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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Maybe service is just expensive and that is why chinese printers are so cheap. Just something to consider 😉 Anyhow, I also need my house to be painted. Why haven't you done so already!? I don't want to pay an actual painter to do it, because it's really expensive! All joking aside; You can just post issues on github. We will have a look at it. We can't guarantee that we will be able to fix it, because we always get more issues than we can handle. In some cases we simply can't reproduce the issue, which also makes it really hard for us to fix it (since we then don't even know where to start and if the changes we made had any influence!)
  2. You are either running it in forced compatibility mode or your video drivers are not up to date.
  3. The printer definition can set what file format it supports / prefers. It's not something that is changeable in the interface.
  4. How would cura know that the filament ran out? This seems like something the machine itself needs to handle. If it detects that the filament ran out it should pause the print and keep the bed heated.
  5. You could try to set the line width a bit lower. Alternatively you can also increase the thickness of the walls in a 3D modeling tool
  6. If you can figure out how that proxy is configured (or why this is blocked) that would be great. It would enable us to duplicate the setup and find a fix for everyone
  7. Could you also post the logs that you have with the github issue that was linked?
  8. Slicing with a nozzle that is thicker than the walls is always a tricky thing. If the difference is too much, even the print thin walls won't be able to compensate. I'd suggest printing this with a 0.4 nozzle, at which point the holes are no longer there.
  9. It's probably because the walls are too thin. Could you share a project file? That way it's easier for us to see what you are doing.
  10. Please report this issue on github. The forum isn't really great to keep track of issues.
  11. It's a known issue that Cura is super slow to start if the X drive is used (if i recall correctly). Since that doesn't happen often it never got priority to get fixed.
  12. As far as I know, the current algorithm doesn't have a way to prefer a certain direction. So to build that, some very large refactoring would be needed. Since it's not something that Ultimaker printers suffer from, I don't think that we will put any time in that. If someone does decide to implement this, we would be more than happy to have a look at pull requests.
  13. It's fine to put it in there (in the sense that Cura doesn't stop you from doing it). But Cura also doesn't have any actual profiles for PLA + BB 0.4 Cura will try to warn you (but maybe not enough). See the screenshot below. The material will become orange and the profile switches to "not supported"
  14. Ah. I think I know what's going on. You probably have a BB0.4 nozzle with not PVA in it.
  15. They have made some modifications to Cura in order to support the IDEX system. They have done this in a rather hackish way, so this was never back ported to Ultimaker Cura. It should be possible to create your own files to add to their version of Cura. I do know you need an older version of the files that UM Cura uses, since their versions is pretty outdated (I think they based it off Cura 3.2)
  16. Maybe you should contact them? I don't think that there are a lot of people here that know the ins and outs of that system.
  17. Please report issues on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues Also, are you using the appimage?
  18. Please post logfiles / project files. There could be all kinds of things that are going wrong (and for most of them we need both of those files to debug it)
  19. It's still disabled because it's not done yet.
  20. Having a way to sideload code is against apple policy. So we would have to remove the marketplace and any option to load plugins. It's possible, but it's yet another thing we would have to do. Anyhow, it's just not really interesting for us. Sure it would help a number of people, but considering the huge development costs it would take to do it, it's just not worth it.
  21. It posts them in the logs. There is also a plugin that uploads the flattend profiles.
  22. That's the thing with complex systems; It makes total sense why something is happening when you know it's going on, but it's not always easy to predict how something wil behave. In this specific case, it would mark something as dirty if you changed anything else. We simply didn't test the exact scenario of renaming a printer, make no other changes, close down cura, and then check if that was stored. We did have tests to change the name, but to speed things up a bit, it also changed other things. Once it was reported, it was easy enough to fix. Unfortunately not a whole lot people use the beta, so it's quite often that issues like this slip through.
  23. Oh wait. I understand the confusion. He was looking in the cache. Those are binary files, but they are generated based on json files.
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