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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Hi,

    Gestern ist die Cura Version 2.3 veröffentlicht worden.

    Leider hat es für den UM2 keine dual Funktion so wie das alte Cura 15.06.

    Hat jemand einen Tipp wie ich mit der neuen Cura Version 2.3 die einstellungen setzen muss für einen dual druck am UM2 Profil?

    Danke und Gruß



    Du musst ein zusätzliches Maschinenprofil erstellen; siehe hier. Ich weiss aber nicht, ob das Profil von @zerspaner_gerd noch mit 2.3.0 funktioniert.

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  2. Are common filament spools compatible with UM3?

    Is the spool tag mandatory?

    Besides this, i understand UM3 is not intended to print filaments that require frequent nozzle replacements or have special needs, like bronze, carbon,etc...

    Does that mean that people buying the UM3 will keep the UM2 just to perform the dirty work?.

    You guys who already own the UM3, would recommend to keep the 'old' UM2 ?.

    You can use any material brand on the UM3, the NFC tag is not required. You have to do a manual material selection on the printer. This selection does not determine the print temperature as with the UM2(+). It determines the material loading temperature, so just select something reasonable.

    To demonstrate the open material design, I uploaded the Swiss Ultibot print, made with Diamond Age PLA which was not even on spools.

    In my very personal opinion, having open hardware and software would also mean to me opening the NFC design and format to anyone. I think, Ultimaker would still make good money with their cores when this design is open too as many company need the reliability and the optimal printing parameters for Ultimaker material for their 24/7 applications. We will know in six months how Ultimaker decided. But believe me, they take the open source thing very serious; their company is built on that.

    To answer the last question: I'm even keeping my old UMO! The UM2 is still a very good printer. If an UM2 does still have the old all-in-one-block, I would recommend to replace it with an Olsson Block. Or upgrade it to an UM2+ with the Extrusion upgrade kit (yes, I still consider those good investments in a nice machine). The UM2 is still my work horse; most prints do not need dual extrusion.


    Since we have tested the new machines for a few weeks I can say that I am pretty pleased that Ultimaker kept its open source mentality and build a machine that is user friendly *and* advanced user friendly at the same time. You are able to turn off every automatism the printer has and run it over spec.

    The print cores are awesome as they were able to take very different materials without a hitch. Printing ABS right after PLA and then Nylon and CPE is not something you'd have a nice memento of with other printers... Only PVA was problematic for me - even with the dedicated "BB" core.


    i can only second that.. been testing the Um3 for a while now and i run a 24/7 operation based on UM2s.. the Um3 is a different beast altogether, it's not better or worse then the Um2, it's different... and I love the new machine!


    I can only agree. Being a tester as well, I was rather sceptical at the beginning concerning the cores. Mainly, because the heater block was significantly reduced in size and material. But they are just great; the temperature is stable and the print quality is just great.

  4. Two bugs:

    When I jump into a category like 'Tipps and Tricks' and then want to move to the next page, I fall back on my overview page where I have the topics from all the categories.

    When I have read all the notifications, they are gone in the pulldown menu on top. However, when I get new notifications, the old ones reappear as well. I have to go back in the browser history to a point where not all notifications have been read in order to be able to delete them.

  5. Moving the water helps. Warming up the water helps too. The exact time depends on the geometry. I would say something between an hour and an eternity... I did some tests about two years ago and it was desolved during a night.

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  6. Dual extrusion might be a bit like unlimited computer power: It lets you forget how to do things in the best way with limited ressources because you can just do it the easy way with using much more ressources. But that doesn't mean you can't achieve extraordinary results with limited ressources. History of science is full of examples.

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    I'm surprised no one is speculating about the fuzzy images shown on the website yet....


    Oh right. Time to get started. I'm sure that this time I'm going to be right; It's clearly a lawn mower!


    You mean, it's UNclearly a lawn mower... ;)

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