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Everything posted by jockspice

  1. I have just purchased a Titan Extruder to do this on my UMO. What sort of mount did you use and how much did you have to change the esteps?
  2. Can happily report that the problem has been cured! :D
  3. It's not so much continuing the print, it's that the automatic filament swap is jiggered. I've just updated the firmware to 2.3.1 and printing now with the need to change the roll in about an hour or so, so we shall see. (fingers, toes and everything else crossed!)
  4. I have this problem too and although you can change the filament with a bit of grunt, it does take the magic away from the Ultimaker experience!
  5. I'm afraid I won't be getting a UM3, mostly due to the cost. Love my UMO (although it seriously needs a better feeder and an Olsson block) and my upgraded UM2+, but the UM3 is out of my price range. Currently have a Prusa Mk2 with the 4 colour printing upgrade on order and could still afford a Taz 6 with the change left over from a UM3.
  6. Duplicate of my post below, for some reason. NM
  7. Do you have the standard firmware? I have a similar problem with Tinker Gnome V16.03.1 Yes, I'm using the latest UM2+ firmware.
  8. I had the same problem - nearly jumped out of my skin! Perhaps its something that should be mentioned in the upgrade video. Incidently, my UM2+ now refuses to keep the filament settings and I have to import from SD card every time I switch it on. Anyone else have this problem?
  9. I have upgraded my UM2 to UM2+ and I now have the same issue. Every time I switch on, I have to import all of my material settings from the SD card, rather than all of them being available on the machine. Firmware is 15.04.5.
  10. Finally after over 4 weeks, my kit arrived on Wednesday (20th). There is hope!
  11. You are one of the lucky ones! Getting on for 4 weeks since ordered from 3DGBIRE and not a sausage.
  12. Have ordered my kit from 3D GBIRE, official UM sales partner for GB and Ireland (not UK and Ireland? anyhoo) and have to wait 2 weeks or so for delivery, as they have no stock. This is frustrating as firstly, others already have the upgrade kit and secondly, official sales partners should be first to be stocked, surely? It's only down the road from where I live - I can drive there in 25 minutes and pick it up! (If they had one in). Additionally, the Netherlands is only over there *points in an easterly direction*; I could get on the ferry, drive to Geldermalsen and be back in time for tea the same day. May just do that.... Anyway, even though I have fitted the Olsson block, I am happy for the upgrade kit with the new head, if for nothing more than to lower the noise of the heatsink fan on the head. I don't know if many others have the problem, but mine sounds like a turbine starting up, which makes for a much louder machine. I even went so far as to fit a thermal switch to cut the fan in and out at 40°C, to reduce the noise of the prints that finish in the middle of the night. This is just a small vent of frustration which will all be forgotten once I have the upgrade kit.
  13. The reason I have added the fans is that the filament just will not bridge for me, it just curls up and gathers as a big blob on the head. With the fans, it goes a bit solid and bridges across better.
  14. The problem with the flip is that you won't get the writing on the top of the cap. I have managed some success by slowing down even further and adding 30% fans for the top, but I think a few more tweaks should do it.
  15. Thanks to all who have added to this thread, as it has allowed me to have success right off the bat with CF20. I'm using a 0.5mm steel nozzle and have had a good standard of print with the UM robot. However, when I tried to do a Nuka Cola bottle cap (Fallout 4), I cannot get the filament to settle across the support inside the object in order to make the flat top of the cap. It bunches up on the nozzle and then just forms a blob. Anyone got any ideas? Settings are - 260C extruder 70C platform 50mm/s speed no cooling fans first layer 0.2 mm 0.15 layer height
  16. This times 10. I have painstakingly tweaked settings for using Ninjaflex, Semiflex, Colorfabb XT, Copperfill, Brassfill and lots of filament samples in order to get the best from the machine and filament. Now I cannot load any of the profiles? Have I missed something?
  17. Neatherbot desined a good version, which I also put onto my UMO.
  18. There is a better one available on kickstarter as well, which is cheaper and an already established cordless soldering iron. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/249225636/cordless-3d-print-finishing-tool
  19. This may be a really dumb question, but I have updated to Cura 15.01 but not updated the firmware to my UMO with heated bed, mostly because I couldn't find the cable but also as I've read many posts about problems since the update. Is there any harm in continuing to run UMO on 14.07 with Cura 15.01? Is there actually a significant firmware change? Dave
  20. Understand that completely, but I think the middle ground is a good place to start with new machines. Agreed and this is what I meant. It does look awesome, but for functionality at the same price, the UMO+ all the way.
  21. I was very excited about the Go when I saw the promo, but now the prices are known, my excitement has waned. For the same money as a single go, you could buy 3 Robo Rminis, also to be announced at CES, with almost the same build size (4.5 inches cubed), It's a very competitive market out there and those wanting to do affordable printing will be going to other manufacturers. Don't really want to see Ultimaker become the Apple of 3D printing.
  22. I have just fitted my headed bed kit today. I too noticed that there was no way to trip the lower Z switch but thankfully this question was answered in this thread. I did have a problem after updating the firmware, when I was trying to do a test print from SD card. The UM would start to heat up and then trip off to zero and just say ready. I tried it a few times and thought I might have done something wrong, until it occurred to me to remove the USB cable. Then it worked absolutely fine. :mrgreen: I'm looking forward to non warped prints and hopefully we can build up a knowledge base of good settings to make full use of the heated bed. Dave
  23. Hello all! I have taken my dive into the 3D printing world with an Ultimaker v1, so looking forward to very creative times ahead. I have a few things that I want to do with it but no real fixed purpose, which I suppose is the best way for creativity. I also want to get my 2 kids interested in it as well, as it is only going to get bigger as time goes on. Looking forward to interacting with others on here and apologies for any dumb questions, although I will make sure I trawl the forum first. All the best, Dave
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