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Everything posted by Cuq

  1. I don't really understand this needs of two scripts. Anyway concerning the retract tower you need to have two different print, one for the retract length and one for the speed. So you need to modify the script according to the parameter you want to test. It's a normal behaviour. But you don't need two "scripts" ?
  2. Note : For the missing Retract parameters if you use an Ultimaker 2 it's normal, for the same reason. As you are not suppose to modify the values form Cura but only on the machine these parameters are not visible. [Edit ] Oups ! The answer was already provided by @gr5 in his post.
  3. Unfortunately the RetractTower script does not work with the UM2 on the standard configuration. By default these machines use the firmware Retract code (G10/G11) so the values are not modified by the script and are only driven by the parameters set on the machine. I don't have this machine but maybe if you disable the firmware control in the cura parameters it will work. https://github.com/5axes/Calibration-Shapes/wiki/Retract-Tower#note
  4. Marlin flavor in my case but as GCode are mainly different on M Code instruction which should not have any influence on the creation of the final rendering this should not generate any particular problems.
  5. I don't know just downloaded the Windows Voxelizer for Fab version : https://zmorph3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/voxelizer3.0.0.msi_.zip No issue in my case. Then Just Import GCode -> VOXELIZE PRECISE -> Then Export STL
  6. Thanks for the link... Quite surprised by the quality of the result. On the right the original benchy, on the left the model recreated from the Cura Gcode and reintegrated in Cura.
  7. Hello @MariMakes, Yes you are right, It's the same behaviour. Sorry for the confusion.
  8. You can find also his request here : https://github.com/5axes/CustomSupportCylinder/discussions/24
  9. Strange, in vase mode we don't have anymore the concentric pattern as we have in 5.0 and 5.1 but we still have 4 or 5 walls ( event if the number of wall is set to 1 ) Except for the initial layer ??? Initial Layer Bug or Feature ?
  10. https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura/discussions/185 But only in the Cura 4.20 fork of Cura from smartavionics.
  11. An other solution use the Material Settings Plugin. And to be sure to use always the Material value . Right clic and "Use value from material"
  12. As mentionned in the wiki page I've designed this Font to be print with the 5.0 release of Cura . 2 mm is the minimum for a 0.4 nozzle and in this case the width is equal to 0.4 or closed to 0.4, and you will have just one wall. But I don't recommend this size, with this nozzle size. It can be used just to indicate something but you will not get a clean text. 4mm (0.8 width) is a prefered choice in this case.
  13. I Don't know, but it should not be an issue
  14. The ttf file is available under the indicate link, as well as the project file if you want to modify the font
  15. You must associate the Extruder N°2 to the support blocker. (right clic on the Support blocker and select extruder N°2)
  16. Interesting discussion that I had already asked on other forum without real definitive solution and which concerned the best Fonts for 3D FFF printing. Preferably : Sans Serif, Bold, Rounded Finally I decided to create my own font that would give me the best results. But the project is still in progress. And for a 0.4 nozzle the minimum size seems to be 2 mm. For 1,5 you have to use 0.2 as indicated by @GregValiant. A link : https://github.com/5axes/NameIt/wiki/New-Font-:-NameIt-Rounded-Bold The initial requirements : Printing a single outer contour, No interior infill Continuous and rounded motion that minimizes letter wraping when printing the first layer
  17. It's also an interresting case where we can play with 2 new parameters on the 5.X release. Minimum Wall Line Width & Add Middle Line Threshold 0.34 / 75% 0.3 / 80%
  18. There are always some discussions about Infill density versus print time and part strength . An interesting video : Not sure that 100% give the best result, Layer Height , and Wall Number are also important. And one point I think : Linear Infill is any way a better choice for stress distribution and adhesion between layers.
  19. Strange Infill Method : Infill Density = 99% Infill Pattern = Concentric Connect Infill Polygons = On Is it realy necessar ?
  20. Yes you are right,if I'm remember correctly the first layer it's the first general informations , the second one it's the start Gcode. And the third it's the first layer. But in python as the list index start a 0 : 0 comment 1 start Gcode 2 First layer -> 2-1=1 Layer number 1 note in the Gcode first layer it's layer 0
  21. Infill Travel Optimization is only visible if Combing Mode is not OFF
  22. Cuq

    plugin solidworks

    Ce que veux dire L'ambassadeur, c'est que le plugin n'a pas été mis à jour pour le passage à la V5 . Donc pas disponible jusqu'à que quelqu'un veuille faire la mise à jour, puisque le développeur du plugin visiblement n'a pas prévu de faire ce travail. Donc 4.X ou Export STL en attendant. Bon courage,
  23. If you have some values in your profile for these parameters they automaticaly overwrite the material profile values. So you need to be sure to remove from your profile specific parameters like printing temps, retractions, etc It's not an easy job to do because as soon as you have modify/change one of these parameters it's too late, there is no function to go back. In the Ultimaker world it's easy because profile are validate and created by Ultimaker; for the other people you must have a very good knowledge of the uses of the Cura stacked profile system and of the parameters in the profiles. A good start https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings I use a specific plugin to clean up troublesome settings but the nature of the operation and the level of Cura users concerning these knowleges do not allow a general use of this tool.
  24. Have you read the wiki page ? https://github.com/5axes/Calibration-Shapes/wiki/Retract-Tower
  25. The NX interface was (is using) a NX Vb script to detect the last Cura Release . And this script is searching in the registry key Const strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" but Cura 5.X doesn't use anymore this WOW6432Node folder. Have you try to modify "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" into "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" ?
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