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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. AFAIK, the Palette Pro does not support 2.85mm filament. If it did, it would be even more wasteful with filament printing waste towers than it already is. Theoretically you could try to convert the Ultimaker S3 to use 1.75mm material, but that is certainly not a trivial undertaking to get working reliably. You would have to modify printcores and feeders. And then there is the issue of the Palette Pro needing to send gcode to the S3 via a USB port that the S3 just does not support. Profiles for materials would be the least of your problems. TL;DR: the Ultimaker S-line is not compatible with the Palette Pro, and you would run into lots of problems trying to use them together.
  2. No, you can't, sorry. That default set is hardcoded into Cura because without it you would get shells around the modified infill.
  3. See the ArcWelder plugin in the Marketplace. After installing it, you have to enable the "Arc Welder" setting in the "Special Modes" section. A word of warning: Not all printers (or actually firmware versions) support G2/G3 commands.
  4. The preview in Cura does not show the Arc movements, because of three reasons: * Like all postprocessing in Cura, the ArcWelder postprocessing does not happen until the gcode is saved. * The Preview does not actually show gcode, but "layer data" created by CuraEngine in parallel to the gcode. * The Preview in Cura does not support Arc movements. So that part is explained. The Ultimaker 3 firmware is based on a very old version of Marlin. Arc support seems to be enabled (the fork is so old that there is not a flag to disable Arc support), but I don't know how well it works. The error you are seeing could be an error in the gcode created/processed by this plugin, or it could be an error in how the Ultimaker 3 interprets the gcode.
  5. It sounds like your clean install uses a different GPU driver that somehow interferes with the GUI framework that Cura uses. I fail to see how that would help you. Instead of a single file, you have to backup a single folder. If you want a single file, you can Save a project and load that back into Cura after you have reset it. That restores the entire state of your Cura settings.
  6. The rotation-hoops of the rotate-tool have arrows. If you click the arrows instead of dragging them, the object will be rotated by 90 degrees.
  7. Firmware for the UMO ships with Cura in several flavors, including with/without heated bed kit. See the folder resources/firmware where you have installed Cura. The firmware for the Ultimaker Original without heated bed is MarlinUltimaker-250000.hex Alternatively, you can have a look here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/cura-binary-data/tree/master/cura/resources/firmware You can also go older: https://github.com/Ultimaker/cura-binary-data/tree/15.06/cura/resources/firmware These are all 6 years old.
  8. We need to see more of the (crash-)log to know what is going on. In this case I think there's a plugin at play because I cannot find the keyword "Chop" in the entire Cura codebase, nor in any of my plugins.
  9. The shown model will not print well without either moving it into the buildplate like I suggested, or enabling supports. If you enable supports, then the skirt will also encompass the supports.
  10. That will not work in this case. The model is already laying flat, on a circular part of the model. That won't change the skirt.
  11. The model only contacts the buildplate with a small circle. You may want to "push" it into the buildplate a little using the move tool. Set the z to -0.1
  12. Try asking your question here: https://github.com/ZONESTAR3D/Slicing-Guide/issues
  13. Have you also tried changing the "print speed" parameter of the postprocessing script? You'll probably get a more informed answer from Zonestar instead of the Ultimaker forum.
  14. This thread is not just old, it is 6.5 years old. In 3d printing terms, that is ancient. The thread is about a very different version of Cura. The GPU is not used in slicing. The part of Cura that uses the GPU is not GPU-limited with a 1080, so any faster GPU will unlikely give you a faster experience.
  15. Printer definitions are not normally removed from Cura. Given that there does not seem to be any reference to tenlog printers in the current source of Cura, I'm going out on a limb and say that they were never listed in Ultimaker Cura. Ultimaker only maintains the profiles for Ultimaker printers. For all other printers, they rely on community members or printer manufacturers to create and submit these profiles so they can be included with Cura. But some printer manufacturers choose instead to give instructions on how to add sets of files to a Cura installation. It seems that that has happened in the case of tenlog. Where did you get the screenshot of Cura 4.4? It would be my guess that the original page it was on had instructions on how to add the profiles for tenlog printers to Cura.
  16. A bit more readable version of the info derived directly from fdmprinter.def.json can be found here: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html Unfortunately, you cannot do math in replacement patterns in Cura. But like @Cuq said, there's a neat plugin to help you with Linear Advance settings.
  17. Have you read this? https://colorfabb.com/let-s-make-something-clear The material referenced there is slightly different, but most of the tips regarding printing carry over.
  18. Do you use multiple displays? If so, try disabling all but one of them temporarily. If Cura starts succesfully with a single monitor, go to the General preferences and uncheck the "Restore window position on start". Then you can re-enable the other screens, and Cura should always open on your primary screen.
  19. Cura doesn't recognise anything; you have to tell it things. Also realise that Ultimaker only makes the profiles for Ultimaker printers. All the other printer profiles for 3rd party printers are provided by third parties (sometimes 3d printer manufacturers, but commonly some community member). Whoever wrote the definition of the Geeetech A30 for Cura defined it as having a maximum of 1 extruder. Modifying the definition is not entirely straightforward, so it is probably easiest to add a new printer to Cura and choosing the "Custom FFF Printer" option instead of Geeetech A30. Then you can choose the number of extruders (up to 8).
  20. Then I am going to need a look at your Cura.log. Go to Help -> Show configuration folder, locate Cura.log and post it somewhere (dropbox, google drive, pastebin.com). Then post a link here.
  21. The local solution would be backing up %APPDATA%\cura\4.8 as you indicated.
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