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Everything posted by GregValiant

  1. Some thoughts... The standard Creality board uses an 8 bit Arduino clone processor with the stk500v2 bootloader. The SKR Mini E3 uses a 32bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor with (it appears) a proprietary bootloader. The BigTreeTech site and the SKR Mini E3 documentation state that the SKR Mini E3 is compatible with Cura. I have not come across anything that purports the reverse - that Cura is compatible with SKR Mini E3. There appears to be evidence (from this forum and from other forums) that the BigTreeTech compatibility statement is not true. I don't understand how or why Ultimaker should be responsible for, or try to support, a third party statement, hardware, firmware, or software. It seems to me that the problem rests with BigTreeTech.
  2. So the Xvico is spare parts now (or did you shot-put out into the yard)? I haven't seen that thingy but it looks interesting. I had a similar idea but decided to work through the USB. GENEO - what is the Thingiverse number on that part? I'm curious because there must be a PCB under there that is translating the button clicks into Gcode to send to the printer.
  3. I have had this same problem occasionally. Unfortunately, it comes and goes and I haven't really figured out why. I tend to have a single profile that I use for everything. I change it as I go from PETG to PLA and from model to model. Every once in a while I hit a combination that causes this problem. Then I slice a different model with some different settings and magically the problem goes away.
  4. There are numerous flow settings for the various areas of a print under "Material". Nobody has mentioned Line Width. Generally it is the nozzle width, but it can be set otherwise. Smaller (Ex .35mm) would move the lines closer together. I believe it has an effect on flow. If the firmware is Marlin then under Tune there should be a global setting for Flow % (scroll down to the bottom). That can be adjusted on the fly. You could also put an M221 S110 at the start of the Gcode to set the global flow to 110%. That is more of a one-shot deal if you can't adjust on-the-fly while printing.
  5. In Cura under "Preferences / Configure Cura / General / Viewport Behavior" de-select "Automatically drop models to the build plate". You will be able to drag the model with the grips or enter numbers in the Move box on the left. Before you print, go into the Gcode file and make sure that there is a Z move that will take the nozzle above the print before any moves in the XY. I have a question though. How are you getting the part lined up in the XY when you put it back on the plate? I've thought about printing on the backside. My thought was to print a low locating jig when I print the first side of the model. Then remove just the model and drop it back into the locator upside down. non-symmetrical models would require some thought to make the locator ambidextrous (I know..it means it won't work either way) and there couldn't be a second skirt or brim, but the part would be in the correct position.
  6. In a gcode file, just above or below the line that says ";layer:0" will be a line with a Z value in it. The last Z value that you see before extrusions start is the height that the slicer software assigned to the first layer. Compare that number from one of the files you sliced with Cura, to one of the stock gcode files that worked. In Cura under Quality is "Initial Layer Height". As it implies, it's the height of the first layer. Set it the same as Layer Height. Under Build Plate Adhesion is "Z offset" and set that to "0".
  7. Snekmeseht - Was there an on-screen message when the print stopped? If you open the SD card gcode file in Notepad what does the end of the file look like? It should end with the M107, M104 S0, and other shut down gcodes as well as several lines of comments starting with ";End of Gcode". Creality machines can be touchy about the SD card itself. It seems they don't like high capacity cards and even a 8gb card has to be formatted once in a while. There can be problems with the card that cause the gcode file to get truncated and the end of the file gets cut off. That causes the machine to just stop as it runs out of gcode to act on. When that is the case the only message would be the "Ready" message.
  8. The SD card only needs the Gcode files. Limit the number of Gcode files on the SD card or the printer processor will slow down quite a bit when accessing the card. The printer uses DOS 8.3 file names internally. Really long file names can cause problems and the files may not show up on the LCD display. Print using the LCD "Print from TF" command.
  9. I saw your post when you first put it up but I didn't have a clue (that's actually my normal state) about what's going on. If you post the Gcode file here I'll take a look and see if there is a pattern. The retractions and primes should all be 6mm if that is what you had it set for. Are you using "Retraction extra prime amount"?
  10. This is one of the reasons I find myself designing things with one eye on the slicing software. Sometimes you have to fool Cura into doing what you want. Without the option you described (call it Last Layer Height) and in the situation you described, adjusting the Initial Layer Height to .6 (or .2) would adjust the top layer to end up at 25mm. Setting the layer heights to .403 would get really close to 25mm. But what if the model has a second feature below the top level (Ex: a step) that needs to be held to a tight tolerance as well? I haven't played with Adaptive Layers much. Maybe that would be work for multiple features.
  11. In the main Cura screen and with the Prepare view on-screen, there is a block right under the word Prepare. Clicking on it SHOULD bring up a box to enter material and nozzle size.
  12. There are two kinds of profiles - one for the machine and one for slicing. 1. Cura needs to know your machine so it can generate Gcode files that the printer can understand. You need to go into the machine settings in Cura (did you add your printer as a custom printer?) and make sure the build plate size (75x75x70?) and Gcode flavor (Marlin, RepRap, whatever) and the other options are set for your printer. 2. If you open one of the Gcode files that came with the printer (with any text editor like Windows Notepad), there are lines at the beginning that will give some information regarding some of the slicer settings and what software was used to slice the model. You should learn about Gcode since it is what makes the printer print. Something like "M104 S205" doesn't make a lot of sense to just look at (it sets the hot end temperature), but at the Marlin.org site the Gcodes and Mcodes are explained. So deciphering the Gcode file a bit should give you enough information to come up with your own Cura software profile for slicing. It looks like you'll be limited to PLA with a max hot end temp of 205. Leveling the bed and getting a good first layer is covered in numerous videos.
  13. We belong to the Tin Can Tourist club. Members have old camping trailers or motorhomes that they've reconditioned. Ours is a 1972 Shasta Compact. For our next rally I'm bringing some coaster holders (and coasters) to pawn off on unsuspecting folk. The two on the left are the production models.
  14. Darn. I was hoping to delete that one before anybody saw it. Too quick on the send button, or my fingers are faster than my brain.
  15. I think I'll stay out of this one. I'm feeling a little bad for Carla though...ouch!!
  16. Well there ya go. You can carry on a conversation with your printer now. "M503" you said. "echo:busy: processing" it replied.
  17. M302 needs a parameter or two. M302 S100 would set the temp below your extrusion temperature. This remains in effect until the printer is shut off. The next time you turn it on it will be back at 175 degrees. M302 P1 disables the cold extrude safety. For coding you should add M302 P0 to your ending gcode to re-enable the safety at the end of the file. I'm not sure if this gets cancelled at power off. I don't know what firmware you are running but the Marlin Gcodes are here.
  18. The plugin keys on the term ";layer:" rather than the Z height. From it's point of view it does work at Layer change. The question would seem to be why is the ;layer: comment where it is instead of at the Z change. I agree plugins are macros. Something similar to what you want is done by the Pause at Height plugin. It checks the previous X Y Z E and restores them after the pause. I played with that for a minute and it generated this code in the file: G1 F2700 E942.81886 ; A retraction G1 F300 Z0.7 ; A Z-Hop ;MESH:NONMESH G0 F7500 X126.647 Y80.826 Z0.7 G0 X129.221 Y79.165 ;TIME_ELAPSED:634.017759 ;TYPE:CUSTOM ;added code by post processing ;script: PauseAtHeight.py ;current layer: 1 M83 ; switch to relative E values for any needed retraction G1 F300 Z1.7 ; move up a millimeter to get out of the way G1 F9000 X190 Y190 ;This parks the head - you could throw this out G1 F300 Z15 ; too close to bed--move to at least 15mm M104 S205 ; standby temperature M0 ; Do the actual pause ;If this was G28 I think it would work as you want. M109 S205 ; resume temperature G1 F300 Z1.7 G1 F9000 X129.221 Y79.165 ;Move back to re-start X Y G1 F300 Z0.7 ; move back down to the resume Z-hop height G1 F2700 ; restore extrusion feedrate M82 ; switch back to absolute E values G92 E942.81886 ; Extruder reset ;LAYER:1 M140 S50 M106 S42.5 G0 X129.221 Y79.165 Z0.9 ;TYPE:SUPPORT G1 F300 Z0.4 G1 F2700 E948.81886 I understand what you want to do and yes, the plugins are essentially macros. If someone was to take the Pause at Height code and loop through it NumberOfLayers times then a couple of minor changes and you would have it. Unfortunately (I think) it would be specific to the G28 command and that probably makes it a one-off custom routine. Maybe one of the Ultimaker folk will chime in with an opinion.
  19. If you would post a copy of the Gcode file from the SD card (not from your hard drive) that would be good. Also mention the printer brand and model and what firmware it runs.
  20. A person who knew absolutely nothing about Python or plug-ins might say something ignorant like "self._timeout = 30" But then he/she would be neither aware of nor responsible for any of the possible ramifications of adding a single zero nor how many times the variable is used in the plugin nor what else it is used for. Entropy always increases and ignorance is bliss.
  21. You have run into the problem that many have. Gcode is a machine movement language, not a programming language. You can use M114 to get the current location of all 4 axis (example response = X:95.52 Y:102.69 Z:1.40 E:489.90 Count X:7890 Y:8753 Z:566) but it would need to be parsed outside the Gcode to pull the E value out. In your first code example, the G28 is at the end of layer 0. The Z move just prior could be a Z hop, but the next two moves are non-extrusion moves. You want the plug-in to notice that and put the G28 ahead of the non-extruding moves. That would fix your problem, but for the next person it may not be true that the moves are non-extruding. From the G28 Home position, the next Gcode line (in your file) must be an extrusion line. You would need to pull out the XY position and return the head there before allowing that extrusion line to run. Right now, it is being told to extrude from Home to whatever the next defined position is in the Gcode. What it expects, is to be at the previous XY of 234.25, 18.25. Some machines support G60 (save position) and G61 (return to saved position). You might be able to incorporate them into your code. Something like... G60 S0 G28 G61 S0 The Marlin firmware in my machine doesn't support G60 or G61. I have no intention of fooling with it even though from time to time it would be useful.
  22. As Smithy says, the settings in Cura need to match your printer. It appears that the build volume of your machine is 350 x 350 x 400. The origin should be left front corner (not the center). The Home Offset settings in the printer firmware will have an effect on the virtual center of the build plate. Explaining that goes beyond your question but IF your build surface is 350 x 350 and you use the LCD controls to send the print head to X=175 Y=175 it should be at the center of the build surface. If it isn't then you need to adjust the X Y Home Offsets. Home Offset Z should be zero.
  23. This must have to do with the Gcode flavor that your printer uses. Have you figured out what it is? Cura needs to match the Gcode flavor to the machine the Gcode is intended for and there is a drop down list in Machine Settings. Here is a list of the Marlin Gcode commands at Marlin.org and here is the listing for RepRap commands. M106 is layer cooling fan speed. M566 is supported by RepRap as a jerk setting. M204 is an acceleration setting. All three are normal things you should expect to see. Within the gcode files do the G1 lines look similar? Usually "E" means extrude but some machines used "A" instead. There is also the issue of "volumetric" extrude vs. extrusion by mm. That has to match as well as the language. The LCD on my printer has a menu command for "About Printer" and states the version of the firmware (but not the flavor). When I open the printer port with my host software the printer response includes the flavor and version number: start echo:Marlin 1.1.8 echo: Last Updated: 2019-01-11 | Author: (Ender-3 Pro) echo:Compiled: May 30 2019 echo: Free Memory: 9448 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232 echo:SD card ok Init power off infomation. size: 585 You could send M115 to the printer as well.
  24. There should be many more on that list. First below Ultimaker BV is "Custom" and below that are a lot of different manufacturers. I wonder if they somehow got missed during the installation.
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