Nice reviews :smile:
Brings me up to add a few cents of my recent learnings...
I had the chance to take a look onto the MB Z18.
Our technical design dept. bought it, the decision was based on "biggest build space" and unfortunately not print quality and handling. Recently I was asked to take a look onto it and assist in understanding the process and settings.
first, the printer has a nice, closed design, seems to be sturdy and looks very professional.
The first prints were a desaster. Underextrusion everywhere and the raft was very difficult to seperate - mor or less, the prints were damaged because so much force was needed...
We tried several times printing without raft, but this does not work. Bed level procedure is quite easy and nicely guided by the printer controler, we did it twice but it started printing mid air. So currently my colleagues have to use raft.
The SW has also been stripped down for this printer. There is no possibility to set the print temperatures in the SW, very change in settings has to be done via the windows editor.
Next, there is no documentation available which can assist in understanding al the settings, just a small quick start docu.
And finally, the test prints which my colleagues got before buying were made at an Rep2, not the Z18 so they had no chance to see the "real" quality (there was no Z18 on stock at the local distributor).
There are a few nice ideas it it (leveling wizzard, heated camber, dust cover,...) but basically, it does not work as expected - so from my point of view - SCRAP...
Just my two cents...
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xeno 108
Love this review, they really took the time to use the machines.
and wow the Makerbot gets slaughtered, it's more hype then printer :lol:
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