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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It could be this issue: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8321
  2. The crash bug should be fixed in 4.7.0 There is also an online backup built into cura (you can find it under extensions)
  3. This is our bad (bed, heehehe get it?). We switched all the build plates to 3mf to make it the cura image smaller, but we didn't save this one correctly. It has been fixed for 4.7.1, which should be out anytime now.
  4. I wish we'd known this when releasing 4.7... Unfortunately we didn't, since apparantly no-one with octolapse tested the beta. But no worries, a patch is underway.
  5. You know i'm not supposed to talk about it. But it is nice to make a product where "it sucks" is a feature!
  6. Rumours you can start yourself 😉 Anyhow, there haven't been any official statements or teasers so far. This doens't mean that it wont happen of course...
  7. Well, the materials on the marketplace are all 2.85mm material. So if you have a 1.75 mm printer selected, those materials are not visible.
  8. The original behavior was never intended. But you're not the first to ask for this, so a change has been made for 4.8
  9. Those disallowed areas can't easily be changed in the interface though. So just increasing the build volume won't solve it.
  10. The UM2 doesn't have material settings with the slicer, they live in the printer. So the view that you have is as it should be.
  11. This has to do with some disallowed areas that are added to the printer. Those are the bars that you can see on the front and the back of the buildplate. If I remember correctly, these were added because it was part of the build volume, but not actually reachable by all ender-3 printers.
  12. I honestly don't know. I've never worked with one, so I can't say anything on what would be needed to get one to work correctly (or even at all).
  13. The information we had is that it would not work in any given situation. Based on that, it was deemed safer to remove it. I understand that it's not feasible for users to check everything we do, but the reverse is also true; We can't check all situations that the users have.
  14. It's not a known issue. Could you report this on github?
  15. Ah! I see already. You have a BB 0.4 nozzle selected. If you switch that to an AA 0.4 nozzle they should pop back again.
  16. Your drivers don't support an opengl version that is new enough (eg 4.1). As such you are looking at Cura in compatibility mode.
  17. Decisions like this are those damned if you do, damned if you don't. Leaving it in will make people complain that it's not working, removing it when some people are using it is going to do it as well. I'm a bit disappointed that you're bashing decisions like this. You know that decisions like this (and them going wrong) are a part of software development. To keep it a bit more constructive; I will discuss it with the team to see if we should re-enable it. I would also appreciate it if we can keep discussion on a normal tone of voice.
  18. No idea 😞 It's also why i'm so frustrated with this issue. That's your opinion. Unfortunately, it's not something that a lot of people agree with. The startup time is one of the things in Cura that most people complain about. Also note that the improvement was on my machine, which isn't a good indication for everyone (my boot times are already much shorter than what a lot of people report). A patch version is on the way.
  19. Could you provide me with the configuration folder? The intent profiles should definitely work for an S3.
  20. A bug was found with duplicating the existing qualities. A patch release for that is pending testing. If you don't use the duplicate in 4.7.0 (but instead use the "create new profile from updates/changes") everything should work.
  21. Please report the issue on github and fill in the bug template (don't forget to add logs!) https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose
  22. This is caused by the octolapse start/end-gcode. A patch release for that pending testing. For the moment you should remove that in order to keep using 4.7
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