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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. Will you please read the README.md that goes with my releases. It will help.
  2. If you had bothered to open an issue I could have helped find out why it was crashing. You know unless problems get reported, they are unlikely to get fixed. If you are using Windows and you had previously installed one of my releases earlier than 1012 then you must remove the old installation before installing the new one (otherwise it will not start up).
  3. Hello @sibianul, I don't know if you have tried my Cura builds but they contain fixes that could be relevant to your issue. If you want to try them go to https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 They can be installed alongside the UM releases without conflict. Please read the README.md file that's there.
  4. As requested, here I am. Unfortunately, I know almost nothing about the Cura UI and I certainly don't know anything about how those unprintable zones are defined. Sorry. Your best bet is to open an issue at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues and then the UM developers can respond. Good luck!
  5. As @alexjx says, the problem appears to be with the model's normals. If you install the Mesh Tools plugin from the Marketplace, you have an option to fix model normals from within Cura. Here's your model, twice. The one on the right has had its normals fixed by the plugin, the other, not.
  6. Could you please save the Cura project (File -> Save) and attach the resulting .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
  7. Sorry I couldn't help. That fix worked for me when I got a similar crash. Please open an issue on github showing the image you have above so that the Cura devs will be aware of the problem.
  8. It's not just the spiralize mode that's unhappy with that model. You can still see problems with spiralize disabled. For some reason, Cura is unhappy with that model. Sorry, I don't know what the problem is.
  9. Sorry, I'm not that familiar with Windows but I suggest trying the following. Copy the replacement IntentCategoryModel.py file into the Cura install directory (something like c:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.4\) and restart cura. If that isn't sufficient, you probably need to remove the original file (which has a .pyd suffix rather than .py) from the python35.zip file that is in that directory.
  10. It's a bug. You can work around it by replacing the IntentCategoryModel.py file mentioned in the dialog above with this file (zipped so it can be attached to this thread). Hope this helps. IntentCategoryModel.zip
  11. They look OK. That z-hop speed is very slow, on my delta I use 300mm/s but deltas can do that. Perhaps the z accel or jerk is wrong? I guess that's set in the printer and not by Cura. Or perhaps it can be set in the start gcode?
  12. So if z-hop used or not is making the difference I would guess that the printer is losing steps on z-hop. Maybe it needs slower z-hop speed or reduced z-hop jerk/accel?
  13. Yes, but the travel move to the outer wall from the wall next to it is only 0.4 mm long and this is shorter than the Retraction Minimum Travel setting so no retraction is done. I just noticed that setting is currently not visible (it was disabled a couple of months ago). I will ask the UM people what's happening with that.
  14. Hello @Garand. I loaded your gcode into 2 other viewers and neither show the horizontal artifacts that are in your images so I think the problem is in IdeaMaker.
  15. You're using zigzag infill pattern that prints alternate layers in different directions. Because the infill density is so low (you're using 1%) there's going to be a lot of air under each infill line. 1% gyroid infill does a better job (I think) but will still have problems at the top of the print where those rectangular skin areas are as they and the walls around them will be printed on air. You are going to need more infill to print those areas.
  16. At the start of the print, the absolute extrusion value is set to 0. As the print progresses, the value increments. When a retraction occurs, 4 is subtracted from the value. So, for example, imagine that after a line was printed the extrusion value was, say, 1026.35. If a retraction occurs at that point, the E value will be set to a value 4 less, i.e. 1022.35. When the travel move has finished, the un-retract occurs and the E value will return to 1026.35 (or even greater if an extra-prime amount has been specified). Therefore, until the cumulative amount of filament extruded is more than 4, a retraction will make the E value become < 0.
  17. Duh! The answer is obvious now I think about it. You're using absolute extrusion so when the cumulative amount of filament extruded is less than 4mm, a 4mm retraction will require a negative E value. i.e. if the current E value is 0.5, a 4mm retraction will require an E value of -3.5. Note that every now and again, Cura puts a G92 E0 in the gcode to reset the absolute value back to 0. That is normal. Hope this helps.
  18. Hi, can you please attach the gcode file to this thread. Even better, please save the project (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
  19. Answers... 1 - turn off the Union Overlapping Volumes setting. 2 - grab the blob at the top or bottom of the layer slider and move up/down, doesn't that alter the layers displayed in colour (not greyed out)?
  20. Please save the project (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread so we can check it out. Thanks. That sounds like your layer view is operating in compatibility mode? Do you also get the horizontal slider on the bottom? Please post a screenshot of the problem.
  21. Does closing and then opening the setting sub-section help?
  22. Thanks for the file. I looked at the extrusions in the gcode and I think it looks OK. It has been sliced for 1.75mm dia filament. Is that right for you?
  23. Hello @askolds11, please save the project file (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
  24. Hi @LasseCR, very interesting post. Well done! Now, tell me, what properties of the wing control surface hing alter when the print direction is reversed? What difference does it make? Thanks.
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