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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Not wanting to make the same mistake twice, I've uploaded the firmware for people to test at the google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ultimaker/tDKAHxe8rI0 Should fix the problems, according to my tests. But let me know if there are still issues!
  2. It would require C++ hacking. Or, you could post-process the GCode into an SVG with a python script.
  3. It's a pretty cool printer, I used some ideas from it in my TITAN design. And I think you could print the Tantilus in less parts due to the UM2 big build volume.
  4. I'm on it, the "move material while still homing" is trival and fixed it. Going to add the "abort bed adjustment" now.
  5. Uhm, yes, one of those "silly I did not think about it before" things. Added it for the release, easy change.
  6. Ah, if you want the print paths as SVG you just need to change the final step the GCode export. Instead of GCode you could export SVG files.
  7. Can you share a picture to highlight the problem better?
  8. Problem has been found&fixed, with many thanks to Illuminarti. I'll have an update out soon.
  9. Spotted it. I'm thinking about what to do with the USB printing dialog. It has been neglected for quite a while (due to printing with SD card all the time) and it needs some re-designing, as it's confusing for the basic user and not powerful enough for the power-user. I'll keep your requests in mind when I finally get to this.
  10. Note, this setting was incorrectly always set to 868.66 in older versions of Cura, the new default is 0 to ignore it. But if you had an older Cura install it will possibly copy this setting over and cause this issue. I know people that use Cura with mendels, so it can work.
  11. Interesting case, I did not think about this case when doing the new support material. It is clearly a problem for break-away support in some cases. Note, the old method was broken in many ways, many ways that do not impact you. But it has quite some issues. While there have been complains on the support material (as with every change) this is the first time someone makes a real case. So I'm planning to do something about it. I might be adding an option for the "wavy walls" support. As cutting the concave polygon into multiple convex polygons sounds easy but is difficult to do for all cases in a good way. Note, the new support material is awesome with water-soluble support material. Finally, most reprap parts are designed so they are printable without support material. I would rotate the X-END-MOTOR by 90 degs so it's flat on the biggest area. Bridges should be able to take care of all the overhangs then for both objects.
  12. No plans for it. But, if you play around in the engine code, there are debug options to export HTML files with embedded SVG. Pretty sure those could be adapted to export proper SVG. I'm surprised nobody made some good software for DLP printers yet. I have some code laying around that generates slice bitmaps from 3D files using your 3D card, extremely quick. In the end it did not work for FFF printers, but it should work for DLP. Highly experimental code, but willing to share it so someone who wants to develop it.
  13. Sources are at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Marlin As Illuminarti said, this update was mostly to get in line and get all the updates from the last year that where done on Marlin. (We did change the Controller-Beep back to the older one) Cura works on just about any firmware. So no problems there.
  14. This is somewhere on my todo-list, but a bit far down. A work-around is to disable the laptop webcam in the device manager. Hardly ideal, I know.
  15. Back from some really needed vacation. Illuminarti, thanks for looking into this issue! You're spot on with the cause. I'm looking into fixing it right now, top priority.
  16. Your compiler is install is incomplete as it is missing <stdint.h> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdint/
  17. There is an odd bug in a library I use that could be causing this, a new version of that library fixes it, and I hope to implement that soon. (Some external stuff of the library has changed, requiring some changes in my engine code)
  18. You most likely want to hook into the "save" button then? If you do not mind some hacking, you could go into Cura/gui/sceneView.py and find "self._slicer.submitSliceInfoOnline()" (at 2 locations) this is most likely the point where you want to call your own script.
  19. Cura used to scale up very small objects on its own, but in 13.12 this behaviour is broken. I just make a fix for the next version as this has hit more people.
  20. Both are updated, but only the configured machines that you have are shown in the new release notes.
  21. Yes, can be done, but I'll have to double check that nothing else is attached to that timer.
  22. Odd, Cura does do some "magic scaling" when it sees objects that are way too big or small. But that's only if it detects an object that is larger then 10 meter or smaller then 1mm. Can you email me one of this "none loading" models, then I can take a look at it. (at daid303@gmail.com, I will delete the model after looking at the issue)
  23. Side-by-side installs are supported on Cura (with Windows&Linux, on Mac it can give weird issues) It was actually a design choice to support this I made very early on. I do not want to force people to only use the latest version. Which is why also all the old versions are available for download. You won't have the brim issue with 13.10 because 13.10 does not account for the support material with the brim.
  24. If you check the expert-option "fix horrible type A" does the hole go away then? This fix horrible option has been made default as of 13.12, because I know only of 1 model that it does not work correctly on and lots of models that it fixes.
  25. The 13.12-test version indeed allows tighter packing, but it does so by sort of putting an elastic band around the 3D model. This is an optimization, if you want tighter then that you'll have to do it in a proper 3D package. (Or disable the "pushFree" function in Util/ObjectScene.py) Object-level settings are actually supported by the slicer on "one at a time" object printing, but not in the GUI.
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