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Everything posted by Daid

  1. A much easier PLA vs ABS test is bending the filament. If it turns white, it's ABS. If it snaps it's PLA. (Colorfabb PLA might not snap, but I think it also doesn't turn white)
  2. I removed it. Because of the reasons mentioned above. A 3D printer is not a CNC mill, so it shouldn't try to act like one. And fine-tuning the Z endstop is a bitch. There are a few solutions on thingiverse that help. But what I always do is not fine-tuning the endstop, but fine-tuning the 4 bed screws. This gives much better control then the Z endstop.
  3. Ah, that explains a lot! I think I will be able to fix this issue quite easy.
  4. The engine sometimes crashes on invalid values (like 0) because of division by zero errors (for example, a layer thickness of 0 gives a division by zero on "total object height / layerthickness". I'll have to check for those invalid values and refuse to start slicing. Good catch. The selection bug was also noticed by Fluxline. I've uploaded a "fluxdebug" version at the same location, this version shows a debug value in the title bar. Does this value change from fffff to something else when you hover your mouse over an object on your laptop? I might have an idea what's going on here. The "gui error 222" was a mistake on my side, it can happen during the GCode view drawing while the GCode is still being loaded. It's an easy fix, and it happens a bit random. I've also noticed the odd "going back and forward" infill printing, I still have to check how this happens, as it works most of the time... it's not intentional, it is intended as doing the shortest moves possible. The GCode viewing is indeed slower then the slicing. As the viewing happens mostly in slow python code right now, while the slicing in fast C++ code. The viewer is faster then the old Cura GCode viewer, but it's still not as fast as I would want it too be. I will change the expert menu re-slice behavior. Most testers are noticing it :-)
  5. Can you also make sure your short belts are tight and that your filament is not slipping? Even the "old Cura" print is not really up to the quality I would expect... Just to show the difference, this is a 0.06mm layer height, 50mm/s 220C print I'm doing right now: http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20130503_174126.jpg Sorry for the crappy phone photo. (It's still printing, huge print of about 3 days. But looking silk smooth )
  6. There is a bit of an odd behaviour in Marlin where it sees a "M" as a "M0" (same for a "G" as a "G0") this might be your cause. Not sure how, but it might help a tiny bit, as Marlin is seeing an M somewhere.
  7. Contact Ultimaker support (by email or phone) it's quite possible your electronics board was damaged during transport. They can set you up for a replacement.
  8. I'm a bit surprised about your outside surface quality Daniel. As I'm seeing better prints on the printers here. However, that doesn't mean there isn't a real issue. Are you printing with an SD card on the UltiController or with USB?
  9. Nope. I have other higher priorities.
  10. Most likely it would be cheaper to use PLA for that. It's hard to dissolve PLA, but it's easy to melt away. So depending on your material you might just be able to bake out the PLA. The PVA I have is no longer for sale.
  11. We still have some old Makerbot 3mm PVA. The main issue with it: DO NOT LET IT SIT HOT. The stuff burns up into charcoal, totally clogging up your nozzle. This is a huge issue for dual-extrusion printing.
  12. I initially uploaded a wrong build which didn't work, so you might have that file, did you try downloading it again? Else, Cura generates an output.txt in the installation directory. The contents of this file might give me a hint. (it it says something about "sliceRun" then you have the broken build)
  13. There are 13 thermistor options... kinda hard to build them all. The firmware coming with this beta is the same as in 13.03 (I'm sending out a few invites for the beta today, so check your private message inbox on the forum)
  14. I'll contact people individually with details. I'll start out with contacting some regular Ultimaker users, so don't be alarmed if you don't get a message just yet. As I will grow the testing group over time. I noticed a problem with USB printing on Monday, so that's something I wanted to fix first before sending out the first beta version.
  15. As I've noted in other topics. I've been working hard on a next-generation of Cura. Which is faster, more userfriendly, and with fixes for some of the slicing issues. Now this version isn't fully ready yet. But I do think it's ready for some closed beta testing. As I can never try everything and I could use the feedback and possible bugs from other users. I've already done some internal Ultimaker testing, which helped in finding some nasty bugs. I've been doing all my personal prints with this new code for the last month and a half, which ironed out a lot of bugs. So now it's your turn. I'm looking for you to test this new piece of awesomeness. I'm looking for dedicated Ultimaker users who are willing to use the next-generation Cura and help discover those last bugs. Do a lot of test prints, and be honest about what is good and what is bad. So? Are you up to the task? Then post a message in this topic. I'm looking for both experienced and inexperienced users.
  16. Yes, the fix is out and ready to download from software.ultimaker.com as 13.04, it doesn't have a lot of changes, mostly bugfixes. This also tweaks the default profiles a bit, removing the extrusion problem that was noticed on the fast profile, and reflecting better what the Ultimaker can do.
  17. OMG! 3D printed gun! It's work in progress for an Arcade gun. Still lots of work to be done, this was just a scale test. The grip needs to be a bit smaller, but the rest is nice and large :smile: (Note walking around in public with a gun like this can end you up in prison. It's intended for indoor use only!)
  18. I recommend standard SD, and you need to format them as FAT32. (SDHC gives issues)
  19. Ha, you've seen nothing yet. Wait till you see the next generation of Cura. Some people have beta-tested it for me, and the reactions are very positive. There will also be a small bugfix release out soon for the current version. Just to address some of the small kinks. Also, I think Slic3r never really lived up to the task. It's not as fast as advertised. It can crash or use up all memory, and it has lots of problems slicing unless your model is perfect.
  20. It will be announced, but first we want to build up some stock. If we announce now "the lead time is zero!" we suddenly get an inflow of orders and the leadtime increases again.
  21. Yes. They already are. The Cura 13.03 firmware is the official release build from the Ultimaker/Marlin fork. The fork is also tagged so you can find the exact sources used to build the firmwares. And there is a build script added which I used to build the firmwares. So you should be able to trace it all back. It just lacks some documentation somewhere.
  22. "Starting..." usually means the loading hangs at the load of the model file. Does this happen at every file or a specific file?
  23. Are you willing to share the model to Ultimaker? It would make an awesome showpiece for our cabinet of awesome prints. (Full Attribution will go to you, and we can put up a sign with links to your website or anything you want)
  24. The Ultimaker software (Cura) is very easy to setup and use. You can try this already, Cura can be found under "Community -> downloads", it's free and you can install it on as many computers as you want. The machine itself will require some care and handling, but it's very robust. I personally have no issue with kids using my machine for example. You do need someone who is dedicated enough to play with it and understand it (as with any machine)
  25. I've seen it. There are some good things in it, and some bad things. But most important, they follow the "more is more" strategy, being more and more a power-user tool with every version. Now, immagine not having Cura, and having Repetier as first program you'll have to use to print. Without knowing too much about what "Gcode" is, or "serial port settings". Also, it pretends to show lines in the actual thickness that they are printed. Surprise, they are not drawn like that, they are just drawn with a thickness. I found this out while seeking some bugs in my new slicer and using the GCode preview from Cura and Repetier to compare if there was a bug in my viewer or my gcode. Finally. A little story from about a year ago, when I released the first version of Cura. I announced this on the #RepRap IRC channel (chat) and I got chewed at for making something useless, and Repetier with Slic3r was going to be way better, and I should help out with Repetier instead of running my own. When I asked for a copy I got send a link of the source code. While Cura was already distributed with an installer. Which for me was an indication that they had no clue about what I was actually doing. And that Repetier is yet another "by-power-users for-power-users". So for your "There are many thinks that you can implement in CURA". Yes, I could, but I won't. Because there are many things I do not want in Cura. Because I think "Less is More". The next major release of Cura will feature: Less buttons (that you need to press like a good little monkey). Less waiting time (before you can print) and Less hoops you'll have to jump trough to get things done. While keeping the same amount of features and adding a few more. But first, the 13.04 bugfix release.
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