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Everything posted by Cuq

  1. You can download directly the curapakage file from his Github and then drag and drop curapackage according to your Cura release in the 3d viewport in Cura as if you were opening a 3d model. You will then be prompted to restart Cura. https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-ZOffsetPlugin/releases
  2. One solution could be to add in each of your script this option of enable/disable , you will keep like that the full list of your script. But it will be not very handy because you will need to check every script one by one to know if it is active or not.. No real smart solution , execpt perhaps transform every script into a plugin.
  3. So the Plague for Cura 5.0: VERSION_QT5 = False try: from PyQt6.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR except ImportError: VERSION_QT5 = True
  4. As usual @fieldOfView your analyse is very acurate. Yes I feal this PyQt6 import not very elegant. But if there is no other simple solution... I will use the french expression : Choose between the plague and the cholera ... I will take the plague Thanks for your feedback ... And it's not because I update my plugins that I will make them available on the marketplace. I think I'm still waiting for a stable version of Cura 😄
  5. As usual with me : it's not clean but it's working ... Any advice for a better or more elegant solution ? # Copyright (c) 2022 5axes # Initialy Based on the SupportBlocker plugin by Ultimaker B.V., and licensed under LGPLv3 or higher. VERSION_QT5 = False try: from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt except ImportError: # from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt VERSION_QT5 = True from . import CustomSupportsCylinder from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura") def getMetaData(): if not VERSION_QT5: QmlFile="qml_qt6/CustomSupport.qml" else: QmlFile="qml_qt5/CustomSupport.qml" return { "tool": { "name": i18n_catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom Supports Cylinder"), "description": i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Add 6 types of custom support"), "icon": "tool_icon.svg", "tool_panel": QmlFile, "weight": 8 } } def register(app): return { "tool": CustomSupportsCylinder.CustomSupportsCylinder() }
  6. Hello, I'm looking for a code solution to update the "Tool" plugins for the release 5.0 of Cura. How to specify the right QML file according to the QT release ? In these plugins. The tool_panel property is specified in the "__init__.py" file IE : "tool_panel": "TranslateTool.qml", Is it possible to change this property after the init ? Best regards, Cuq
  7. Cuq

    Cura 5.0 en Beta

    C est pas l'évolution le problème, c'est le tout en même temps
  8. Cuq

    Cura 5.0 en Beta

    Dans la même version, Changer le moteur de découpe, Passer en Qt6 pour l'interface, Invalider tous les plugins Et accessoirement vérolé certains profils Moi je dis , faut aimer le risque
  9. For a Beta no, but for this new version of Cura yes, due to the switch to QT6 and some modifications in the Cura interface, every plugin must be updated and submited to Ultimaker to be added in the marketplace. It will takes times before you will get back the full list of available plugins.
  10. Don't be afraid @ahoeben will certainly update his major plugins soon. The discussion was concerning my own situation, not the excellent and uniq contribution of @ahoeben to Cura
  11. Clearly , I don't have your skill in plugin devellopement , and as non professional I love the possibility to improve my code, but in this case I have absolutly no fun to update the existing working code. And as the change will necessary oblige to use the last release and cannot insure backward compability for user which made the choise to stay in with a 4.0 release it's not interesting to do this job. I'm also thinking about the possibility to close my Github repositories, in order to not be annoyed by the user requests that are inevitably arrive for the update to version 5.0
  12. Yes but upgrading the plugin is not just changing from PyQt5 into from PyQt6. As I say I'm really curious of the existing user point of view. Personnaly I don't think I will do the effort to update my existing code.
  13. I have trouble understanding the logic of this new version. No more compatible plugin and 20% of the existing profiles no more compatible . Do you think that the migration will go well ? I'm still very curious about user feedback.
  14. Cuq

    Cura 5.0 en Beta

    La Beta de la version 5 est dispo : https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/5.0-beta C'est la que l'on voit que le Hollandais est un peu masochists
  15. Distance between the two selected points
  16. Is there a plugin to switch from the basic nozzle representation and a more complexe head ?
  17. Donc au final tu roules à 72 ou 73 Km/h ? 😄
  18. Moi j'ai une pensé pour le développeur à qui on a demandé de mettre ça comme unité : Et qui là se dit : Enfin !
  19. le retour de la « verge anglaise » assez simple suffit de multiplier par 1.0936133
  20. Small session of personal self-satisfaction, I missed the counter but by resuming the updates, I have just seen that the downloads of my plugins have just exceeded the milion. Thanks to all the people who contributed by their remarks or bug report to make them better I hope. Thanks also to @nallath, @ahoeben , @ghostkeeper, @PrintingOutsideTheBox and surely others that I forget, without whom by their help and their advice, I would not have been able to realize what I wanted to do. Plugin Download Release Link Cylindric Custom Support 280555 2.5.5 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/CustomSupportCylinder Tab Anti Warping 190534 1.2.1 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/TabAntiWarping Export HTML Cura Settings 43374 1.1.2 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/HTMLCuraSettings Duplicate 11112 1.0.6 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/Duplicate Profil Analyser 30813 1.1.3 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/ProfilAnalyser Import Export CSV 15604 1.0.7 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/ImportExportProfiles Calibration Shapes 434378 1.7.0 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/CalibrationShapes UniversalCuraSettings 17438 0.0.17 https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/UniversalCuraSettings 1023808
  21. option "Supprimer tous les trous" dans Corrections coché par inadvertance ?
  22. Cuq

    ISO 52902

    Anyone is using for their own tests with Cura ? ISO/ASTM 52902:2019 Additive manufacturing — Test artifacts — Geometric capability assessment of additive manufacturing systems https://www.iso.org/standard/67287.html Scientific paper on this subject : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344608288_Test_artefacts_for_additive_manufacturing_A_design_methodology_review
  23. A mon avis c'est une machine qui fonctionne sous Marlin, il suffi donc de modifier le format de sortie en le réglant sur Marlin.
  24. You can also do the same without using PrusaSlicer or SuperSlicer but just by using their Gcode-Viewer
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