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Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19


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Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19
On 4/18/2020 at 9:44 AM, DrCeeVee said:

Hi @Diego_Medics3D. Saw your Wednesday post, but forgot to reply...


Don't worry too much about the stringing between parts in the stacked version. It can happen, because the STL is designed to allow some space between stacked parts, so that they are easily separated after the print completes. This small gap between stacked parts can cause a few layers to stay loose and not get attached to the part they belong to... Just pull them off the part during cleaning/inspection.


This issue is one of the reasons why I'm mostly using the 3-shield-per-print, non-stacked version. Production speed is almost the same, but attention is needed every 6.5 hours, while the 12-shield stacked version has the advantage of allowing you to just leave it printing unattended for a full 24+ hours.


Great work guys, keep printing those shields!


Hi  @DrCeeVee!


thank you for your reply, I will try the 3 piece print during the week, but surely it will be easier to print them with zero issues.

Usually i print the stacked version because i have 8 printers working 24/7 on these visors, and it is a lot easier for me to concentrate the post processings in the morning to optimize the working day. I have to say that printing the stacked version on Prusa hardware is really better ( of course, this design is optimized for their printers) and no stringing at all. Probably this is thanks to their additional cooling fan.


anyway, the results on the S5 are quite good, i will try to optimize and keep you informed if i find a good printing profile for the stacked version!

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19
    1 hour ago, Diego_Medics3D said:


    Hi  @DrCeeVee!


    thank you for your reply, I will try the 3 piece print during the week, but surely it will be easier to print them with zero issues.

    Usually i print the stacked version because i have 8 printers working 24/7 on these visors, and it is a lot easier for me to concentrate the post processings in the morning to optimize the working day. I have to say that printing the stacked version on Prusa hardware is really better ( of course, this design is optimized for their printers) and no stringing at all. Probably this is thanks to their additional cooling fan.


    anyway, the results on the S5 are quite good, i will try to optimize and keep you informed if i find a good printing profile for the stacked version!


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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19
    On 4/19/2020 at 3:02 AM, CapableQuad said:

    Anyone manage to print these on a UM3, seems they are too big, even though they are under the dimensions UM advertises as fitting on a UM3.

    I have been asked by some hospital staff for help printing these  as the hospital cannot supply PPE to all staff.

    I gratefully appreciate any help. 

    Hi, which model are you trying to print exactly? The Prusa face shield seems to have a volume of 200.2mm*150.2mm (X/Y), partially because of a large bottom plate. The Ultimaker 3 is advertised to have a build volume of 200mm. If you trim down the bottom plate by 1mm it should fit. 

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Hi, thank you for your response. I am trying to print the US model. The maximum dimension is around 197mm. I have solved the problem though.  It was a simple error. In the 3 years that I have been using Cura, I did not ever understand the meaning of the slightly greyed out portions of the build plate as depicted on the screen. By default Cura seems to center the model onto the center of the build plate. I assumed that the automatic centering placed the model at the optimum location for maximum printing size based on the dimensions of the model. I found out that this is not the case, so by moving the model slightly to the left so that the edge of the model is not encroaching on the slightly greyed out area solved the issue.


    Perhaps I should have known this if I had read the documents carefully, we sometimes overlook very obvious solutions, but in my three years of printing small models I had never had to utilize the full area of the build plate.


    This post should probably get moved to the "dumb mistakes" section.


    Now I need to learn how to print with PETG. I have successfully printed with PLA, ABS and Nylon (with and without PVA support). The face shields call for using PETG, are there any guidelines for using PETG with the UM3? I have looked on this forum and there are a couple of hints, but nothing specific.


    Thank you.




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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Here is my profile.  You can use it as a starting point.  I use it with my Ultimaker 3 Extended.  My nozzle size is .6 because I have 3D Solex print cores with interchangeable nozzles.  If you are using the standard .4 Ultimaker print core just change the line width to .35 or .37 or so.

    As they say, YMMV.

    Face Shield .3 Layer .6 Nozzle PET.curaprofile




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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Thank you,


    I will try the profile today. I have standard UM cores so I will make the adjustment for line width.

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Caution.  My machines are UM3 Extended.  If your UM3 is the standard that may have an impact on the settings.  They may be incompatible.  I really don't know . . .

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Thanks I will check it out, it may not make any difference.

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Before doing a whole mask, I would suggest to do a test model first. Start with default settings or proven settings from other people, and then on the fly change temperature and speed, and see what effects that has on your model. Different brands, material compositions and colors may all have an effect, as well as environmental circumstances (e.g. moisture).


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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Thank you for help.

    I started off using the CPE profile which printed fine, but then I found the PETG profiles in the marketplace. I have installed those into my UM3. 

    I am now using the eSun profile as a starting point . I notice that it prints at 250C compared to 235C for the generic CPE profile.

    I am using my filament drier to keep the PETG  at 50C. The face shields are printing really well.

    Success, thanks for the help.


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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Good to know.  Did you tinker with any of the jerk setting or infill settings?

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    No, I didn't, I printed at 0.2 with the default settings, there is the tiniest amount of oozing  which causes specs or tiny hairs of material on the back of the shield but this comes off when I brush the surface with my finger. I am happy with the result.

    I am going to try at 0.25 and a stack of 3 next.

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19
    On 4/19/2020 at 3:51 PM, gisley said:

    Hi @Diego_Medics3D,


    Are you in the San Diego Area?  If so I am also printing for a local medical facility.  If you have defined areas of need I may also be able to help.

    Hi @gisley,


    Sorry to reply you just now. Unfortunately no, I am not in the San Diego Area, but honestly I would love too. I am based in Turin, Italy!

    Anyway thank you very much!



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    Posted (edited) · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    I've been printing the prusa visor designs too - the MK3-2 version uses 60% less plastic, and prints in much less time. It doesn't stack though, so for stacks you're back to using the slightly bigger design (which has been updated with little posts between visors which just snap off, rather than the older chimneys).


    One problem I have on my UMO is stringing - just strings across the curve of the face shield. I can't see any head movements that account for it (watching the "preview" in cura, I can't see the head ever make a short-cut across the band, and I don't think there's any retraction going on either), but it seems a common problem (not just on Ultimaker printers either - reports from these guys are the same: http://www.makers4thenhs.com/). It's not really a problem I've ever really worried about before - any idea what can done about it? What are the obvious causes/solutions?

    Edited by coofercat
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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    I have been printing the Prusa shield file for weeks on my Ultimaker 2+ (5 of them) and they are going great. (We have donated over 1000 shields.) 


    I bought an S5 last week and have not been able to get one decent print out of it.  I'm using PLA that works great on the 2+.


    I have the overhang on the curve problem (dark pink) and this odd overprint ring problem (light pink).


    I've attached my gcode file for the S5.  Can anyone help me get this file correct?  I can't use your file because I am not printing the bottom part of the face shield.



    3mmlayer_headband_rc3_1.gcode 4x_covid19_headband_rc3_1_0.25mm_PLA_MK3S_13h18m.gcode

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    @dorlik: You still can use my files! Just download my ZIP file, unzip it, open the file you want (x1, x2, x3, x12) as a Project in Cura (not the STL file, but the Cura 3MF Project file), and simply delete the bottom parts before printing. Do a printout without changing any settings, to see if you get the same problems. My files are guaranteed to work on the S5, as I have printed hundreds of face shields using them. They're plug-and-play, you just load filament, load the Cura Project file, prepare your bed plate and press "Print". I've never had a failed print so far...


    Your photos look horrible! Have you changed any settings in the standard Cura profiles? Because this can dramatically affect how the printer behaves... Make sure you do a test to see if your S5 prints OK using one of the standard profiles (nothing changed by you).


    Good luck, and keep those printers printing!

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Thanks to everyone helping here!


    We're trying to use our Ultimaker S5 to print these and, after successfully printing a single visor as a test from the Prusa STL files, we downloaded your .ufp file DrCeeVee.  However, our first try at that has gone pretty badly resulting in maybe 6 useable parts out of 12 that it tried. Severe stringing and total delamination?


    I will try to go back to our (default) settings and see if I can cram the 12 shields on the build plate but couldn't fit them as the 'greyed out' area was too restrictive and I haven't figured out how to remove that yet.


    Any advice or help greatly appreciated!








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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    @Ryan5829 and others experiencing problems:


    Guys, I really can't think of a reason why my files are not performing as expected. Are you using normal PLA filament? My files are all meant for standard PLA filament, with a standard AA 0.4 mm nozzle and a layer height of 0.2 mm. When you load the files, are you selecting "Open as Project", and do you see the above parameters in Cura?


    Alternatively, if you want to try the 3D models and their placement as shown in my files, but with your own settings, just load my files and select "Import Models". Important: after loading the models, just uncheck "Adhesion", found on the bottom of the profile settings area (if checked). This will increase the available surface, so that the 12-shield version can fit in the Ultimaker S5 build plate. When you just import the models and not my settings, you are fully responsible for choosing the appropriate material type, layer height, infill, and all other parameters, just as you would when printing any other STL file.


    Still, I find it difficult to believe that printing using my files as complete projects (including my settings) results in the photos you've posted. Are you sure you haven't messed with the printer settings? Could there be a file incompatibility issue between different S5 printers and Cura versions?


    If anyone out there has successfully used my Cura Project files (including my settings) to print Prusa face shields, please let us know by posting a message here, thanks.

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    The big mistake I was making (and the reason my prints were so horrible) was that I was printing from the BB nozzle.  Once I switched to the AA nozzle, my prints came out beautifully. (Note to self: Read the manual.) 


    I have 5 Ultimaker 2+ machines running full time making the stacks of 4 Prusa file.  This typically leaves some filament at the end of the spool that I was afraid I would have to waste. However, the S5 is fine with printing from relatively short pieces of filament.  I've made some UCLA-colors headbands, some USC-colors headbands and this morning I made some Los Angeles Lakers headbands.  The nurses and doctors report that the bright, fun colors are great!  They are especially popular with the younger patients.


    Ryan5829--I had the same problem with the 2+ machines where they don't make it all the way around the curve, resulting in that canopy of filament look.  It happens at the break in between the headbands.  I solved the problem by slowing the print to 85% when it gets to that break.   I have one 2+ that doesn't have the canopy problem so I'm wondering if the set screw on the X axis of the other machines need tightening.  


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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Thanks DrCeeVee.


    Yes, normal PLA, 0.4 nozzle, loaded as a project. I'll have a go at importing models and unchecking adhesion (the greyed out area had been a problem!).  I re-installed Cura prior to printing and removed all previous configuration files to avoid anything we'd done (we have screwed up settings on other jobs in the past).


    Thanks too, dorlik.


    I've used the AA nozzle but we may have made some other similar oversight or indeed a screw may be loose - I'm reluctant to start fiddling with that unless a last resort but I think slowing it down for now at least is a good start.


    This thing's evolving rapidly and I see Amazon wading in with new open source designs and supply now. However, if demand for face shields continues then I may look at purchasing a larger nozzle to speed up production.


    We're using our company's machine and also have some obstacles to overcome with challenge from our legal department about whether we can use our company machine for this 😞

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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19



    Here's a follow-up on my investigation of that overhang problem that's so annoying.  I saw a CNC Kitchen youtube video about poor adhesion in layers and the fellow mentioned that the fan cools the filament rapidly which can adversely affect layer adhesion.  So, I slowed the fan down to 50% and look!  very little canopy in my latest prints!  (That white filament has been especially bad.) .  I'm running 5 Ultimaker 2+ machines at the same time and I got the best prints out of them that I have ever gotten on the shield headband.  I'm sure you can fix the file to slow the fan at the right place but I just did it manually on the machine.  You have to wait until after the adhesion layer (brim) is complete because the fan is at zero for that, but as soon as you get to the next layer, you can turn the fan down to 50% and leave it that way for the rest of the print.  Oh! And I put the speed back up to 100%.  Faster and better.


    Good luck! Let us know how it goes.




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    Posted · Using our Ultimaker S5 to print Prusa Face Shields for COVID-19

    Thanks dorlik! Sounds like a good suggestion so I'll give that a shot for the next print when I go in tomorrow and see if it helps.

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