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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. There's a button labeled "Marketplace" in the top right. That's where you download plugins.
  2. You don't have to save a gcode file and upload it through a separate web interface; with the plugin you can upload and start/pause/stop the print directly from Cura.
  3. For Cura 4.0, there's a plugin to restore the sidebar which declutters the view (Sidebar GUI). I'm working on a version for Cura 4.1.
  4. If they are both empty, then I can not help you; the crash seems to happen at a very early point. Perhaps @ghostkeeper or @nallath can help you.
  5. Ok, then let's just assume your original assumption (someone having the same issue as you) was incorrect, and start over. Are there log files in %APPDATA%\cura ?
  6. That is the idea. At least the person who wrote/updated the definition for the printer you use thought it was an improvement. Ultimaker does not test this, neither do I (I don't have a monoprice mini).
  7. The "another issue" is caused by the coasting option. Coasting is when the printer stops extruding before the end of a layer. When printed, there will not be holes because there is still some remaining pressure so material continues to ooze out while finishing the layer. At least, that's the idea. I would guess it makes more sense on a bowden-tube printer than a direct extruder printer.
  8. That would suggest that Cura 4.0 never ran successfully on your computer, which means that you do not have the same problem as Swissengineer.
  9. I think @TheSinkingMan is trying to keep the layer height to a multiple of the effective height per step of the Z stepper motor, which could improve quality due to aliasing issues with other layer heights.
  10. Press the windows key, and start typing the literal text (including %): %APPDATA%\cura\4.0 Then press enter. This should open a new explorer window.
  11. I think as long as you make sure Cura is on the main monitor when you close it, it should be ok.
  12. For the first issue, check out the “Extruder 1” tab in the profile dialog.
  13. See Help -> Show configuration folder. They are in one of those folders.
  14. Go to %APPDATA%/cura/4.0 and remove cura.cfg
  15. No, sorry, I don't. I know the camera can do 1600x1200 because when the UM3 was being developed I working for Ultimaker. Back then I was involved in getting the stream visible in Cura. But I know very little about the firmware (or the exact hardware, actually). Edit: I would not be terribly surprised if the camera were at least very similar to this one (since the linux board it interfaces with is an Olimex A20): https://www.olimex.com/Products/Components/Camera/CAM-GT2005/
  16. How many screens do you have? There’s a known issue on some combinations of gpus and multiple monitors.
  17. This is often done using a plugin in OctoPrint named OctoLapse.
  18. You need to do libArcus before CuraEngine, because CuraEngine requires libArcus (right?).
  19. Couldn't you do that with a postprocessing script though? Duplicate each layer, adjust the extrusion.
  20. It depends what you want to change. If it is all frontend stuff, you might be able to just edit python files in the released version.
  21. I’ll just quote myself, from a couple of replies above this: Also note:
  22. Liked for the thread title
  23. Bugs happen in Cura. I don't think you really want automatic updates. Sometimes you want to hold back on an update. Having said that, you can extract the files from the Windows installer with just about any archiving application (eg 7zip), and run Cura.exe from there without installing it to Program Files. That should make it possible to use a newer version without bothering asking your IT department for support.
  24. Note that a new version of the plugin, which singles out Ultimaker 3 and S5 printers, is now available in the Marketplace. This fixes this issue, specifically for these printers.
  25. If @ahoeben did not do this (to *some* of his plugins), every user upgrading from Cura 4.0 to Cura 4.1 with the OctoPrint Connection plugin installed would have been greeted with a crash dialog with the option to kill all their settings, because once again this SDK update was messed up like it has been many times in the past. Please don't suggest that I do this "out of a personal decision". Time and time again this has proven to be a necessity.
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