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  2. Whether they're morons isn't really relevant. What matters is whether they're sheeple who just follow what other people are doing. Less intelligent people (not including you, since if you're smart enough to know you're not a genius, you're not stupid enough to think you are) can be capable of independent thought, which I would say is dangerous, but considering people have killed themselves doing "challenges" on TikTok, probably less dangerous than following the herd. Intelligent people can be sheeple just as easily though (i.e. Cult of iPhone) and that's the real shame since their independent thoughts might be worth something.
  3. For reasons I've never understood, Cura creates folders at both ~/.local/share/cura and ~/.config/cura Why it has a folder in .config I've never understood because it always seems to load the configuration from .local Maybe see if there's a cura.cfg in ~/.config/cura/5.6 and if so move it somewhere else on the computer (move instead of delete in case it messes things up completely, you can move it back) and see if it'll generate a new config file in one or both folders.
  4. I appreciate the sentiment, but don't worry about it. I'm well adjusted. They don't want to act like they're family, I don't have to bother acting like they are. Saves money at Christmas. Fewer presents to buy. 😄
  5. There is still no cura.cfg file. I did what you said and uploaded the log. cura.log
  6. Ahhh ok, now I get it; I'm sorry for you. You can't choose your "family"... 🥴
  7. To use the OctoPrint connection plugin, you still need to add and configure a printer in Cura first. So no, it is not a good idea to add a skip button here, since Cura does not work without a printer configured. You need to add a non-networked printer to Cura, and then configure the OcotPrint connection plugin to point it to your octoprint instance. To elaborate a bit, Cura does actually let plugins "hook into" the "Add a networked printer" functionality a bit. The reason I never added support for that is that Cura does not have a way to know the type (brand/model) of printer that is configured in OctoPrint, so I would still need to ask the user to select a printer type from the long list. And you would somehow have to install the OctoPrint Connection plugin before starting Cura. That just makes it too much work for too little gain.
  8. It's been at least ten years since my stepmother has talked to me or even sent an email or message. "Good riddance to bad rubbish", as my mum would say.
  9. Ah, so you have Experimental > Wipe Nozzle Between Layers turned on? Looks like something it wouldn't be too hard (always famous last words) to whip up a post-processor to remove above a certain layer. Just.. not at 12:30 at night. Later today though I'll look it.
  10. Today
  11. Sorry, don't understand that "metapher (?)" ...
  12. The original question this topic was about was not answered - how do we skip the add printer wizard? I need to install the octoprint addon for my printer - it's networked and too far away, and Cura's networked printer support doesn't work. In old versions of Cura this was a simple thing to accomplish - but now this wizard will not allow me to skip it and I cannot use the app at all. Why did someone think it was a good idea to skip adding a skip button on a wizard?
  13. As a stepchild, I can tell you from experience that this is treated much better than a stepchild. For starters, someone has cared about it within the last ten years.
  14. *tentatively aises hand* yes please? I accept all responsibilty for the damage to my sanity and relationships. the problem with people thinking for themselves is that many of them are ... how do i say this nicely... forking morons. That's as nice as I can say it. I'm not saying I'm smart, so when I think your stupid, things are bad.
  15. I just took a moment to download the gcode file to my workstation ... it looks like that idea is possible: ;LAYER:50 ;WIPE_SCRIPT_BEGIN G0 X250 Y35.322 G0 X270 Y35.322 G0 X250 Y35.322 G0 X270 Y35.322 G0 X250 Y35.322 G0 X270 Y35.322 G0 X72.326 Y35.322 G1 F1500 E2.54158 ;WIPE_SCRIPT_END ... so yes... looks possible.
  16. Feedback is great and all.. But your mostly shouting at the void right now. Best place to provide this such of feedback is on github where the dev's are nearly full-time.. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/discussions They only occasionally lurk the community forum. Additionally UltiMaker Cura is open source. The shear number of people that contribute to the code base makes it clear when people want something that has no resources to be developed they take it upon themself to get it done. With that said, clearly there has not been as much demand for added support for this functionality you mention as it does not appear anyone has figured it was worth their time to add it if they wanted it.
  17. Agreed these are niche features from the hobbyist standpoint however the S line upwards are marketed as professional machines and are quite locked into using Cura which again is put forward as a professional system. Ultimaker provides plugins for all the main CAD platforms which is great but not having the same spin zoom pan setup as your CAD system is a pain when it is the day job rather than a hobby.
  18. I don't know internals, but there is a checkbox for wiping. I suppose you could remove it's effect for every layer above 50. Is that an easier ask?
  19. Hi all, I am currently using Cura version 5.6.0 and an Ender 5 Plus printer with BondTech DDX direct drive and Micro swiss hotend. Attached to this post you can find the problem I am experiencing at the moment. The first series of layers seem to be pressed together, resulting in a very rough print. After some 6-8 layers, this normalizes and the print will mostly continue as expected. What settings could be at the basis of this problem and how can I solve this? - It could be something with the Z steps, but why does it normalizes after several layers? - The amount of layers showing the issue is different from the amount of bottom layers. - It happens with basically all my filaments, both PLA and PETG. - travel retraction distance is set to 1mm. In addition, as some might notice, the start and/or end of the outer wall are not always properly filled. I am not sure on the direction in this print, but it seems to start either too late or with a blob, or ends the line ending with a blob or too soon, resulting in missing filament. Who can help me fix this? Many thanks in advance! Tim
  20. Whether one size is better than the other or which 3d printer is the best or fastest isn't really important, but certainly a machine with no filament in it will struggle!🙂
  21. Hi there When we talk about this matter, it can be tempting to mention the "competition" among manufacturers of 3d printers as to who has the printer that prints the fastest with good quality. So, how fast can a 3d printer with 1.75 mm filament print? Here, of course, the selected nozzle size plays a role, as you can actually print much faster with a larger nozzle and still have good quality and accuracy on the model. With this in mind, I'm not so sure that 1.75mm size filament will displace 2.85mm type filament, -but rather the opposite may happen (IMHO). But time will tell. An UltiMaker printer can print at a "fairly" high speed with a 0.6 mm or 0.8 mm nozzle. Thanks Torgeir.
  22. Okay, so if I can get back on topic for a second: Firstly, remember, everything looks terrible when subjected to a macro lens, plus this is only a small 32mm x 32mm example. Oh, and it's PLA, because while I keep a bunch of colours of PLA and a few of TPU in stock, I only have grey PETG. Layers of green printed: 3 Green surface flush with blue: yes Scripts by Greg used: ¼ (he's touched pretty much all of the included scripts so it's hard not to) gcode files used to print: 1 Messing with gcode files required: a little bit Colour changes required: 1
  23. Nice and very detailed, long answer. But unfortunately, that misses the point. Mainly it's probably about the desire of quite a few users to be able to change the settings of the mouse/trackball so that the handling corresponds to the usual CAD program, for example. And since many users also use a 3D mouse, it is obvious that these users also want to not have to constantly change their grip and/or rethink things. Even though everyone here understands that there is no endless manpower of programmers available here, this topic has been on the agenda for years, but is always treated like a stepchild.
  24. ... I haven't seen any option for that in 5v7 ... It's important to remember that these are fairly niche features you're talking about, and that development manpower is a finite resource. What percentage of Cura users would have a SpaceMouse? I'm guessing under 1%. Cura is almost certainly used by professionals who use UltiMaker's printers and might have one, but there's also a very high number of hobbyists and things like educational facilities using it, most of whom wouldn't even know what one is. There are bugs that need fixing which affect well over 1% of users. There are features in development which will likely be useful to well over 1% of users. It just makes sense to prioritise these things, especially since Cura might be free to download, but is still essentially "sold" as part of the product with UltiMaker printers, both to individuals and enterprise customers. People who spend the money for an UltiMaker printer (I wish I could afford to be one of them) or buy a whole bunch of them for their school or business want solid software with features useful to them, and the significant majority of them do not own a SpaceMouse. So why is it that smaller open source projects like FreeCAD or OpenSCAD support devices like these? They are passion projects. The people who do the development also use the program a lot. And if you're that much into CAD that you develop a FOSS CAD program, then the odds you have a SpaceMouse are significantly higher. And when you're not a company responsible for delivering the best quality software they can to customers, your priority list can basically be whatever you want it to be. Does it suck when peripheral <x> doesn't work with software <y>. Yes. The number of flight games which only recognise my HOTAS as a three axis joystick make me want to through said HOTAS through the screen (fortunately they're often a bit of a tangle of cables so it's not that easy). I have an eleven button mouse. The buttons can act as generic mouse buttons, but most programs won't let you map anything more than a left, right or middle click, so I have to resort to using the configuration program included with the drivers to map them to key combinations. This also means that running in the background I have configuration software for Corsair, Valve (Steam counts when you own a Steam controller), Razer and four different Logitech programs (and not that it runs in the background, but I do have to fire up 8BitDo's software at times). Far from an ideal situation, but I can't reasonably expect game developers to have native support for all these things which most people don't have. What can I do about it? Well for most games, and most software, not much. But if you want something supported in open source software, then you can implement it and submit a pull request to have it included in the main program. I know that it sounds easy when I put it like that but putting it like that ignores the fact that programming doesn't come easily to a lot of people. And the crux when it comes to development: nothing is as easy as it sounds. Nothing is as moderately difficult as you think it will be. Fixing one bug adds two more. So when there's only so many people working on a program, they have to allocate their time as best they can. And adding support for something that will only benefit a small number of people often just doesn't make the cut.
  25. Haha! haven't we all 🤣 and the same stupid mistake every time you promise to be more careful and not do it again! 🙄 Thanks, you've been very helpful, I'm going to start the print tomorrow when I'm WFH, I'll comeback and say how it went.
  26. ... I haven't seen any option for that in 5v7 ...
  27. Do we have to install Rawmouse to use a spacemouse or is it built into 5.7 preferences now?
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