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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. OK, @Neotko is the true S3D champion here but I'll try to give you a starting point.

    In the process settings go to tab 'Advanced' and tick 'Avoid crossing outline for travel movements'. Then check the result. Sometimes it's still crossing the surface. Then you have to play around with the 'Maximum allowed detour factor' just below on the 'Advanced' tab. For some prints I had to put this factor to 50 to make sure it really takes 'the way around the lake'.

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  2. Der Zortrax druckt sehr gut Zortrax-HIPS. Das heisst Material und Drucker sind optimal aufeinander abgestimmt. Wer dieses Erlebnis auf Anhieb mit seinem Ultimaker haben möchte, verwendet Ultimaker Material für das es Voreinstellungen in Cura gibt. Ansonsten gilt eben herantasten. Die Tipps von @Nicolinux sind da sicher ein guter Startpunkt.

  3. What material do you need such a behavior for? Heating up the nozzle should take much less time than heating up the bed. Cura heats the bed up to a certain level and then starts to heat the nozzle in parallel. On my UM2 with 35W heater the two are pretty well synchronized.

    Please be also aware that legacy Cura you wrote the plugin for is not supported anymore by Ultimaker.

  4. Not sure, but if works it works. There's a lot of security by the firmware to protect the hardware & avoid real problems, so if something fails to be properly connected it jumps with a max temp error. Hopefully that fixed your umo! If anything pops again make photos of the connection points, @dim3nsioneer has a lot of knowhow about umo so he might point you in the right direction (I only have umo+ so I'm less familiar with that board).


    That UMO know-how of mine might be a bit rusty but I'm not the only one reading this forum... ;)

    Anyway, don't forget to open a new thread with a new issue.

  5. I agree with @Meduza although I have installed a second extruder with 1.75mm diameter from the feeder to the nozzle on my UM2. A machine should be optimized for one diameter. However, if Ultimaker would change the diameter to 1.75mm one day, it should be out of good reasons.

    If one wants to print 1.75mm filament on an UM2(+): there is an Olsson convertion kit and a 1.75mm version of the Matchless V3 block and nozzles from 3dSolex.

  6. Has someone managed to create a new profile with current settings under Cura 2.3 beta?

    btw: Installation of the beta damaged part of my 2.1.3 profiles... :(

    But: cool new features to test; one can now even change acceleration and jerk per print line type...

  7. An important part of making an Ultimaker Original more quiet are indeed the stepper drivers. On the the old Ultiboard 1.5.x one could easily exchange them. The current Ultiboard 2.x doesn't offer this possibility. Maybe reintroducing those sockets could be something for electronics R&D to make Ultimaker machines 'future proof'?

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