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Everything posted by korneel

  1. Ok, I gave this some thought, and I'm going to do a drastic suggestion; first of all, thank you Sander, thank you "TheDeugd" and thank you to the rest of Ultimaker who tried to improve a forum. I understand the way you wanted to go. Sort of an interactive FAQ, a place where makers and builders and designers and users could find each other, to communicate, to suggest ideas and to work together. so far, some things are great, some things are not. the path you have chosen, to take a real forum offline, to wait for a week, then bring something partially back online (still missing access to PM's and access to portions of the old forum), collect feedback while live and improve on the go, is not one that works for me. I thought the old forums where bad. the search sucked, in Internet Explorer, half of it simply did not work, some portions misbehaved but overall, it worked. it was an experience that could be improved. instead of improving, you've chosen a path of change. Remember the old saying.. change is good as long as everything stays the same.. You could have moved to new software while keeping the old look and feel then making improvements. A path that is very common amongst many companies and very successful. You choose differently. Once again, I certainly don't want to sound ungrateful, but I have a very simple but drastic suggestion: Please host a "real" forum. buy Vbulletin. buy any software. use open-source I don't really care as long as it's something trialed and proven. Give your community what it wants.. give the people bread and games. keep this and keep improving it. once it's done, and this is not an overnight fix I suppose, then start integrating things. For me, this is not working. Looking through the community I am not the only one. I have to go through a lot of effort to help other people. for free. I have to login every single time. I have to wiggle my way through the weird interactions. I can't really attach pictures without a lot of pain. I feel that halfway through a reply when something doesn't do what I expect it to do I just close the window thinking "oh fuck it". Honestly, I hope it's just me. I hope all the other people that were helping out feel very different than I do and they love this new interface and new forum. If not, more people will start closing windows. Í'll check back in a month or so if I feel more at home till then, I'll just be a vagrant
  2. oh goodie. the forum does not remember me. even if i select remember me. sigh.
  3. ok, my 2 cents.. I loved to go to the old forum.. good community, help was there. over the past few days I dreaded going to the new forum. Let me try to give some constructive feedback and sharing some of my feelings. Please understand that while my feelings might not always be constructive, they are a large motivator for the amount of time I spend on the forum; 1)if I want to go to the forum, I go via community and I get greeted with a full page of spam. While I understand that spam sucks and it's hard to battle, there are multiple off the shelf products, like Akismet, Chapta or ReChapta that would help to battle this. 2)if I ignore the spam, a lot of the posts on the first page are irrelevant to me. Is there a way to simply show the forum overview or have a filter? 3)if I click on forum, I get the forum overview. It does not show me an overview of the latest 1, 2 or 3 posts inside that particular sub forum which is something i greatly miss. this way i can't simply look at what has changed on the forums that I follow. 4)for me, there is too much information around the posts, too much whitespace. On a full HD monitor i can only see 3 posts with 3 lines each. It makes reading of discussions very hard. 5)the first post that is always on the top. is there a way to turn this off? This greatly encourages people to reply to the first post instead of looking for updates 6)if I click on the last page (or at least the button i assume should take me to the last page of a discussion) it takes me to a random spot. weird. 7)This feels like a blog infrastructure to me. It's not a forum. I can reply to someone, but can't quote them? weird. Things I would expect to be there like MultiQuote or quoting while writing a reply are not there 8)thank you for making the "forum" work again in both Internet Explorer as well as Spartan. old forum only really worked in Firefox and Chrome. this one actually works so thank you! 9)What's up with the points system? The points and titles allocated just seem weird to me. 10)Why was the decision made to build a forum yourself instead of using a tested and trialed system like Vbulletin? 11)why doesn't the quick reply respect linebreaks? my post is completely messed up and I had to edit it 3 times to make it readable 12)please.. change the emoticons.. the blue border is just.. just.. 13)I'm a bit bummed out for the lack of communication. the forum went offline without notice. fine. it was supposed to be back the next day, the 16th.. then without any notification or explanation the date was sneakily changed to the 21th. fine if stuff goes slower, i totally understand.. but changing the date and then pretending nothing happened made me feel dissapointed. thanks for reading my whining
  4. if possible, could yolu do a spam cleanup? for instance, company news is filled up with spam...
  5. ik denk dat dit samen te vatten is als : aint gonna happen.. je print inderdaad heel snel, zou max 50 doen.. en afhankelijk van hoe oud je UM2 is zal je feeder zich gaan ingevragen in het filament na enige tijd als er ook maar enige frictie is van een oude bowden tube of een slechte teflon coupler..
  6. Hi Cornelis; heb je toevallig veel retractie in je print? en ik gok dat je een UM2 hebt, klopt dat?
  7. it should not.. perhaps you have an old heating plate i can't speak for those, but i have 2 UM2's running with the new plate (with the big black connector on the bottom) and they can both achieve 110 degrees celsius..
  8. that is absolutely awesome! it looks like you are not using any bearings, i would be worried about the gears moving apart on top.. very impressed! are you thinking of sharing the STL's ? i would think plastic gears can be very viable as long as they are printed in ABS or something. I would however split the gears in 2 parts and add a little rubber band in the middle..
  9. Colorfabb XT is essentially PET.. it is absolutely NOT biodegradable in the common sense of the word. please note that neither is PLA. for PLA you need professional breakdown equipment, you can't just throw it in the garden XT is not biodegradable in that way but if you leave it outside for a couple of 100 years, i'm sure it's gone..
  10. easiest way is described on my site : http://www.korneel.nl whateve rmaterial you have printed with, just use nylon to clean the nozzle works every time.
  11. so, time for a review will post some more extensive stuff on my blog, but so far, i really like it i have 2 Ultimaker 2s running and have put around 300 hours on the olssen block (replaced both). additional change i did make was that i replaced the spring with a tension tube that i designed myself (design available on youmagine). so far, i encountered an issue where the head was not screwed in tight enough and i had some leakage. i heated up the nozzle, retightened it, and all was well.. i usually replaced the head every 300 to 500 hours to burn them out completely to make sure they were clean and nice. i found that if you don't clean the heads, the filament tends to stick to it and the atomic pull only goes so far.. so my summary The Con's or gotcha's -you have to be careful when screwing in the nozzles to make sure they are tight enough. I have not heard any other complaints so I think it was just me being too careful -replacing a nozzle can be tricky if you don't perform a good head cleaning with a hot/cold pull first because of left behind filament. the pro's -i'm using the JET Nozzle (not E3D) and this seems to be oozing a lot less than the original one -verify your PTFE coupler by screwing out the hot end and feeding some filament through! -both heater element and temperature sensor are very well protected because you don't have to keep replacing the heater block -material is extremely easy to clean! it seems PLA, XT and ABS just slide off the hot end if you heat it up! unexpected but extremely useful -ability to change nozzle sizes. although i don't use the smaller or larger nozzles, i can see how it's a huge plus. -ability to just throw out a nozzle if you don't trust it anymore. if a hot-end\nozzle is no longer working perfectly, for 9 euros, you can just throw it out.. the original ones that get to yiur dorostep for 50 euros including delivery.. not so much.. summary : if you have an UM2, you want this. it's just that simple. the flexibility, improved printing quality and just ease of use make this one of the best and cheapest upgrades you can get.
  12. Hi; for a job at 3DHubs i'm looking for someone who can digitalize the Heijmans One : http://heijmans.nl/en/heijmans-one/ the goal is to have a simple Maquette of this building printed on an Ultimaker 2. preferably in 6 parts, front ground floor, back ground floor, front upper floor, back upper floor, front roof and back roof to maximize the build area. perhaps the front deck is a separate part and perhaps the inside walls need to be printed seperately. I am willing to work out a deal it is meant to give an representation of the house, so details should be there but can be high level. things like a brick like outside would be nice, but doorknobs or furniture are unnecessary.. any takers?
  13. Hi; does it really heat up? so you felt the warmth? if it does, yes, the pt100 is broken and needs to be replaced.
  14. Hi; you can try the advanced menu and heatup the nozzle. gently feel the tip and feel if it actually heats up. if it does and you get a heater error, your temperature probe (PT100) is broken. if it does not, your heater element is broken.
  15. i'm using OctoPrint and that works like a charm together with PiTFT. however, you need to change the default behaviour of the code to make sure it expells enough filament before printing..
  16. try this http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/9928-korneels-method-for-cleaning-hot-ends-um2/
  17. can you turn it back on and report what is happening? while I understand you want to wait for UM2 support this will take a while.. and honestly, there isn;t much that you can break
  18. question; when you start a print, does the build platform go all the way down and then starts "skipping" / making weird noises? if that's the case, it's something obstructing the sensor. do you get this error when it just turns on?
  19. normal working hours in NL are from 9:00 till 17:00 CET. (GMT+1)
  20. Daid and other; the main reason I love to use OctoPrint over the default interface is that one of the things it does is keep track of whatever I printed. I recently had to do a lot of printing with a lot of printers so had to use the interface again and it has certainly improved over the past 6 months! there is still one thing that i would love to have; can we have a history of whatever was printed? perhaps even a status that says "done printing X" after the print is done so at least i know the filename of what has been printed.. that would help me prep a SD card and so i would know what has been printed and what has not..
  21. you use a small screwdriver to press the orange blocks down. you then slide the wire in there and release. the wire should be nice and tight now
  22. this conversation moved away from the original point but i like the conversation I do want to point out that what i said was that Nespresso (as an example) could choose to pick their specific spare parts that they know can be 3d printed and offer this, with DRM protection, for a nominal fee so you can print this at your house. for instance, take the coffee cup waste bin. i can print it in XT for about 80 cents, i'm happy to pay 2 euros to Nespresso for the right to print it. what you seem to be skipping over is the tremendous cost a company like Nespresso makes on inventing new cool stuff that we can use and make our day to day life better. as far as your "no one can stop you or me" comment, yes they can. it's called copyright and is enforced through ways like DRM. if you buy a new apple phone, then scan the plastic parts and offer them to print, you will get sued. that is not what DRM is for, that is what copyright and patent laws are for. what DRM is for is this: let's say you had a fantastic idea for a 3D printer add-on. and not just any idea, but an idea that would transform 3D printing forever. and it;s actually a very simple device that people can print themselves and then use it. your target audience is everyone with a 3D printer and it would save everyone 100 dollars per year at the bare minimum. You have spend years and years developing this, investing 100.000 US of your own money and time. your pricing is 75 dollars per print and you have around 20.000 people interested before launch. you will offer the STL files with printing instructions on your website. there are 2 options: option 1: I can offer you a way to NOT impact print quality or user experience but make sure that when a person buys it, he or she can only print it on their printer and cannot share this with someone else who did not buy your solution, effectively making you 1.5 million dollar or more option 2: you start selling it unprotected on your website, the second buyer immediately shares this with everyone he knows or might even start selling it with his/her name on it for a lesser price. you get some money in donations but most people don't know you were the inventor so they assume it's free. this option just made you 5000 dollars. what are your feelings now about DRM? because this is the reality. no DRM means either not releasing or losing 95K of your own money. DRM means everyone that needed or wanted it could download and print it while paying the rightful owner and inventor. plus all the time and effort you put in it paid off.. i'm not talking about patenting and weird stuff to screw people over like Makerbot is trying to do.. i'm talking about DRM in a way of protecting people's intellectual property. it is up to a person or company to make stuff open source or free.. or not. wanting to protect your investment and seeing something back for your time and effort is called a business. it's not evil.
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