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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. That should do it, but I can confirm that the behavior is not what I would expect. I would swear that previously the behavior was that a new project were added to the current project. Otherwise the "single instance" feature is quite useless.
  2. Marvel at the achievement of ArcWelder for a while though. If you look at that the "without ArcWelder" screenshot, each small dot represents a linear move. There are literally hundreds of moves (gcode commands) in that single layer. ArcWelder has "compressed" all that into no more than 8 extruding gcode commands.
  3. If the single circle outside is the skirt (not sure what layer we're looking at), that is printed with one glorious arc command. So the tessellated look seems to be just a visualisation error in ncviewer. How you firmware handles it is a second question though. Print it, print it, print it!
  4. Your screenshots get scaled by the forum software. Not your fault, but I can hardly see that the first screenshot is not a circle. I'ld rather see the entire gcode than stare at a picture. I don't know how accurately ncviewer displays arcs with large diameters.
  5. I can't really tell from the screenshot; it is much too small, and if I don't also see a before I can't judge the after.
  6. Also make sure arc support is enabled: https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/2.0.x/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h#L1794
  7. For the record, I have not. Try it, and report back. I'm sure other users with printers supporting junction deviation will like reading about your results.
  8. The Mesh Tools plugin from the Marketplace has this functionality.
  9. See this post: Download the development snapshot linked therein, and drop the file onto the buildplate in Cura as if you were opening a 3d model.
  10. That is hard to say generally. If your printer stutters ("micropauses") causing small pimples on your prints, and you use the printer USB port to print detailed prints, then using the Arc Welder plugin could help mitigate that by making the gcode less complex, provided that the firmware on your printer supports arc movements. It is more a question of "is your printer up to the task"? Note that the plugin is still fairly experimental. Give it a try. Report back the results.
  11. Hey, no problem. I get part of the thanks for creating the plugin that contains your work; it is only natural that I also take part of the blame when things don't work ;-).
  12. I've had a quick look at the source included in that link, and it looks like support for printing arcs has been disabled. If you want to enable it, uncomment line 1872 of Configuration_adv.h and recompile the firmware.
  13. It is possible that the firmware in your printer does not support curve gcode commands. I don't know what firmware flavor you use. Also my plugin is just glue between Cura and the ArcWelder processor developed by @FormerLurker. I can't help you much with the actual results.
  14. Ok, then I need your Cura.log to see if there is anything in there. It can be found via Help -> Show configuration folder. Please don't copy/paste the file into a post here, but upload it somewhere and post a link here. Edit: is there a non-ascii character in your Windows username?
  15. The defaults should be a good starting point.
  16. What exactly did you try? Did you try the exact link I wrote in my reply to you, or one of the several other links to development snapshots in this thread? There are several different development snapshots listed in this thread, and they don't all contain the fix for the issue you seem to be having; only the latest ones do. The filename should be "ArcWelderPlugin-v7.0.0-2021-01-25T11 08 03Z.curapackage". The version in the Marketplace relies on a dll being present on your system. One of your laptops has that dll, the other does not. The development snapshot I linked to has a newer version of ArcWelder, which no longer needs that dll. I have submitted a new version of the plugin to the Marketplace, but it is awaiting approval.
  17. Sometimes RenderDoc can be useful to debug rendering issues. https://renderdoc.org/ It could be that the model is rendered with the correct colors but something else is drawn over it.
  18. Unfortunately no, there is no way to do it (other than hacking the source code)
  19. This will generally not be worth it. Different printers have different capabilities. It is not generally possible to do a one-to-one conversion between two printers. As a basic example, for a certain object one printer might require a brim to ensure the first layer does not get warped edges in the first layers, while the other printer has a better print surface and does not need a brim. Or one printer is capable of better bridging than the other so fewer supports are needed. There is a reason Cura comes with so many profiles for so many different printers.
  20. Did you try the latest development snapshot?. Download the file and drop it on the Cura buildplate as if you were opening a 3d model.
  21. You could also try lowering the tessellation of the model when exporting it from the modeller you use.
  22. As mentioned before, the image embedding is part of the MKS Wifi Plugin. I don't think there is a way to stop that plugin from embedding the image, other than disabling the whole plugin. If you want an option to remove the image embedding without disabling the plugin altogether, you will have to ask the developers of that plugin. I think someone already asked so here: https://github.com/Jeredian/mks-wifi-plugin/issues/80
  23. Plugins can be disabled via the "Installed" tab of the Marketplace. Fairly well hidden away.
  24. I honestly don't know. Try it. The ArcWelder technique was originally thought of to reduce the amount of gcode that needs to be sent to the printer while printing detailed models via USB, because the USB printing protocol can be overloaded with gcode that is too detailed. especially on underpowered 8-bit boards. However that does not mean that only USB connections can be overloaded. It may or may not have benefits in other scenarios. But generally, unless you have stuttering issues with your prints, I don't think the plugin should improve your prints.
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