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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Instead of using that external tool, there's also a plugin for Cura that will let you do the same: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/TabAntiWarping
  2. The GUI is Python and Qt. A big part of the Qt-based interface is QML, which includes javascript for part of the logic. But no .net.
  3. I would argue that switching from a mechanical harddrive to an SSD makes a huge difference, especially when starting Cura. Starting Cura could change from a minute to ~15 seconds.
  4. Then wouldn't it have made sense to reply in that thread?
  5. Ok, now that *I* have had a chance to cool off, here's what you can do to change the colors. Editing theme.json should work and does for me, though I don't recommend it. You would need to edit the correct theme.json file (depending on which theme you use). The smarter way to do this is to create a new theme based on the theme you currently use, and place it in the configuration folder, NOT the program files. This way the theme will survive reinstalling or upgrading Cura (provided you don't let the uninstaller remove the settings). In Cura, go to Help -> Show configuration folder... In the folder that opens, locate the themes folder. Inside the themes folder, create a new folder named "custom_layerview_colors" Download this theme.json file and put it inside the "custom_layerview_colors" folder you just created (making sure it is named "theme.json") Restart Cura. Go to the general preferences, and from the list of themes select the new "Ultimaker Dark custom layerview colors" option. Restart Cura once more. Slice a model and switch to the layerview. Skins should now be teal-ish, and all colors less saturated. The theme.json file I created for you references the Ultimaker Dark theme. If you would like a subtheme based on the regular bright Cura theme, then change line 4 of the theme.json file to reference "cura-light" instead of "cura-dark".
  6. Wow, you really know how to make people want to help you. You know what? I'm not even going to bother until you cool down and we can talk like adults.
  7. If you have a (network) drive mapped to the letter X:, try mapping it to a different driveletter.
  8. Normally you would want to cool the bed to remove prints. The bed is heated for better adhesion. For stubborn prints I sometimes put the glass bed (with print stuck to it) in the freezer.
  9. Doesn't windows give you an option to "run for best performance" or something like that when you right-click the shortcut to start Cura? That assigns the nvidia GPU to Cura.
  10. The materials marketplace is maintained by Ultimaker. Ultimaker only has 2.85mm printers. The "target market" as you say it is people who purchased Ultimaker printers. What you download from the Marketplace isn't just an item for you to select in the materials dropdown, but sets of tuned profiles that work well with specific Ultimaker printers. They will not work well with all printers, and Ultimaker is not going to spend time to make profiles for 3rd party printers for all these materials.
  11. As far as I know, such a system does not currently exist. There are systems that monitor what the printer produces using machive vision and machine learning, and stop the print when "spaghetti" is detected. See https://www.thespaghettidetective.com/ This particular system is not compatible with Ultimaker printers though.
  12. The plugin is now available in the Marketplace. Thanks for testing the preview version! I have made a change in how the plugin decides which point gets moved. In the preview version the plugin would always alternate between the two points. In the released version, the plugin moves the point that is closest to the mousecursor. If you prefer the automatic alternating between the two points, press and hold the shift key while clicking.
  13. Don’t run Cura “as Administrator”
  14. The dark area is "reserved" by Cura for printing a brim or skirt. You have likely set the buildplate adhesion type of the first machine to "None".
  15. The 0.0 folder is probably from an Arachne build (alpha or beta).
  16. It could be an issue with the drivers for your GPU. What GPU do you have? Can you check if you have the latest version of the driver for the GPU installed?
  17. @admartin could you try renaming the exe to something simpler? I've read a report where that helped. @EnderPro3_EMR: no, you do not have the same issue.
  18. Go to Help -> Show configuration folder and close Cura. Remove all files from the folder that opened, but leave the folder itself in place. So you should end up with an empty folder.
  19. It turns out that yes there is a maximum size that the image will be scaled to, and it is 512 (in either width or height). https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/4.9/plugins/ImageReader/ImageReader.py#L51 And it is sort of a good thing too. With the image you prepared and no maximum size, you would have ended up with a model with around 300 million vertices since every pixel becomes at least one vertex. That is way too much for Cura to handle. Either way, you are much better off creating a 3d model from this text instead of using a lithophane. You'll get much sharper edges and better definition. The image reader in Cura is not the suitable tool for this.
  20. Not from inside Cura. It is still showing "Draft" because that is the profile you based it on. The "Custom Profiles" are always based on a "Quality Profile". Quality Profiles can not be created from inside Cura, and are typically created by a printer manufacturer or community contributor. Both of your custom profiles are based on the same "Draft" quality profile.
  21. An updated version with some small fixes should be available from the Marketplace soon-ish.
  22. The Support Placement setting should not affect Support Mesh ("custom support") models in any way. It only affects supports that are automatically created ("Supports enabled").
  23. You could have a look at this closed PR: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/9036
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