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Everything posted by Daid

  1. How much memory is the python.exe process using when it stalls?
  2. I don't think it's possible to completely avoid this effect. But material has a big impact on it. As said, it's the position where the nozzle goes from the outer skin to the inside of the object. Increasing the travel speed might help, if I see those settings, I would say your travel speed can be way higher, 150 or even 200mm/s. Also, 100% infill might not help you in this case. You could reduce that to 80%. (Final thing I wanted to add. These potentially look like adult toys :wink: . No problem with that. But PLA absorbs moister, and thus bacteria, so I wouldn't recommend using PLA directly as adult toys, instead print molds and cast silicon from that, or coat them)
  3. Ah, yes, shit, I was going to fix that but totally forgot. The tooltip is indeed wrong.
  4. I'll have to check for 1.5.3, not sure what's different on 1.5.3 compared to 1.5.4, but I wouldn't be surprised if it would work on 1.5.x I'll give a definitive update on this on monday. As for manually turning the Z screw. With the stable bed, this is no longer really needed, as it stays properly adjusted.
  5. There are some wooden changes so you cannot get your fingers stuck in between the gears. Other then that, it's the same. Also, I'll fix the 1.5.7 electronics requirement on Monday. As I think that's wrong for the upgrade kit, I do not see why it cannot work on a 1.5.4 or maybe 1.5.3 (but not sure what's the state of 1.5.3 as they are where not produced a lot)
  6. Those defines, if you go and change them into variables, all hell breaks lose because the code is filled with #ifdef and #if statements. You have a long way ahead if you want to change that particular one into a variable, not to mention you will lose performance in critical code.
  7. A UMO & HeatedBedKit & DualKit can be done. Then you use 2 power supplies, the new one for the heated bed, and the old one for the normal heaters+electronics. This is actually supported just fine. A UMO+ & DualKit, that's the problem one. (No HeatedBedKit on this one as it comes with a HeatedBed per default) You only have 1 power-supply in this case. You can wire this up, but as soon as you use both heaters and the heated bed at the same time it will trigger a safety in the power supply and reset the printer. So you can print in dual-extrusion, but not when the bed is on. You could hook up the heated bed with a 2nd power supply and a relay to work around this, but it won't work per default right now.
  8. Ah, ok, that looks quite small but official. So, yes, heated-bed-upgrade-kit. Finally. But not unexpected. And the UM Original+, not a huge fan of the name they picked, but I am a fan of the machine. It's pretty much all the glory and hack-ability of the UM Original combined with all the nice improvements of the UM2. It also nicely shows that we are still dedicated to that machine, and won't drop support for the original as some might feared. It also has all the things needed to be CE Certified. (except that you cannot really do this on a kit, as you have no control on the assembly. So it's only really certified if we build it. Still, it's nice to know that it's safe, and even safer then before)
  9. One of our interns did a study on a bigger printer. He actually build it (it's big, 1000x1000x1000 I think). It can be done, but you better switch to a CoreXY system. He also had problems getting enough extrusion, even with a 0.8mm nozzle. As you want much faster printing if your printer is that much bigger. Not sure how many details I may share, but it clearly shows it can be done. He did the math on all the axis and stuff to make sure it's strong enough. The Z stage was one of the tougher nuts to crack, as it gets really flexible when it's that big.
  10. Does mean better support for everyone (as Europe support is less busy fixing the US shipping problems). It's great for US customers, it's good for everyone else. But, there will also be UMOP and HBK. Sort of half-announced right now.
  11. The heaters in the UM2 where also changed to 25W. Which made it possible to do dual-extrusion in the UM2, but only just. If you have the bigger UM Original hotend, then that's 40W right there. If you use the 19V heater, that's 60W. I think the bed was something like 120W, and the motors and electronics use 30-40 or something. With the supply only supplying a max of 220W you go over-budget. Initially we wanted to use a bigger powersupply. But due to regulations in the US, that powersupply suddenly changed connector, which was the biggest connector ever, which was ugly and bulky. And we couldn't change the board to hold that connector. If you talk to our electronics guy about this, you can still see the stress on his face. Getting everything to work within the suddenly limited power budget. It was a bit like Apollo 13.
  12. You'll run into a power-supply issue. So you cannot use heated-bed and 2 heaters at the same time. You also need so source a 2nd PT100 (which shouldn't be a huge issue) and you'll run the 2nd heater out of spec (which isn't a big issue, but does not help with the power-supply issue)
  13. Wait, did we announce that yet? Cannot find anything about it online yet. But it's not that different, except that the fan-duct got changed to include a metal shroud around the printer head like in the UM2. Which reduces the chance of getting burned, and makes sure there is no air-flow on the heater-block. The best changes (IMHO) are at the bottom of that machine.
  14. Ah, yes, thanks! (And I know, but it's fun to trigger all the french with the "du fromage") There is a small bug with the translated version, if you switch machines then the support material is always on "touching buildplate" until you restart Cura. It's fixed in the release that I will do shortly.
  15. Else, the machine settings gantry height control this, setting it to 0 will force it to "all at once", setting it to 9999 will give you "one at a time" all the time, but at your own risk (after all, the gantry can and will knock over objects if they are too tall)
  16. For a full release, yes. Sorry. However, this does mean I will most likely put out some public beta's soon. As there are some advanced options in there that advanced users will really like.
  17. Cura takes some safety margins, and I took some worst case measurements to garantee no kit-build Ultimaker gets into problems, which is where the 205 comes from. You can increase this size in your machine config if you want, but you might need to adjust some endstops to get access to the full 210x210 area. As there is quite some wiggle-room in here. Skirt and raft can increase the area required for the print, as the extend beyond the print itself. Cura also does some rounding (to increase calculation speed), which might cost you 0 to 2 mm depending on the object. Height also depends a bit on the printer (but atleast the specs no longer say 230 for height as it did 2 years ago). Dual-extrusion cuts a few mm in height, and depending on the hotend you might also win/lose some mm. So that's why the default is at 200. Final note, there are no real limits in Cura, you can configure whatever you want, how you want it. It's just that I set the defaults on a sane and safe value. Which is a bit more complex for the Ultimaker Original, as there are a lot of variations out there.
  18. Don't expect this feature to happen in this way. Maybe the slicing will move to the printer one day (with more powerful electronics). But until then, this won't happen, due to the high complexity, and the imperfect results.
  19. Wasn't the conclusion about aerogel that the maximum operating temperature was something like 100C? I know this was talked about a few pages back. And most heat is conducted trough the metals, air is a horrible heat-conductor anyhow. Latest news is that the R&D team just moved to a new building, so we are no longer sitting with 4 people in an office fit for 2. And, that we're working on the dual-extrusion, as well as looking into what is the best soluble support material. I'm actually being pulled off Cura development to assist on dual-extrusion.
  20. Could also be under-extrusion. I got a few reports lately that switched their machine settings to "RepRap (Volumatric)" instead of "RepRap (sprinter/Marlin)", it should be on Sprinter/Marlin, else you will get too little material, and see the above problem.
  21. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/blob/master/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h#L91
  22. It does: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/fffProcessor.h#L723
  23. As far as I know this works fine (with any Cura version), if you use Sprinter or Marlin firmware. I don't know the perfect start/end code, but I wouldn't even be surprised if the default works. Note that there are lots of Mendel90 users on IRC at #reprap on freenode. So they might be better at assisting you then we are.
  24. I added the step files to our repository: https://github.com/Ultimaker/UltimakerOriginal/commit/d72cd54202f0661c90d9c63fb5d4a42622985606
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