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Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


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Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

I just downloaded the RC3 and upgraded a UM2 with the firmware (which the printer says is 14.02.1).

After running a very short print (only 0.1mm layer), at the end the print stopped and then the timer counter counted down for a few second...and then it started displaying 6 hours. Still the head was still and not moving, also still heated bed and hotend heated.

I waited only a minute or so before I aborted.

Not sure it matters, but this was a print with Initial layer thickness 0.1mm and I had cut off object bottom enabled as well.

I.e. with the cut-off it was 0.1mm high, otherwise 0.2mm high.

I'm guessing this is a firmware bug?

Did not try this print with previous/other firmwares though.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I also noticed the new "pause" feature when printing.

    I like that now for the UM2 - unlike pause in UM1 - the head moves up and out of the way before pausing.

    Some questions/issues on pause:

    1) When pausing it seems it takes a while (buffered?) before it actually pauses. Is there a way to calculate how long it will take? Is is a specific number of line segments/gcode lines?

    2) I cannot find a way to change filament during a pause. I think that most people would use pause to change filament. Of course it could be useful for other things as well (inserting objects into a print etc) but I really think it needs to be possible to change the filament.

    Feasible to implement? The Replicator 2 has this feature I think and it would be nice if we had it too.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    1) The buffer is 16 moves. There is nothing I can properly do about this without causing major problems in the code. So, yes, that takes a while sometimes.

    2) It does disable the stepper motor. So you could pull out and push in new filament (it can be done, but requires quite some force) But a firmware assisted filament change would be nice. I'll put it on the TODO list of features for the firmware.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    here are my findings from testing RC3 at my home notebook:

    - Slicing worked,

    - when switching to overhang view I get the message "lack of OpgnGL shader..."

    - when switching to layer view, cura is not responding and when closing, windows is displaying an error message that phytonw.exe is not responding. Details of the message as following:


    Aufgrund eines Problems kann dieses Programm nicht mehr mit Windows kommunizieren.


    Problemereignisname: AppHangB1

    Anwendungsname: pythonw.exe


    Anwendungszeitstempel: 4df4b9cc

    Absturzsignatur: b59b

    Absturztyp: 0

    Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.

    Gebietsschema-ID: 3079

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 1: b59beffc26edbb7a3166a5c85035fb52

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 2: aab2

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 3: aab2d75d7bad18789dcff594c3e578cd

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 4: b59b

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 5: b59beffc26edbb7a3166a5c85035fb52

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 6: aab2

    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 7: aab2d75d7bad18789dcff594c3e578cd


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    We just downloaded the RC3 version for OS X and it fails to start, the console says:

    Cura[4179]: GLUT Warning: glutInit being called a second time.

    Cura[4179]: Cura Error

    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[212]: (com.ultimaker.Cura-14.02-RC3.140480[4179]) Exited with code: 255


    The RC2 version works fine; are you aware of this (possible) issue with the OS X version of RC3?

    Thanks for the effort, we really like Cura and the Ultimaker 2.




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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    When i was testing RC2 when my print finished the head moved away about 5mm from the print and sat there and started counting down from 6 hours with the nozzle temp staying at 215 and the bed still heating, i had to abort the print when finished...

    So i tried cura 14.01 still with the rc2 um2 firmware and the same happened again.

    I then put the 14.01 firmware back on my machine and did a print and when it finished all was fine

    So i concluded from this the RC2 UM2 firmware was at fault anyone else have this ?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Cor3sys same behaviour for me in that fw. I reported details elsewhere in this thread. Did you use cut off setting?

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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Do you mean the cut off object ? if so then no i did not use that option...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Cor3ys, that's what I meant.

    In that case I guess it should be an easily reproducible bug... :)


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Issue of RC3: When displaying multiple objects in layer view, some brims disappear. They reappear at some point when sliding through the layers.

    In this view, all objects should have a brim:

    Cura 14.02RC3 layer view brim missing


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Issue of RC3: If machine settings are changed while a print-one-at-a-time situation with multiple objects is ready, the print mode is somehow switched to print-all-at-once internally while the selection in the tools menu stays the same.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    We just downloaded the RC3 version for OS X and it fails to start, the console says:

    Cura[4179]: GLUT Warning: glutInit being called a second time.

    Cura[4179]: Cura Error

    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[212]: (com.ultimaker.Cura-14.02-RC3.140480[4179]) Exited with code: 255


    The RC2 version works fine; are you aware of this (possible) issue with the OS X version of RC3?

    Thanks for the effort, we really like Cura and the Ultimaker 2.




    Someone else also reported problems. I'm looking into it.

    Some better logging would be useful, Cura on MacOS outputs better logs if you run it in a terminal. Which can be done by right clicking on the app, "show package contents", then goto contents/MacOS and run Cura from there. It should popup a black box that might contain a better error log.


    Cor3sys same behaviour for me in that fw. I reported details elsewhere in this thread. Did you use cut off setting?


    I cannot think of anything that I changed that causes UM2 prints to halt...


    Issue of RC3: When displaying multiple objects in layer view, some brims disappear. They reappear at some point when sliding through the layers.

    In this view, all objects should have a brim:


    Fixed for next update.


    Issue of RC3: If machine settings are changed while a print-one-at-a-time situation with multiple objects is ready, the print mode is somehow switched to print-all-at-once internally while the selection in the tools menu stays the same.


    Problem is that after a change the models most likely intersect and thus one-at-a-time printing refuses to do anything. Moving 1 object a bit should push everything apart. I've also triggered this when you close the machine settings window now.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    And RC4 is up: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/

    I did not change anything on the MacOS version, so the crash that some people are having is most likely still in. I did address most of the other issues.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I cannot think of anything that I changed that causes UM2 prints to halt...


    Daid, we just reproduced this with a previously known working model.

    A 4MB video of the behaviour is here.

    The gcode for the object printed in the video is here. It takes about 15-20 minutes to print.

    The version in the menu states:

    Feb 18 2014 11:36:54

    Version 14.02.1

    (was downloaded as part of RC3)


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Spot on GadgetFreak that is exactly the same as what i get, change the firmware back and all works fine :???:


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I think I've found the problem for the firmware. Will put a fix out soon, until then use the previous firmware or your prints won't finish.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    Issue of RC3: When displaying multiple objects in layer view, some brims disappear. They reappear at some point when sliding through the layers.

    In this view, all objects should have a brim:


    Fixed for next update.



    The brims seem ok now in layer view of RC4, but there is now a similar effect with the infill, also for just one object.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    The brims seem ok now in layer view of RC4, but there is now a similar effect with the infill, also for just one object.


    Screenshot? As this sounds like intended behaviour. Only the line infill for the top 10 layers is shown.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I did not check if the retraction settings are properly saved now. I did make some changes on saving settings, so can you check this?


    Guys, I am not able to test this because my UM2 has been sent back to UM for replacement. Maybe someone else could test it (PLEASE!).


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Screenshot? As this sounds like intended behaviour. Only the line infill for the top 10 layers is shown.


    Might be it's intended. But looks a bit strange. If this is the price for the fast GUI, I can live with it.


    layer 14:

    cura14.02rc4 layerview infillmissing1


    layer 20:

    cura14.02rc4 layerview infillmissing2


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Might be it's intended. But looks a bit strange. If this is the price for the fast GUI, I can live with it.


    It is the price.

    The lower layers are displayed from information straight from the slicer (they are also loaded before the slicer is finished), the upper 10 layers are displayed from parsing the GCode. There is a huge speed difference between these two display modes.

    The fill areas are yellow outlined in the lower layers, but that might be a bit harder to spot.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I think the layers view needs to represent the truth as fas as possible when it comes to how the object is printed. Therefore I absolutely think that it's not a price worth paying.

    I some things are not displayed correctly, how would I then be able to trust the layer view at all?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid!

    Great software you are developing! I see bright future!

    I have been testing with RC3 now.

    Bottom layer travel speed:

    A general problem with cura that the bottom layer travel speed should be adjustable. What i notice is that the printhead is pulling the filament off the bed while it is moving to a different place on the first layer.

    Support structure:

    I really like that the lines support structure is there. I am printing with PLA but the support is still sticking to the model a lot even though i put Z distance to 0.3 with 1.75 nozzle and layer thickness 0.2 you would expect it so be separating easily.

    Would it be possible to add some fluff to the last support layers? Or decrease the flow maybe?

    Printer connection:

    I have 3d Builder. When I start printing it hangs in the printing dialog on detecting baudrate. it does show the correct temperature. I edited the code so the print button would be enabled all the time anyway (in the updatebuttons blabla function). Now, when i click it, the connection works and i can print.

    When I cancel a print the head stays in the last spot. It stays hot so i get a meltdown of my printed part. The printhead doesnt move home. In pause state it would be nice if the head would move upwards for about 15mm.

    Love to test your latest updates again!



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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I tried the RC3 version and had some issues. Some appeared to be display related. Cura seems to lock on loading of some models. Others will load and slice normally. Some models will appear to load, but the STL never displays on the bed, and the slicing progress is stuck at ~1%. I should add that all the models that I tried had been successfully sliced in prev versions.

    I just tried out RC4, and it appears to have same issues. I know this report is a bit vague. Sorry for that.

    One model that will load, but not slice is http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:250662

    I will place a screen shot in my gallery of another display issue that I have had I think since the start of new slicing engine. It only cosmetic, but I get phantom images of the print bed graphic after/while rotating a model and on adding subsequent models to the platform.


    I am running Win7 64 and running a AMD Firepro V4800 graphics card (low end workstation card)

    Thanks for the great work Daid!


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