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Everything posted by DivingDuck

  1. Wenn bei deinen Parametern irgend ein Wert rot eingefärbt wird, bedeutet dies, dass er außerhalb der min/max Werte für diese Einstellung liegt. Deine Einstellung für [Drucktemperatur für kleine Schichten], engl. [Small Layer Printing Temperature], ist zu niedrig. Setze diese höher so dass sie mit den Materialeinstellungen harmoniert. Der Wert sollte >= anfängliche Drucktemperatur bei den Materialeinstellungen liegen.
  2. You will find it here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/topic/0TO5b000000Q4utGAC/ultimaker-cura
  3. You can delete/rename the configuration folder as ultima ratio, but make a backup of the folder before so that you can go back if you want to (in case you delete the folder). -->Help -->Show Configuration Folder or manually you find the location here: c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\cura\ Each former installed version have it own folder within this location (like 4.13, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2) Next time you start Cura it will ask you to select a printer and create a new folders with standard values. In case there are already older versions available Cura tries to take over the configuration of the latest version instead of creating a new default set of files. In addition I would check the log files if there is any problems shown. The locations are: c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\cura\stderr.log c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\cura\stdout.log c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\cura\5.2\cura.log Remark: AppData is a hidden folder, you may need to tell your file explorer to show those hidden files and folders. https://www.google.com/search?q=explorer+view+show+hidden+files+in+Windows
  4. Ich vermute, dass er ein Profil mit FDMPrinter als Vorlage benutzt ohne die Einstellungen anzupassen. Erschwerend kommt wohl dazu, dass in der Firmware ebenfalls zu hohe Werte für den Drucker hinterlegt sind. 100 m/s für eine Z-Achse ist für die meisten Drucker eine sehr steile Vorgabe. Das ist die Standardeinstellung im Profil fdmprinter.def.json: "machine_max_feedrate_z": { "label": "Maximum Speed Z", "description": "The maximum speed for the motor of the Z-direction.", "unit": "mm/s", "type": "float", "default_value": 299792458000, "settable_per_mesh": false, "settable_per_extruder": false, "settable_per_meshgroup": false },
  5. Add the new model to an open project first and then delete the old model. An other way is to save a developed profile as a new profile and attach it later to a new project. BTW, actual version of Cura is 5.2.2.
  6. Your STL file have an error. The model isn't watertight. You can repair it with a tool like 3D Builder (part of Windows standard app's). I attach the repaired model. Maybe a good idea to update the Cura slicer. The actual version is 5.2.2. Install it without deleting the old version so you have a fall back in case you are missing the printer profile of your printer. There are some neat plugins available, like MeshTools ( go to -->Marketplace -->MeshTools). It will tell you if a STL file have problems and give some tools for a repair too. dragon_rep.stl
  7. The project file open fine in my installation of Cura v5.2.2. Changing the printer works as well. I attach the newly saved project file. CE3MAX_Glorious Amur_new.3mf
  8. Yes, indeed I hadn't realized that. Glad that you was able to fix your problem. I'm running as well Windows 10 and never had the issue not seeing the configuration files via Cura. Is it maybe a Windows user profile issue that lock Cura to access the %appdata%\roaming folder or a safety feature that prevent the access? Who knows...
  9. in addition the configuration files between versions are not all the time compatible. They can but, they differ more often. Exporting from one version and importing with an other version give you mostly the chance to end with a successful take over to a new version. I wonder why you need to do that manually as Cura import the files usually when you update Cura. Regarding not seeing your configuration folder, had you read the posting from MarkT and look carefully to the attached picture? "Hidden Items" is what you need to check in your Explorer
  10. Es gibt 4 Möglichkeiten, warum der Druck nicht funktionieren könnte (bei der Einstellung jedes Teil für sich drucken): 1. Die Teile passen nicht in den reduzierten Druckraum Check mal die Höhe der Teile, sie müssen under der Brückenhöhe liegen 2. Die Teile liegen nicht plan auf der Drucklatte und du hast evtl. ohne Support eingestellt 3. Die Druckreihenfolge ist nicht richtig und ein Druckteil behindert den Druckkopf zur nächsten Druckposition zu kommen 4. Es sind noch andere Druckteile außerhalb der Druckplatte positioniert.
  11. Keep in mind there is not only one file that is the "configuration file". The configuration is a set of files where the files have dependencies to each other. You need them all for a functional configuration in Cura. Here is a good starting point to learn how these work: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Definition-Files-Explained and https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings
  12. This isn't surprising. PC is not resistant to bases, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons as well as ketones and esters. Prolonged exposure to hot water can cause stress cracking (as you already experienced). In combination with dishwasher detergents whereas alkaline compounds (bases) are an essential part of, this isn't a really a good choice. ABS is maybe the better choice for this DIY and you can gain the temperature range with annealing a bit further. As well doable at home. Shrinking during the annealing process needs to be compensate in addition and is part related. You need to make some test parts for annealing.
  13. Nicely written explanation. We need a bell for new articles in the support area 🙂
  14. Use Cura showing and directing you to the correct place where the configuration folder live. That way there is absolutely no confusion about this question (and this is why the entry exists in the menu). It it mentioned in the second post in this thread. Some remarks: 1. Cura: -->Help -->Show Configuration Folder 2. Each Cura version have its own configuration folder (... 4.13, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 ...) 3. Everything in %appdata% is for usual Windows user not visible as this is an hidden folder structure. You maybe need to change configuration of your Explorer / file manager to see them. (For Explorer see one post above your post for the ) BTW: %APPDATA%\cura\5.1 works fine in case you had installed this version and not delete the configuration files during an update / uninstall of Cura. %APPDATA%\cura works as well to find all existing configurations, but again: use Cura to show you the way to your "journey".
  15. It looks like you possibly change the code page of the file to something different to utf8. This can happen if you use a normal text editor and then save the file as text file. or add a character ("¤") in your profile. Maybe with copy and past from an other file or html file Use instead a coding editor like notepad++, vs code or something similar. For the latter one and most possible issue find and delete this wrongly inserted character in the profile. Position 37 should be a good indicator where this character is located in the mentioned file.
  16. As @MariMakes already told, the file you had attached is corrupt. The stl file inside the .3mf file is corrupt. No chance to do anything. A suggestion is to attach a newly created project file once more for upload and add in addition the stl file. There are as well missing some important information, like Cura version, operating system and material used. The part seems to be small. Depending on the material used it is maybe worthwhile to play with flow rate, temperature, fan speed and retraction length / -speed in addition.
  17. +1 good catch. Spaces in file and path names are often a problem. This is why I always add surrounding quotation marks for path and file names in the batch example.
  18. Here is a good description for commonly errors with stl files: https://facfox.com/docs/kb/the-most-common-stl-file-errors-you-will-meet-in-3d-printing-process Sketchup is known to export problematic stl files. Sketchup doesn't enforce for solid parts (at least the older versions). You can find a lot of requests here in the forum about this topic.
  19. Check if the STL export produce a defect file. Install the plugin Mesh Tools from marketplace and check your stl file.
  20. There seems to be no redirections for former link addresses. I found a new location, but this isn't as elegant as before: https://support.makerbot.com/s/topic/0TO5b000000Q4utGAC/ultimaker-cura
  21. @chizlerstone, you can't update the firmware with Pronterface. Why don't you update the firmware with a SD card, as this is usually the way to do this? https://jgaurorawiki.com/a5s/firmware
  22. The best way to overcome these problems is to create a folder that includes all files needed including the .stl file and a little batch file for running the slicer engine. Looking on your errors there are missing: ultimaker2_extruder_0.def.json, in addition you need: ultimaker.def.json, fdmextruder.def.json Here is an litte example, extract the folder Test to your Desktop and run batch file SliceUM2.bat in cmd window: Test.zip
  23. This happen because the Cura installation folder change with every new Cura version. Select "user defined" instead of "Cura", click on folder and select the new location of Cura. In my case it is: "c:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1\Ultimaker-Cura.exe" In your case it is: "c:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 5.1.1\Ultimaker-Cura.exe"
  24. Usually for existing profiles from Ultimaker this isn't a huge problem as they at least do some checks of those profiles / configurations and correct general settings if they need to be changed. For own configurations and profiles you need to do that yourself. Only major setting changes like version and id management will be adjusted during migration. But you can't really be sure as no one else than you know what's in your configurations and what needs to be adjusted. Let me say it that way, if you do it as an service business and you want support printer configurations over lifetime than you better calculate a decent amount of support time and cost for those kind of activities. Regarding saved projects, they are in general not broken as they was build with an correct working configuration matching a Cura version. With an new version of Cura you have at least the chance to import the project. The big question is, will a well tuned project print with a new Cura version as good as with the old version? My answer is: it depends, in most cases not. A project file is good as long you stay in the same environment. Changing the software or firmware version will change the game.
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