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Everything posted by korneel

  1. so, question from my side; what is the recommended fan mount? the stock fan mount is not the greatest when printing with one nozzle. what is the recommended fan mount replacement since this nozzle sticks out a bit more?
  2. And nor for something completely different; Xeno, I don't think that is a good attitude. we need DRM. it's as simple as that. If 3D printing ever wants to grow from the hacker space to something that is used and accessible by everyone DRM needs to be there. name me one thing that has to do with Digital Rights Management in it's form, so NOT with the implementation of it, that is wrong with it? The dream most of us have is that there will be a time where when something breaks in my house, i can print a replacement. do you think the Nespresso's of this world will let you print replacement parts without getting compensated for their intellectual property? the real issue with DRM, just as can be said for open source is the way it's implemented. take for instance Sony with the way they implemented their audio cd DRM system, hijacking operating systems by installing bootloaders.. that is just nasty. that's not a problem with DRM, but with Sony's take on it. if you invest time and effort in it, I truly believe it is more than within your right to protect your investment. until there is a good DRM system for 3D printing, big vendors like Miele, Nespresso, Sony will never release any of their CAD drawings as STL's so you can print your own replacements.. K.
  3. Thanks Illuminarti, i did not try that yet. completely agree that the front will always be moving a bit.. but i'm really seeing shaking that is affecting the quality of the print :(
  4. All; I'm wondering if i'm the only one facing this; when printing large prints, for instance i'm printing a tower with a dimension of 200X200X200 MM, when the print-head reaches the front of the build plate the build plate seems to be "shaking". it's a couple of MM and it seems to be causing irregularities in my print.. did not check if any of my other printers do the same but did anyone experience something like this before? thanks
  5. try this for a decent cleaning.. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/9928-korneels-method-for-cleaning-hot-ends-um2/ i never really liked the aceton bath..
  6. bigmouse; i disagree. any decent 3DHubs operator will inform you exactly about the drawbacks of your current drawing. getting someone to print, if it is an experienced person, will get you the best result, the best advice from someone that knows his printer..
  7. Haha promotie is een kunst Resultaten vind ik eigenlijk wel prima. Ongefilterd .ateriaal wat je ter plaatste snel shred en extrude en dan print.. Dan vind ik het nog behoorlijk knap. Misschien kun je eens vragen wat vokr shredders zij ge ruiken? Ik denkd at je met tegen elkaar draaiende bladen moet gaan werken wil je echt gaan shredden, nu is het meer verpulveren..
  8. heb je al eens wat info gevraagd aan de vrienden van Perpetual Plastic? die doen dit veel op beurzen.. volgens mij gebriken die ook schredders die open source zijn..
  9. Hi! kabeltjes los hoort natuurlijk niet.. maar je hoorde van de verkopers.. waar heb je hem gekocht dan? zou even de instellingen nalopen. je kunt ook makkelijk in het menu even de fan aanzetten volgens mij.
  10. ah dat wist ik niet! was er juist de vorige keer niet bij.. ik heb hem dan iig ingebouwd
  11. Hi; since Ultimaker has now switched from non-glass filed to glass-filled, is there a reason you would not do this? or is it just cost?
  12. Sander : ik heb zo'n Olssen Heater block op mijn Ultimaker 2 nu.. vind je het goed als ik die Ultimaker meeneem? wil je avond niet kapen (ik kom voor de gezelligheid, niet voor het plotten ) en ik denk dat er veel mensen geinteresseerd zijn in dat heater block..
  13. this seems to be an interesting discussion. *grabs popcorn*
  14. welcome to the dutch forum this might be better suited in the troubleshooting area i would check your SD card for corruption.. it might be that the gcode is corrupted..
  15. I think the people that are really making money out of the 3D printing business today are the people that are building and selling printers and selling filament i'm registered for 3DHubs and that seems to work acceptable. when i calculate the printing work I do for 3Dhubs, after substracting running costs, maintenance and filament, i would say out of every 10 euro's i make 5 euros.. and that is not including "labor". so i would need to sell at least 6000 euros in prints to break even with my printer.. so i don't think 3Dhubs as a business model is very feasible. dedicated printer shops.. well.. if you just do printing, no selling of equipment or filament i don't think you'll cover your costs.. you have to be either very expensive (shapeways) and that means being extremely good at printing.. or you have to love bleeding money.. i'm very interested in your business model, do you just print or also design?
  16. yay! i finally have my name attached to something i would recommend you find some Taulman Nylon. heat up the nozzle to 260 degrees, wait a minute or so, then start feeding in the nylon. please note that you would need to do this through the bowden tube or cut off a piece of bowden tube since nylon is very flexibel. you can try without a bowden tube but it's very hard to do so. keep pushing untill it either comes out or you cant push it any further. dial back the temperature till 30 degrees and keep pressure on the Nylon. once the temperature is below 170 you can leave the nylon be and wait til the temperature drops. leave it ike that for a minute or so then raise the temperature till 140. at 90 degrees start pulling the nylon (don't damage the slider bars!) and you'll see it pop out at around 110 degrees with a lot of black stuff attached to it. keep repeating this process untill it's clean.. you can find some more info around this at www.korneel.nl
  17. Swordriff, not a problem for me.. simple question: will je JET nozzles be better than the E3Ds? because if they will be, i'd like to have only JET nozzles even if i have to wait 2 months i am patient..
  18. Swordriff; I've placed 2 orders for a total of 2 hot end kits, 2 jet set kits and a bunch of Jet Nozzles. if i understood you correctly, the Jet Set are the default E3D nozzles, but the Jet Nozzles are pecifically designed for the UM2 and this heat block correct? if so, could you change my order of the 2 jet set kits into a bunch of Jet nozzleS? i don't mind waiting a bit longer. that way i would have 2 custom heat blocks and a bunch of nozzles
  19. Goedemorgen! Voor een project moet ik binnen een deadline een aantal prints opleveren. dit doe ik momenteel met een aantal UM2's maar het wordt erg krap.. ik zoek daarom extra UM2s.. liefst zou ik deze een anderhalve week van je lenen (vergoeding valt zeker over te praten, wellicht huur dan wel PTFE element of iets dergelijks?) maar anders geef ik de gcode en het filament? naja, daar komen we wel uit.. in ieder geval, heb je de komende anderhalve week je UM2 niet nodig PM me dan even! alvast bedankt!
  20. Emilio; you could search for the rail system as well, it is listed under "U2RS" on youmagine.com made by UltiArjan. i would also check your PTFE coupler.. it's the white little teflon part. it's probably deformed, causing clogs.
  21. wat bedoel je met het witte bevestigingspunt? bedoel je de bowden clamp? je kunt het beste even een ticket aanmaken.. dan kunnen ze je een nieuwe toesturen.
  22. I can confirm. just did an upgrade to 15.2 RC2 and no issue.
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