could use an intern that knows stuff about large data sets and how to extract information / patterns from it.
  19. ABS isn't that bad. I've looked up the safety charts. The problem is styrene, which can irritate your throat. The only way that concentrations would get high enough is if you print in a very small room with no fresh air coming in.
  20. Yeah, both ends are angled. I have no idea how it's done, this is one of the things we don't do ourselves.
  21. De melding wegklikken kan gevaarlijk zijn. Het kan voorkomen dat de temperatuur sensor niet goed vast zit, waardoor ie door blijft stoken. Vandaar dat de machine weigert om heated bed aan te zetten bij een temp sensor error. Zelfs al heeft ie maar heel even een storing, kapt ie er gelijk mee. Vervelend voor de false negative, maar we vonden de veiligheid belangrijker. Als je dit weg wil hebben moet je zelf de firmware aanpassen (op eigen risico dus)
  22. Door de juiste hoogte in te stellen. Stel je laaghoogte is 0.1 en je wil na 40 lagen stoppen, dan laat je hem dus op 4.2 cm stoppen (0.3 inital layer thickness + 39 * 0.1).
  23. You can use prontoface to send the .gcode file to your printer.
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