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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Oh, yes, "water soluble" is a bit wrong. How these things work. Plastics are very long molecules. Bit like fabrics. What the PVA and other PVA like material so, is the long molecules break when you add water. However, the resulting material does not dissolve in water. It turns into a sort of snot. Plastic which is no longer solid but liquid. What worked for my print was putting it under the jet of water in the sink, washed the final bits away. (We have a lot of water pressure in our normal sink here at Ultimaker)
  2. It happens with high polygon models if Fix horrible type A is enabled (in the expert menu) this has been made default which makes this bug pop up. I've fixed it for a next release. Workaround is to turn the fix horrible type A off.
  3. They are really expensive. We looked into that when we noticed there where problems with the pulleys going lose. But price wise it's not feasible. I think they are using torque wrenches now to assemble the machines, as tests show that properly screwed down pulleys hold as well as the ones with loctite. And we're looking into slightly different pulleys that have less problems with vibrations.
  4. If you installed the UM-Orignal 14.01 firmware, this contains an update related to retraction speed. There was a bug in the older version making the speed much lower then intended. Causing a speed of 45mm/s to being actually 20mm/s The new firmware fixes this bug and sets a limit in the firmware on 25mm/s, however this limit can be overriden which will most likely cause your filament to slip. (Too little push-back after retraction is impossible in the GCode from the CuraEngine by design)
  5. I think you still might be able to buy the NetFabb license if you go trough support. However, due to the total lack of support from NetFabb the decision has been made to remove it from the shop.
  6. We have 168Mhz, Ethernet, USB (host and device), MicroSD, TouchScreen LCD, Audio (because we can), TMC260 stepper drivers (which are awesome, as they allow for 256 microstepping) All the drivers for the hardware are working, a quick port of Marlin motion planner is working on it. We can read files from the USB with USB drives. We're setting up the firmware so it will be portable across different 32bit platforms. And we're totally re-designing and making the planner modular. We actually had a design session yesterday evening. Maybe we can work together instead of side-by-side? We have 3 people working on it right now (me from UM, 2 hobbists)
  7. There are a few options already out there for ARM based RepRap controllers. Designing the board is only part of the work. Testing, firmware, feature-completeness. That's where the difficulty lays. I currently have an ARM prototype laying on my desk at Ultimaker. Developed by Erik vd Zalm. Pretty cool board, lots of cool features. But the firmware is a bit far from finished, and we are looking on how to go forward with this. That's all I can share right now.
  8. Note, I've just found and fixed a problem that caused the fix-horrible-type-A to misbehave on high polygon models. Most likely causing the problems with the OpenSCAD models and filled holes (I collected a few models that showed the problem and did some tests). Disabling type-A is a good workaround. But just wanting to let you guys know that I fixed it for the next version.
  9. This or installing the custom 115200 baudrate firmware. (from Cura/resources/firmware)
  10. Not officially. You can do it by setting the GCode flavor to RepRap. But the stability could be an issue.
  11. Ah, yes, I see what's going wrong. The printer thinks it is still homing because it has not received any new command after the homing command.
  12. Power supply is designed for the 2nd head. Cura is ready for 2 extruders (as it already works for the UM-Original). 2nd feeder can be fitted. Firmware is prepared for it. That's not the problem. We've actually build dual-extrusion UM2 machines as test. There is a problem with putting in a 2nd hottend and preventing it from clogging, a single hotend works, but 2 hotends combined produce too much heat which is transfered from one to the other, causing plugs. We have someone working on solving it. But right now it looks like there need to be some changes to the hotend for it to work in dual extrusion.
  13. For OpenSCAD models you might want to disable the Fix-Horrible type A. I'm also not seeing a problem with the file you uploaded, except for the fact that you used 0.2% infill, which is very close to 0% infill.
  14. You're wrong. Erik did some prototype style tests with it. And right now I'm working with a valued community member (hired by Ultimaker) to define what you actually want for network printing, and how to build it. The plan is to pretty much open this up. Allowing everyone and every printer to chip in if they want.
  15. Nee, stiller kunnen ze niet echt zijn. Het geluid komt niet door de motoren zelf namelijk, maar door resonantie van de micro-stepping
  16. Fiddle with any setting, or move any object. I've updated the code to fix the minor issue. I was unsure where to put it, I did not like it as a setting (as none of the settings go over multiple objects) but I also did not want to hide it away all the way in the preferences.
  17. Yeah, it's a bug where they do not stick, forgot about fixing it (quite a trival fix). A workaround is opening and closing the LED settings, this saves all settings.
  18. Note, the 14.01.X firmware contains an update that prevents moving the material if the machine is doing "something else" so it no longer crashes into the bottom when you home and move-material at the same time. This change might be causing the problem, not sure why yet...
  19. The 32x32 pixel size for that image is not fixed, you can use any scale image and it will put on a 20x20mm raster (I do recommend using a power of 2 size, 32,64,128,256,512)
  20. The only change I did in the "control" file was setting an architecture for the binaries, this used to be "all" which was incorrect as the package is build for 32bit x86 CPU (and Ubuntu was complaining about this) Are you running an 32 or 64 bit Mint?
  21. UM2 firmwares are build from https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin UM-Ori firmwares are build from https://github.com/Ultimaker/Marlin
  22. The "glow when done" setting does exactly that, has the LEDs on when printing, and glowing when done. (and off while not printing) If you have multiple printers, this is the best visible indicator to see what state every printer is in from a distance. The skipping of the motor at the end of the load filament is intentional, the motor power is lowered so it skips instead of grinds. Much better for your filament. The naming of presets is possible in the code. But I haven't got around to make proper control codes to do so. I prepared for this, but so much to do so little time :(
  23. That hasn't been released yet. Which parts are you looking for? For the casing you could use the UM-Original casing, not too many changes there.
  24. The final ;CODE_PROFILE_STRING has caused crashes on other firmware, but other then that, the code that Cura generates is pretty basic (intentionally) I highly recommend an SD card solution like the UltiController.
  25. Yes, just that. The mouse just gives off 6 "movement" axis (or a transformation matrix). How you use those is up to you. However, the windows SDK needs access to the "window message loop" which is hidden inside wxWidgets and inaccessible.
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