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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. There is a spanish section here: https://community.ultimaker.com/forum/125-español/
  2. This can be fixed by using the AppImage provided by Ultimaker instead of the version provided by Arch. The latter is not maintained or supported by Ultimaker. The issue is that Cura 4.8 is not compatible with the version of Qt installed on your system. The AppImage includes known to work versions of the dependencies of Cura. The next version of Cura will likely fix the incompatibility with the version of Qt on your system.
  3. See the "Infill Layer Thickness" setting. You can set that to eg twice the layer height.
  4. @MacDee's problem seems to have been a case of unintentionally disabling the plugin in the Installed tab of the Marketplace. See https://community.octoprint.org/t/cura-octoprint-connection-lost-after-octopi-update/32518/5?u=fieldofview
  5. You could also have a look at the SVG Toolpath Reader plugin, available in the Marketplace.
  6. And if you want to change the temperatures in Cura, ignoring what is set on the printer, then you can change the "gcode flavor" to "marlin" (instead of "ultimaker 2") in the Machine Settings.
  7. It is not. This issue has already been marked as solved. Please open a new thread, and include a link to your Cura.log. It can be found in the configuration folder in Cura, which can be accessed via Help -> Show configuration folder. Please upload the cura.log file somewhere (dropbox. google drive, etc) and post a link.
  8. No, AFAIK the first (initial) layer is an intersection of the model at z=0. The next layer is an intersection at initial layer height. Edit: Actually, I am not 100% sure about this. CuraEngine is not my area of expertise, but this is consistent with the behavior I have seen; if the bottom is not 100% flat, the initial layer will be partial. @ghostkeeper, @bagel-orb and @burtoogle will know for sure.
  9. Cura does that automatically now; you can choose to either use tree supports or regular supports. In previous versions it was possible to enable both. That is no longer the case.
  10. You don't have to uncheck the "automatically drop models to the buildplate" option to move models below 0. That option only affects models that float above the buildplate, not those that are sunken into the buildplate. It should really be perfect within 0.00000 mm (ie: exact). Otherwise the bottom is not "flat" for CuraEngine.
  11. The next version of the MeshTools plugin will have an option to always interpret files that don't specify a unit (such as STL, OBJ, PLY) as a specific unit. It will convert the mesh to millimeters, because that is what Cura uses. In other words, it will automatically scale the coordinates of the model to the correct dimensions in Cura, but reset the model scale to 100% so you don't get these comical scale values in the scale tool.
  12. There is a "Use a single instance of Cura" checkbox on the General pane of the preferences.
  13. All support in the scene is seen as a single object (even if parts of that object do not connect to make it a single cohesive volume). A single object can logically only have a single extruder assigned to it.
  14. Do you have multiple displays? If so, try keeping Cura on the primary display.
  15. I have created a PR here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/9437
  16. I don't quite understand. You want yet another purge between the purge line and the skirt?
  17. Sure. You can do so through the cloud using the built-in ("standard feature") Cura Backups facility, which requires an Ultimaker account. Fortunately you already have one; the account you use for this forum will do. Backup your settings on one PC, restore them on the other. Alternatively, you can go to Help -> Show configuration folder to and copy all the files you see there from one PC to another. Sorry, what is really, really bad now?
  18. To be more exact, it is python with some features "blocked" to improve security (eg list and dict comprehensions, importing modules, etc): https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/blob/master/UM/Settings/SettingFunction.py#L178
  19. On the Printers pane of the Preferences, go to Machine Settings. Is the "Origin at Center" checked? It probably should NOT be checked.
  20. How long ago was it that you downloaded Cura for the last time? The survey has been removed around 2 years ago. Also the "popup" is not the type that popup blockers block, unless all javascript is blocked.
  21. Is that last bit really true? I would think that brass is harder than the woodfibers in wood PLA. My understanding is that you cannot really abrade a material with a softer material. Other "fill" materials such as iron and the compound used for glow-in-the-dark filaments are actually harder than brass (which is relatively soft for a metal), so they will wear down a brass nozzle. But I don't think wood will. Having said that, there is no AA 0.6 core, and using a CC 0.6 core for woodfill is unlikely to reduce the quality. So it is still a good tip.
  22. You don't need to ungroup them either. You can select a single model within a group by CTRL-clicking it.
  23. There is a big difference between "File -> Save as..." on the one hand and "File -> Export..." and selecting 3MF as the file format on the other hand. File -> Save as... creates a project; a 3MF file containing all your settings, the printer used, etc. File -> Export... only saves the model geometry and a little bit of extra metadata. The 3mf file you posted seems to be an Export, not a project file. If you would have saved it as a project, the file would have loaded back into Cura much more like it was when you saved it.
  24. Having a tilde in the filename is a bad idea. It will likely break stuff if you ever get that file onto a non-windows platform.
  25. Please correct me if I am wrong Frank. The Canvas Hub S is not compatible with the Ultimaker 3, Ultimaker S5, Ultimaker S3 or Ultimaker 2+ Connect. This is an incompatibility on the hardware level, because there is no way for the Canvas Hub to connect with the printer. The Canvas Hub S is compatible to a degree with the Ultimaker Original, 2 and 2+ (without "connect"). But they need to be converted to use 1.75 mm material before they can be used with the Palette. The Ultimaker 3, S5, S3 and 2+ Connect can be made to work with the Palette as long as you don't use the Hub, and they are converted to use 1.75 mm material. You do miss some functionality and need to manually start prints on both the printer and the palette hardware at the same time.
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