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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Cura doesn't recognise anything; you have to tell it things. Also realise that Ultimaker only makes the profiles for Ultimaker printers. All the other printer profiles for 3rd party printers are provided by third parties (sometimes 3d printer manufacturers, but commonly some community member). Whoever wrote the definition of the Geeetech A30 for Cura defined it as having a maximum of 1 extruder. Modifying the definition is not entirely straightforward, so it is probably easiest to add a new printer to Cura and choosing the "Custom FFF Printer" option instead of Geeetech A30. Then you can choose the number of extruders (up to 8).
  2. Then I am going to need a look at your Cura.log. Go to Help -> Show configuration folder, locate Cura.log and post it somewhere (dropbox, google drive, pastebin.com). Then post a link here.
  3. The local solution would be backing up %APPDATA%\cura\4.8 as you indicated.
  4. (if I am not painfully obvious, this is intended as a joke)
  5. We don't disagree. I already said that modifier meshes could not be used for what you want to do. You are going to have to look for a solution per situation.
  6. Here you go: Here's a project to see how I did it: UM2_z-STL.3mf
  7. That should work. Cura.log may have a hint about why it is not working. Alternatively, download the current curapackage and drop it onto the buildplate in Cura as it you were opening a 3d model. If you do so, I recommend you remove the files for ArcWelder you manually put in the configuration folder first.
  8. In the sense that the top surface where you are pointing to is open, but the parallel plane further down is not? No, I can not think of a way, other than setting the model to be sliced without any top layers, and forcing to print top layers for the lower top with a modifier mesh or additional geometry.
  9. The model was imported as a group. Select the object, right-click it and ungroup it. Alternatively, export your model as an STL instead of as a 3MF file, and this "grouping" should not happen in the first place.
  10. There's a whole section where you can ask your question in german here: https://community.ultimaker.com/forum/124-deutsch/ In this part of the forum, please use english. The only way to remove the logo is to edit the .def.json file for your printer. There's a reference to the bitmap there, eg: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/4.8/resources/definitions/ultimaker2.def.json#L12
  11. The version of Sidebar GUI with an undockable sidebar has been released on the Marketplace for your undocking pleasure.
  12. The successor for the plugin mentioned in this thread is the Sidebar GUI plugin. Though it does not make the sidebar any less wide, it does a lot to improve the fact that the viewport is being obscured by a giant floating panel.
  13. The "3rd icon" (for the tool to select a face to lay flat on the buildplate) requires OpenGL 4.0. If your GPU/driver does not support OpenGL 4.0, or if you have configured Cura to use "compatibility" rendering (OpenGL 2.1), then that tool will not be available. Check the "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)" option in the General preferences.
  14. That's what I was sort of expecting had happened; the 3.5.0 version would not load due to a missing dependency for some people. This sounds like your firmware does not support Arc movements. I should probably put an effort in adding documentation.
  15. You meant "curaengine.exe". Actually getting curaengine to slice with a full profile is not trivial, but can be done.
  16. Huh, I did not realize this was visible at all. I'll see if it can be removed, because I think it is untidy that it shows up.
  17. You could provide a link to the gcode produced by both 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 with a small-ish model, so we can have a look at the difference in output.
  18. Can you elaborate what functionality you need?
  19. Yes, that's the blue clip and white collet I meant. The hotend needs to be hot (around printing temperature for the filament), otherwise the material wil stop you from removing the bowdentube. You have to keep pressing the white collet down while gently - yet firmly - pulling the bowden tube out. Keep the hotend in a corner of the gantry in order to minimise the chance of the axes bending under the strain.
  20. Heat up the hotend. Then remove the blue or red clip underneath the collet around the bowden tube at the hotend side. Then you can push down on the collet and gently pull on the bowden tube. The material will probably come out with it, and you can pull it from the bowdentube from the hotend-side of the tube. Then reinsert the bowden tube in the hotend and replace the clip.
  21. That was added previous version. See the small "x" button next to the "Custom" toggle.
  22. I'm working on a new feature that you can help me test: floating the sidebar in a separate tool window. The floating sidebar feature is fairly experimental. It may break on your particular multi-gpu setup. Please test and let me know. The undock button can be found between the Custom/Recommended swich and the close button that was added in the previous release. Download the new development snapshot and drop the downloaded file onto the buildplate in Cura as if you were opening a 3d model.
  23. It would help if you opened an issue at https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues
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