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Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

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Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

@pm_dude - I will be contacting you as soon as they arrive here in Boston.

I don't know what the hell the postal system is doing. Actually it says they are DONE processing in NYC. We've had some big snow storms here in Boston - we had a record breaking 3 foot storm (1 meter) but we can handle that here and the streets were all clear and open within 24 hours and then we got another 1.5 foot storm less than a week later and 3 2-inch storms and another 8 inch storm this weekend. Maybe the parts got lost under the snow? I'm getting a bit nervous. Here's the tracking info (USA postal service tracking sucks - it's not like the amazing DHL, UPS, or FedEx):



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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    They analyzed the hot end design, found problems and are now making some improvements before they let the package through.


    My guess is that the customs officers have never seen anything quite like it! .. ("Mua-ha-ha...")


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    They analyzed the hot end design, found problems and are now making some improvements before they let the package through.


    Not possible for US customs to approve it, here is why:


    The Block is designed from the "bottom" and up by Anders Olsson, from Sweden.

    He works as a ******* scientist.

    Sweden is the country which, measures per capita BY FAR OUTSHINES all other countries when

    it comes to mechanical engineering, metal work, workshopping etc. They invented steel half a millennia ago, exported it to Japan and China for several hundred years..

    This is the only little country which until just recently had no less than two car manufacturers, they

    design and build their own fighter jets, (don't mention the Wasa), the list goes on..

    There is no way, that anyone on the East Coast can improve it.

    I am proud to come from a country so close to Sweden, as Norway is!

    Now, we only need to convince him to focus on the Dual Extrusion!

    edit; Okey,, possibly someone on the North East Coast could...


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    I will check this personally.... just decided to spend my summer holiday in sweden this year :)

    Btw think saab went really really bankrupt for the x time when run by a dutch man (sorry)

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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    It really seems customs are a bit too curious about those heater blocks.

    They have spent an awful lot of time in delivery so far.

    I hope things are sorted out so you can get them delivered soon.

    Regarding Saab Automobile I actually spend quite some time and effort reverse engineering the APC-system for the early turbo models many years ago. There is still a pinned thread at the Swedish Saabturboclub-forum about that project :smile:

    I think the engineers at Saab used to have too much power, which suddenly changed into the economic people having too much power when GM bought it. Neither of those situations were good for the sales.

    When it comes to my heater block design, it was not that difficult to design it with all those constraints. There are simply not many ways you can design it, it was more a matter of getting it done.

    Dual extrusion is a completely different challenge and may require design solutions that I have not seen yet in order to work really well.

    If it has moving parts it has to be both reliable and accurate and at the same time one should try to minimize the number of components needed.

    I hope that many more than me are trying to solve this problems, because we need new innovative ideas for this one I believe.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Dual extrusion is a completely different challenge and may require design solutions that I have not seen yet in order to work really well.

    If it has moving parts it has to be both reliable and accurate and at the same time one should try to minimize the number of components needed.

    I hope that many more than me are trying to solve this problems, because we need new innovative ideas for this one I believe.


    Just my two cents: I don't think the standard dual/multi-extruder approach is suitable for the UM philosophy with a compact and lightweight printhead. It's like adding a revolver head to a CNC machine. If a 3d printer already features a heavy printhead with a direct extruder and big stepper this might be the way to go. But there will remain various other well-known multi-extrusion problems to solve.

    However, most multi-extrusion issues would already be solved if we find a way to implement another CNC tool change mechanism. Compact and lightweight extruder modules which are detachable from the printhead. Only one at a time is picked up for printing. No oozing over the print no unused nozzles nocking down something. "Just" use some printing space for a tool magazine and implement the mechanics and firmware for a locking/unlocking mechanism. There is hardly any 3d printer concept which could be more suitable for that than the UM bowden design.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Custom Heater Block:

    I Guess you will all soon have it!

    It is certainly going to liven things up in here!





    February 5, 2015 , 2:02 pm

    Arrived at USPS Facility


    LAS VEGAS, NV 89120


    Your item arrived at our USPS facility in LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 on February 5, 2015 at 2:02 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Compact and lightweight extruder modules which are detachable from the printhead. Only one at a time is picked up for printing. No oozing over the print no unused nozzles nocking down something. "Just" use some printing space for a tool magazine and implement the mechanics and firmware for a locking/unlocking mechanism.


    You could do that fairly easily with a magnetic kinematic mount for the extruder modules and a Cura addon lo change module.

    It is a bit tempting to try now when I think about it :smile:

    I guess it should be discussed in another thread though.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Custom Heater Block:

    I Guess you will all soon have it!

    It is certainly going to liven things up in here!





    February 5, 2015 , 2:02 pm

    Arrived at USPS Facility


    LAS VEGAS, NV 89120


    Your item arrived at our USPS facility in LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 on February 5, 2015 at 2:02 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.



    February 6, 2015 , 3:12 am






    Departed USPS Facility



    LAS VEGAS, NV 89120






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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    I see many register to the email notifications :D


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Departed USPS Facility

    LAS VEGAS, NV 89120



    New York is a 4 hour drive from Boston. Las Vegas is all the way the other side of the country. 2 days drive. What the hell?


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Probably the first entry in NY was for import clearance which they need to get before actually shipping the package to US and Canada.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    T&T said my package was still in amsterdam customs... but when i arrived home from work it was there! Best start of the weekend... will install in now.

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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    For those unfamiliar with the US Postal system, everything is routed through gynormous Postal Hubs.

    For example, in my NW corner of the USA--Left Coast, all, and i do mean ALL our mail goes to Salt Lake CIty first, and then gets re-distributed throughout the Pacitic Northwest.

    We used to have a more effecient (at least as a customer, I thought it was more effecient) series of sub-hubs, the closest being in Spokane, Washington (state). Not anymore. All sub hubs closed and everything shipped to SLC for re-distribution.

    The other thing curious about US package delivery services is this historical tidbit:

    The Basis of the founding of FedX in 1971 is a quirky, fun FAQ.

    Back in 1971, an enterprising university MBA student undertook a project, to analyze Airplane Flight Schedule Patterns, with the aid of the university computers.

    What the student discovered was that everything converged in Memphis Tennessee on the East Coast.

    From there every item mailed could reach every other part of the USA in 24hrs or less.

    The student took that information, and made a tidy fortune selling it off to an interested shipping company, and FEDx was born.

    Fortunately for Ultimaker, the go-to, USA Utlimaker guru is based in........





    wait for it....








    MEMPHIS! :mrgreen:


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    I see some funny routings in europe as well sometimes looking at f.e. the T&T of UPS.

    Guess its not only about optimal routing (distance), but also about load balancing on the linehauls and hubs.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Fortunately for Ultimaker, the go-to, USA Utlimaker guru is based in........





    wait for it....








    MEMPHIS! :mrgreen:


    Simon, take a bow.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Look what the postman brought me today


    UM2 changeable nozzle

    All fitted and tuned in nicely to the 15mm 3/s extrusion test. Now off to play with the other nozzles..

    20150207 114840


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Nice :smile:

    I was planning to make a video about how to install the heater block, but I did not have a chance to do that yet.

    It seems like those of you who got the block so far managed to install it without any instructions though (or you found my previous post about it? http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7689-custom-heater-block-to-fit-e3d-nozzle-on-ultimaker-2/?p=89581) )

    Anyway, I updated the first post in this thread with some crucial information for easier access and for newcomers not to have to read through all 10 pages.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    Installation was not super smooth but I managed ;) the thread on the block was not perfect (on 1 of the 2 I got) had to put it in a vice to force the hot end isolator (used a new one for this) on it with little back and forth movement to get the tread going. I succeeded so all is fine now. As anders said before you need to put just a bit extra force on the setscrew as the heater is fixed faster than the pt100, also make sure to push the pt100 in far enough.




    Did a few ultibots with a 0.4, they looked good to me. did the extrusion test, perfect. Then did a big spiralize vase in about 3 hours with the 0.8 nozzle. To test for leaking I put on some extra pressure;

    nozzle 0.8

    nozzle size in cura 1 (bottom lines get 1mm distance)

    flow 120% (to make sure the bottom is watertight, and get a 1.2 mm wall)

    Temp 220/60

    Speed 55

    Makerpoint natural PLA

    1 x 0.3 x 55 x 1,2 = 19,8 mm3/s

    the 19,8 is no problem at all , I'm sure you can speed it up more with no problem...




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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    1 x 0.3 x 55 x 1,2 = 19,8 mm3/s

    the 19,8 is no problem at all , I'm sure you can speed it up more with no problem...


    You are pushing it way more than I dared to try so far, impressive that it works that well! :smile:

    I did actually test all threads on all the heater blocks before shipping, but as I said these blocks should be considered as a test batch.

    The next batch will have the position of the holes corrected to require less torque on the sensor/heater screw and will hopefully have more of a mass production finish.

    But you have to wait a bit longer to get one of those of course :smile:

    I should have finished that hex hole version of the torque wrench by the way, but I did not have a chance to do that yet.


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    and i should have made a test print off your version of the hex thing... but did not get to it ... by the way I used the XT version of the wrench (lowest torque) and had no leaks so it must be tight enough.

    regarding the thread;

    There's nothing to worry about the thread being at tiny bit to large, I managed to get it going, and swordriff already offered to send a new one in case I damaged it, so no worries, just if your version is also is a bit tight get it going carefullty in a vise, don't put all the pressure on it in your printerhead.

    Ok, I only printed a day with it now, but I consider this the best ever upgrade you can buy for a UM2, more important than dual extrusion IMHO !!!

    So again BIG compliments for Anders (and swordriff) for making this happen !!! :cool:


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    They arrived this evening! I will be sending out emails in a few minutes.

    DSC 1709


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    You guys get shipping over the weekend? I'm jealous...

    Its Christmas all over again. :D:D


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    Posted · Custom heater block to fit E3D nozzle on Ultimaker 2 ("The Olsson Block")

    I had this issue with gantry height last week (factory nozzle) wich made me think about it in relation to this new heater/nozzle.




    You can have a look at the gantry height setting in Cura (machine settings)

    It should be 48 mm by default, I had 55mm as cura keeps copying older settings in a new install.


    Leaving it at 48mm is very save, but you could add 5mm so you can print items up to 53 mm (iso 48) using print one at a time.


    Obviously this depends on the lenght of the nozzle used, the 53mm is based om my meassurement with the e3d nozzle, I meassured 55mm, but like to stay on the safe side ...


    If you have multiple UM2's, and also operate the other(s) with the UM nozzle staying at 48mm is recommended .. unless your sure never to mix g-codes between machines...


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