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Everything posted by DivingDuck

  1. @zerspaner_gerd, in der Tat, es wäre interessant zu sehen, ob dies eine Verbesserung bringt. Zumindest würde sich der G-Code, je nach dem was gedruckt wird, um einiges verkürzen. Das ist für mich per se eine sinnvolle Weiterentwicklung. Zur Zeit ist der Postprozessor noch nicht da, wo er sein müsste, um wirklich produktiv einsetzbar zu sein. Für einfache Grundstrukturen kann man es schon nutzen (solange nicht mehr als ein Teil zu drucken ist). Offensichtlich hat der Slicer noch den ein oder anderen Fehler. Jedoch finde ich es noch viel spannender, dass mit der Einführung des Slicers in Fusion als nächster logischer Schritt man dem Weg zum Thema Simulation für 3D gedruckte Modelle näher kommt. Bin mächtig gespannt, ob und wie es da weitergeht.
  2. +1 This was a good decision. It's maybe a good idea installing the MeshTools plugin from @ahoeben too. It can save you a lot of headaches identifying those kind of problems.
  3. Good point., you are right. Hadn't thought about this.
  4. Hadn't you check the model? Cura clearly give a warning that your model isn't watertight and have 11 sub meshes... For Fusion 360 this is very uncommon and happen usually with meshes where you forgot to close/connect surfaces. With a real construction in Fusion this will not happen (except you will do walls with zero or smaller as line width thickness. My first thought was that you maybe had import a stl file to Fusion360? These kind of files I saw usually from SketchUp, never from Fusion360. Cura can't work with this model. There are too much errors (walls with zero thickness and some other problems).
  5. I didn't knew your laptop, but maybe there are two graphic drivers in your system, one for external and one for the internal display. You should update both to the latest version including OpenGL.
  6. Your welcome. Glad to see you solved it for your needs. Happy printing. Regarding the profiles I think you are right. Guess, most UM users use also the preferred materials as this combination is proved to work. I'm ok with this, as one of the over all benefits is a freely usable and maintained Cura Software. That's how business works. :)
  7. Yes, it seems you have the same issue. The path is c:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.5\resources\definitions\ (Windows10) As fare as I can see, you have the same entry in file ultimaker2.def.json (ultimaker2_extended.def.json points to this file). For changing you need to open the file with administrator rights. Make a save copy of the original file. I'm a bit concerned about this modification at that place, as this is something what needs to be updated with each update as it differ from the standard setup. I wonder why they have choose this behavior. Anyway, you can also make a own definition file as copy and modify there the behavior you want. That is maybe the better way.
  8. "The best" is always a personal choice and mostly out of date 🙂 Maybe the setting guide plugin in Cura is a good starting point. I fond the ebook "3D Printing Failures" from Sean Aranda (aka The print general) as a helpful book of reference when it comes to print failures.
  9. As I saw, you are printing with a Tevo Black widow. Is it possible that you are using the standard definition file? Maybe I am wrong, but the definition file says: "metadata": { "visible": true, "author": "TheTobby", "manufacturer": "Tevo", "file_formats": "text/x-gcode", "has_materials": false, "has_machine_quality": true, "platform": "tevo_blackwidow.stl", "preferred_quality_type": "normal", "machine_extruder_trains": Shouldn't this be "has_materials": true ?
  10. Had you update your plugin(s) (Material Settings plugin) too?
  11. Hi, gestern bin ich über die Neuerungen von Fusion 360 gestolpert und habe im Fertigungsmodul einen neuen Eintrag "Zusatz" gefunden. Nun ja, die Übersetzung ist ziemlich dämlich, aber im Original bedeutet es Additive Fertigung. Somit ist nun konsequenter weise auch der 3D-Druck in Fusion als Postprozessor eingezogen. Das ist alles noch recht Beta, aber man kann schon ein wenig mit herumspielen. Falls es jemand interessiert, hier ein Link zum Autodesk Fusion 360 Video mit einer Kurzeinführung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd0l2ZOQQek Es gibt schon einige Postprozessor-Profile für UM und andere, diese können hier gefunden werden (unter "Any type" den Eintrag "Additive" auswählen): https://cam.autodesk.com/hsmposts
  12. Oh. Can you tell why? I like to ask because of implementing a tool changer.
  13. I'm just working on my experimental printer and recognize after activating in my printer profile an additional extruder I loose the ability to print in sequence because of not available menu entry under Special Modes. Guess this behavior isn't intended? Printer with one extruder in printer definition: Printer with two extruder in printer definition:
  14. Translation DE There shouldn't be two different menu entries with exactly the same translation. This always ask for confusion using an UI.
  15. I recognize a little "maybe" glitch: Settings Guide wasn't asking for an update after installation of Cura 4.5 beta and the plugin wasn't listed under menu item Extensions. Going to Marketplace the plugin was listed as installed and up to date and after clicking on Installed I was asked to update the plugin. Doing so the plugin was working again.
  16. Well, I wish I had more choices to select for point 3. I could probably select all three choices, because that is what a forum like this matters. I had never ask an question here if I remember correct, but I am reading what other wrote and so I increase "my" little bit of knowledge with each visit of the forum. When I have a question I first search for it and mostly do find the answer or get an idea for the way to solve my problem. The forum is for me in addition an source for new idea's and provides an other point of view for a lot of questions or solutions in 3D printing.
  17. @Bruce19, sorry for my late answer, I am busy this weekend. I guess @ahoeben is right. It looks like your PC haven't finish all updates and is blocking you somehow. I had a similar problem last month and needed to help Windows a bit for updating all packages. Try first to check manually if there are Windows update in the queue waiting. If no start the search again and if there are updates let them install. After that shut down your system completely, reboot it and manually start searching for windows updates again (just in case...). After this procedure try to update your graphic driver from the previous download once more.
  18. Hello @ahoeben, thanks for trying to help for the meantime. Sanych don't want to ignore you, he simply isn't able to follow the conversation. He use the Google translator and the results seems not to be understandable for him. He wrote in his language because of a machine translation for a machine translation makes understanding ever more worse. In this case it is ok for me, to go this route. By the way, there seems to be an software problem in the materials menu, as I already mention in my last post. By preparing the screenshots I recognized, that I setup a price and wight for a generic material some when and I'm not able to reverse it. Setting price and wight to cero won't accepted. Hello @Sanych, sorry, I am really busy this weekend. I was not able to give you any answer yesterday. I can imagine that it is complicate for you to follow an english conversation, if you need to translate it via google translator. But it is better than having nothing and I use the same tools (ImTranslator) to follow what you wrote here. Let's see if I can do some explanations and screen shots for you now. First of all, please make a new install of Cura. Please download the actual version 4.4.1. You are missing all material definitions that are part of the installation. I will do some screen shots in english as we need a base you can follow by switching between language in Cura 🙂 After you did your installation plead click in the menu bar to Preferences -> Configure Cura, you will find in the new window the materials menu. After you choose "Generic PLA" and click Create, you will see no change. There is no additional material created: But, when you click on Profiles (or any other item on the right menu) like: and then go back to the menu item Material, a miracle happen: You will find a new entry Custom -> PLA -> Custom Custom Material. This new material can you now modify to your needs: Keep in Mind: to see your modifications, you need again leaf the Material menu and go back once more. If you have further question, please do not hesitate to ask. But it will need some time to answer as I am busy today too. Maybe an other user can jump in too if it took to long.
  19. There isn't a real book like "Cura, and all you need to know about" available. Maybe you need start writing it 🙂 The best thing I did in the past was switching to Autodesk Fusion 360 a couple years ago. I also used sketch-up long time as it was a good enough 3D software for things beside of 3D printing. I fond it very complicate finding problems in terms of valid models and spend more time in searching for model errors as I need for building a model. Also it turned out for me that building a model (equal if it is more complex or not) in Fusion is much faster as I can use well implemented technics from other disciplines too in this program. For me the Videos from Lars Christensen was a real eye opener for using this software efficient and as a really helpful tool in areas that I never had thought to use it as an tool before. An other good investment is a good trouble shooter for 3D printing problems. I fond the ebook "3D Printing Failures" from Sean Aranda (aka The print general) as a helpful book of reference when it comes to problems in this area. He update his book on a regular base and you will find a lot of useful tips in general for old/new printers and software like Cura. This is only one resource of a lot other people who doing good stuff around 3D printing. Stefan Hermann (aka CNC-Kitchen), Thomas Sanladerer or Makers Muse are other one I visit sometimes when I have a little spare time to look what they are doing or talking about.
  20. Sounds like you have bigger trouble with your system. What combination of AV/Firewall is installed at your system? Are you sure you have all updates for your Win10 (64bit?) installation too? Take a look at your device manager and check if the driver was updated (my guess is no) and wether you have in addition other device driver problems too. You can deactivate the firewall for installation. Usually this isn't necessary to do. Maybe disconnect your computer from internet/network before doing this. By the way I did my update two day's ago and don't had any issue. I don't use an external AV/Firewall since years as the build in one is good enough for me. Good luck
  21. Switch to the english one: https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/radeon-500-series/radeon-rx-500-series/radeon-rx-570 Download the newest one (01-21-2020).
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