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Everything posted by nallath

  1. If it's an extruder one it has the "position" metadata. This is also what Cura uses internally (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/69dc54b76334dfe2d08c8f68bcc321a46a3e8800/cura/Settings/CuraContainerRegistry.py#L734-L753) to check if a profile is a global one or an extruder profile
  2. Are you using a 1.75 mm filament printer? If so, there are no 1.75mm filaments in the marketplace.
  3. You can remove the keys from the preferences by hand if you want to.
  4. I don't see anything that really pops up from the logs. Could you create an issue on github and also share your configuration folder?
  5. Could you share the log files? I think it might have something to do with rights.
  6. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings
  7. In the case of layer_height, which is a global setting, you need to do it like this: Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getProperty("layer_height", "value")
  8. There are too many things that could cause this. Some machines have a lot of issues with the network/octoprint plugin, but we still haven't been able to find out why. We've also gotten reports of slowdowns for other people, but without more information, there is little we can do.
  9. I think one of @ahoeben's plugins also adds an extra setting to the setting list. I'm not sure what trick he uses for that.
  10. I've explained what is going on in another topic: https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/34828-cura-48-and-macos-big-sur —-unable-to-show-preview/?do=findComment&comment=276588
  11. The lack of a playback button is caused by Cura reverting to legacy openGL mode. This is either done because a preference forces it back to legacy mode (this is done from within cura, check preferences) or because your drivers tell Cura that opengl 4.1 isn't supported.
  12. Please report issues on github and fill out the bug template.
  13. For the nex time; please provide logs. Just stating that something doesn't work isn't enough for us to debug it.
  14. Because STL doesn't have units to load. 3mf does have it, so if you use that it should work.
  15. You only need to run: chmod +x Ultimaker_Cura-4.7.1.AppImage The +x is for setting it as executable. Alternatively, you can also press right mouse on the file, go to properties. In that menu there should be a checkbox that states something like "Allow executing file as program"
  16. If it's 2.85 mm it should work. But "it works" isn't quite the same as "it works well". Different material manufacturers use different blends of material. So in order to get the same (or comparable) results, you often have to tweak settings in Cura to get there. This is also why we have the whole material marketplace (as well as the bundled Ultimaker materials); Those materials have been tested / validated by us to work correctly. I can't say if the material from McMaster carr work well. You could try and see if the default settings of Cura work if you're feeling adventurous.
  17. It is something that I've been pushing for for some time now. I want a shortcut manager in Cura (so plugins can register an action + preferred shortcut). That way we can also handle conflicts / user configuration.
  18. Als je een UMO+ hebt zou ik persoonlijk niet upgraden naar een UM2+. Het mogelijke voordeel wat je er uit haalt weegt niet echt op tegen de kosten. De UMO+ is en blijft een uitstekende printer!
  19. Yes it does. It warns you that you will also lose your profiles. We recently changed it so that it made this more clear. You can also use the backup plugin. That's what it is for.
  20. This isn't enough information for us to help you with. Please report the issue on github and fill in the bug template.
  21. That's because the walls are too thin. The walls of the honeycomb are just soo thin that the machine can't print them anymore. You could try to enable "print thin walls"
  22. Please don't post bugs / issues here. Post them on github instead: https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues/
  23. You will need to provide a little bit more information than you did. For instance, a project file would already help us a lot.
  24. Not if it's posted here. It's fine to discuss certain features, but we don't use the forum to keep track of feature requests. If you want to post a feature request, you can do so on github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues)
  25. Er zijn best flinke verschillen. Ik denk niet dat het aanpassen van een UMO+ naar een UM2 de moeite is (zeker omdat er een goede reden is dat we de UM2+ uitgebracht hebben). Maar zelfs als je de UMO+ met de UM2+ vergelijkt zijn er nog best wel wat belangrijke verschillen: 1. Andere electronica (wat ook afhankelijk is of je een UMO geupgrade hebt naar een plus of een UMO+ hebt) 2. Ander hotend design (UMO heeft ene veel langer smeltkanaal. Dat is goed voor sneller printen, minder goed voor retracties / kleinere printjes) 3. ANdere feeder (UMO heeft een overbrenging dus kan veel meer kracht zetten. Nadeel is weer dat het dus minder snel reageert, wat ook weer effect heeft op retractions)
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