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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I don't think it matters that much what lube you use. You might want to check if it corrodes the axis before fully applying it.
  2. Omdat die waarde niet perse iets zegt over wat mogelijk is. Als alles goed gaat, print vooral op die snelheid. Mijn punt is vooral dat het niet alleen de 50 mm/s is die bepaald of iets lukt. Bij dikkere lagen gaat het je waarschijnlijk niet lukken om op een um2 op 100 mm/s te printen.
  3. We're getting those. For a lot of them we have them, but a new supplier means testing the part to see if it's according to spec. Which puts a big workload on other parts of the company. I'm getting kinda depressed about the assumption that people make that this is a simple problem to fix. If it were that simple, we would have fixed it a long time ago (or we are incompetent, but yeah, then you shouldn't buy our products in the first place ).
  4. Re-soldering shouldn't prove to be that hard. But you are right. We totally did not think about wheel chair users when designing this. Kinda feel stupid now. I'll pesker the hardware people next time to at least take it into account.
  5. I have no idea what he meant with that post. Did he mean when it will start shipping? When sales will start answering questions about it? Or maybe he did want an machine that accept tickes. Who knows. I won't blame anyone for a poor grasp of a non native language, but sometimes its just unreadable (and I've got a weird sense of humor i guess...).
  6. Ultimaker contact info Need support? Or want to contact Ultimaker's front desk? Pick a phone number and we'll be in touch. Front desk: +31 345 712017 Copy pasta-ed it from the contact / support page.
  7. Die 50mm/s is verradelijk, omdat het de snelheid van de kop in x-y richting is. De printer kan naast een bepaalde X-Y snelheid (Ik heb dat ding wel eens opgevoerd tot 300 mm/s, dat laat em flink schudden, je printjes zijn lelijk, maar het gaat vaak nog wel. Soort van) ook een bepaalde doorvoer van materiaal aan. Die doorvoer is weer afhankelijk van de layer thickness en de snelheid in x-y richting. Daarnaast is het ook per materiaal verschillend. Qua doorvoer in mm3 van fillament kan de umo een stuk meer hebben dan de um2, vanwege de grotere overbrenging.
  8. At those speeds? You're probably better of with an UMO+
  9. Ultimaker 2 extended won't accept tickets
  10. I don't know the exact point where it starts to fail, but it's fairly noticable; you will see missing steps.
  11. We do use some weird graphical card trickery in order to select objects with the current Cura. Could be that a very specific setup might cause problems.
  12. This probably won't cause a problem. Unless your ambient temperature is very high (like... 30 degrees and high humidity hot)
  13. The new Cura has a new graphical backend (oh yeah, we went inception there. Backends upon backends), which supports plugins. You can write plugins for anything, including input devices. Hell, someone could even write leap motion support or kinect if they feel like it.
  14. The poisson surface reconstruction will, by definition produce a watertight model without overlapping faces. This is implemented in most scanner software packages, including meshlab. If you don't like the 'orange skin' of the result, you can always apply a lambartian smoothing, as it preserves edges quite well.
  15. Building a linux system? Its a simple matter of downloading an .iso from a site and installing it. I've never built my own linux system
  16. Cura engine on windows is still 32 bits because of one library that isnt ported properly. Mac & linux are 64 bit (and should give less problems)
  17. The cooling of the UMO is only needed because of the stepper drivers. They got too hot, which caused missing steps. The stepper drivers of the UM2 electronics don't get as hot (don't ask me why), so they remain well within their operating specs without cooling.
  18. http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~mcs112609/Meshlab%20Tutorial.pdf
  19. My french is quite bad, but i could understand enough of it to try and and help you. You could also try meshlab. This has quite a few filters to improve the quality of meshes. Most notably the poisson solver; this should guarentee watertight meshes. I've tried it with an octree depth of 8 and a solver divide of 8, which gives pretty decent results. If you want to print this, you can use cura to 'sink' it into the platform (so the bottom is flat)
  20. The main problem with these designs is that we are already stretched to the point of breaking, so we just don't have time to properly test things that people provice us. Wich sucks. It sucks a lot. Don't confuse the 'were not going to do something with it' response with apathy. Its definately not that. I do hope we start some sort of shop soon where people can offer their experimental products. That would solve a lot of problems i guess.
  21. If we want to show what the machine can do, we often flip it while its printing. That does affect it a bit, but not a whole lot.
  22. Try the new (quick) profiles that we've included in cura. Paul made those for us and he's pretty much the king of awesome prints.
  23. Ultimaker will always let you print whatever you feed it. You might need to add some settings by yourself though. We do not believe in locking our stuff. Thats what makes ultimaker what we are. We do try to ensure that the stuff we build plays well together, but if you need another piece of hardware / software / magical garden gnome, no hard feelings. We like people that tinker. Especially if they share awesome results.
  24. And / or a glue issue. I know that some of the brands don't stick well, which caused problems with some users.
  25. I understand that they want it, but there is no right solution for this. Sometimes you just have to accept this. Sites such as amazon also have this problem, but I don't believe they have a solution for this. So basicly, they shouldn't write those raports or in the very least don't put any conclusions with it.
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