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Everything posted by nallath

  1. ABS warpt zowiezo veel, veel meer. Je kan overigens ook nog blauwe tape gebruiken, dan zit het helemaal goed vast.
  2. Er is geen kant en klare oplossing voor ieder type heated bed, omdat ze allemaal anders zijn (en dus andere settings / electronica / etc nodig hebben). Zie dit een beetje als zelf de motor van je auto modificeren; het kan wel, maar verwacht niet dat je zonder expertise dit snel / makkelijk / goedkoop voor elkaar krijgt.
  3. It isn't acceptable, I'm merely pointing out that no (paid) support will give you as much information about anything (especially not in that timeframe) as our forum does. Thats why the community rocks.
  4. The line support of Cura. Seriously. We did tests with every support generator we could find and (much to our own suprise), the (line) support from Cura gave the best results. It's not the easiest to remove (as in, you won't break an entire block off, but it isnt hard to remove it) and it gives nicer surface results.
  5. You have to use an external partner because of the whole legion of payment options. Implementing these by your self will cost you 50-75k + euros. Easily.
  6. There are parties 'in between' here. That's the main problem. If every party uses a 2 week policy, you're on the 4 weeks easily. The point isn't that it's hard to fix a single issue. The point is that there never is a single issue of anything. If we would sell 10 printers a week, you could do all of it freakisly fast. But if you sell hundreds, its a whole other matter. So comparing your speed (as a one person company) with a larger company is unfair.
  7. The moderators are just like you, people from the community (that just happen to be very active). If there is any technical problem, you're best off asking questions on the forum or the chat.
  8. So basicly, you've been eating yourself up about the lack of support, when there has been the greatest place for support (eg; 1 detailed answer within 2,5 hours and several more within a day) all along. This is why the UM forums are so amazing. I would love to have more technical stuff to add, but gr5 beat me to it
  9. When i read the topic name I thought; Well of course Cura isn't printing holes. Holes tend to be formed by a lack of material
  10. Cura used to have the prontoface interface, but due to architecture reasons it was removed. Daid can probably give a better explanation as to why it was removed.
  11. I call bullshit on the scanning part. There is no way in hell that with a single moving stripe, projected by a beamer with that amount of light production to get those kind of quality of scans. Let alone without noise and a full 3D model (as suggested by the video).
  12. Check the code on github. If you're somewhat proficient with Python (or any coding language for that matter), it should be pretty self explanatory. If you're not proficient with coding, no amount of pointers from our end will help you
  13. Teflon. I'm not sure if we switched those to glass filled teflon. If not, we're probably going to do that in the future.
  14. Automatic detection is possible, but its hard to get right. You don't want any false positives or false negatives.
  15. If meshlab crashes every time, it might be because it crashes if some data is included in the pointcloud. Try opening it with cloudcompare, save it with it (this removes some of the data) and open it again with meshlab.
  16. It's not 'just' a stereoscopic camera. It combines the data gained by stereoscopic matching with the data from photometric stereo (which uses light sources from different points to estimate the orientation of a surface). In that regard, it is a scanner as every single 3D scanner needs to take multiple 'images' in order to get a full 3D model. Meshlab should be able to do the stitching manually, but it is a rather fickle program and crashes a lot. A reasonable alternative is CloudCompare.
  17. Wouldn't solder paste (like the stuff you use for SMD) work better?
  18. Because a BSP tree drastically reduces the cost of intersecting lines with lines, which is pretty much the basis of the slicing. But same as with multi-threading, it could quite well be that making the bsp tree costs more then it actually saves.
  19. I think so. This would mean that you use a thickness of 2x your nozzle (In the case of an UM 2x 0.4)
  20. We're not makerbot. Your warranty is not voided if you put different material in it (at least, as far as I know it).
  21. Or you can send them to j.vankessel@ultimaker.com. But I think that more people here are interested in the models, so you might want to upload them somewhere for everyone to see.
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