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Everything posted by Daid

  1. I've stored my printer in the back of my car during the winter for weeks at a time. Still runs fine without issues when I put it back in room temperature.
  2. If shit hits the fan, pull the power plug, better then some software based solution that might ruin more then you want. If you abort a print on the UM2, it homes and cools down. The UM-Original firmware is a bit less smart in that aspect right now.
  3. The RepRapDiscount will work, but you should rip off the reset button, as pressing it would short out the power (as the UM electronics has a power line instead of a reset line on that connection)
  4. Cura is using python, wxPython and OpenGL, might be a wxPython or OpenGL bug.
  5. I've just fixed a bug yesterday, it seems that inter-island travels of less then 10mm could have problems where there was no retraction happening while it should. (It was a nasty bug) I think this is exactly what is happening here.
  6. No bug. The Z speed setting got removed. Z is now down at travel speed, with the assumption that your firmware limits it to sane values for your machine.
  7. Mmm, ':' should not be allowed in a filename, maybe that's why it's not working. I've changed the code to no longer include the : in the default filename.
  8. I hope you guys understand that with "it is just making a mess. The bottom layers have gaps and I can see the blue tape through the print. As for using support with your print, forget it, what a horrible mess it now produces above the support." I cannot do anything, as it does not give my anything to do on. Photos, pictures, models, settings used. That's how I can assist. Random saying "13.04" was better does not do anything, as 13.04 was using Skeinforge, which is a totally different implementation of all underlying code.
  9. Interesting, might have something to do with the new "brim goes around the support" feature. Which model are you printing? As when I try to reproduce this on my test models the brim nicely touches the print object.
  10. Sounds like an electronics issue (not uncommon on the UM-Original sadly), fire off an email to support as they have quite some experience in tracking these down and have the ability to send spare parts if needed.
  11. Print times in Cura and on the machine are currently inaccurate. It's on my big-items to-do list to do after my current changes (tighter packing of multiple objects) and adding better support for multiple printer connections (to support network printing and improve USB printing). It's a complex problem, but I know I can solve it, just takes time.
  12. I'm from Ultimaker, so I cannot give you a proper answer to "should I get one" as my opinion is not objective enough. I can however, answer your questions. The UM2 can do 20microns out of the box, but, I recommend starting off with 100 microns, that is usually enough quality for most goals. This was done at 150microns: http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20130429_142634.small.jpg It's best to have a closed single mesh. However, the software (which is my responsibility) tries to do an best-effort when you have holes or intersecting meshes. You can already download Cura (it's free) and check out the features and results. It shows how it will print something in the "layer view". It also has an X-Ray view that shows holes in red, which can be quite useful to spot big holes. (Tiny holes usually do not matter at all) Forcing requirement of water-tight messes is really annoying, so that's why our software does an best effort and does not bitch when your model isn't perfect. It usually turns out fine as long as it does not have any strange internal faces. Most likely you will need to check the "Fix horrible, combine everything - type A" in the expert settings when you have multiple intersecting geometries. (I'm actually considering making this the default) I'll skip the details for why this is needed for now :wink: Commercial fab houses have people checking and fixing your models, which is one of the reasons why production is quite expensive at them. We have printed HIPS on the UM2. However, our material supplier warned us to print it in a well ventilated room, as there are some gasses released during printing. We're not yet sure if we're going to sell HIPS ourselves. There are some environmental questions unanswered right now on HIPS.
  13. I recommend against the PrintrBot LC+. I borrowed one from a friend (he has my UM right now) and, I'm not that happy about it. It's quite wobbly and it's impossible to keep the platform level. It's also a wire mess that tangles up easy. You might want to look into a Prusa i3 kit or something like that. Which looks quite a solid design for a nice price.
  14. You might want to tinker with some of the expert retraction settings, especially the "minimal amount of extrusion before retraction" might need some tuning (I already reduced the default from 0.5 to 0.1)
  15. Actually... we love our reinforced concrete blocks! But I have no idea. Wikipedia gives no clue: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/MK CV could be the central heating (centrale verwarming), especially next to the ventilation like that. But on that map, it looks like reserved space for something? Storage? Racks or pallets? (pallets are also pallets in dutch)
  16. https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/Cura/util/printerConnection/doodle3dConnect.py GCode sending is work in progress ;-) but the basic code already works. I got some pointers on how to improve a few things here. The WiFi DHCP not giving an IP is a problem that they discovered at Doodle3D as well. I had Rick over the floor here at UM, and he had a test version with a fix for me. So that update should come soon. The problem lays somewhere deep in the linux system, but they have a work-around implemented for now. They're also going to update the start/end code for the UM2 and add a proper profile for it.
  17. Like this? You actually see 3 areas around the selected object. The object boundary (inner area), the area around that is the "print area" this includes the skirt/brim, it's the maximum where the nozzle will be during printing (so this has to fit on the platform) finally there is a largest area, which is the area the head will hit during the printing of this object. I'm working on it right now, it's a complex problem. I've already got a convex polygon from the model, and I just managed to get the basic collision detection working a few minutes ago. Still lots to do, but this will also solve a bunch of other issues at the same time. Right now my code only tests the collision between the 2nd area, not between head/print collision yet, which is important for "one at a time" prints. This change is effecting a LOT of code, so it's going to take some time.
  18. For those lucky people with both an Ultimaker2 AND a Doodle3D box. The following adjusted start and end code needs to be set in the Doodle3D box to prevent the box from pushing the bed into the nozzle (as the default start code assumes the bed homes upwards instead of down, and uses relative moves which are hard to predict) If you also want to use the heated bed, you'll have to uncomment the M190 and M140 I think. Did not test that yet. (Note this start/end code should also work on the UM Original, but I did not verify that) Start code: M109 S{printingTemp} ;set target temperature ;M190 S{printingBedTemp} ;set target bed temperature G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M107 ;start with the fan off G28 ; home to endstops G1 Z15 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F9000 M117 Printing Doodle... ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen) End code: M107 ;fan off G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure G1 Z+5.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G28 ;home the printer M84 ;disable axes / steppers G90 ;absolute positioning M104 S{preheatTemp} ;M140 S{preheatBedTemp} M117 Done ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)
  19. I used Ultimaker silver, Ultimaker red and Ultimaker blue. It does ooze a bit. But, the UM2 hotend oozes less then the UM-Original hotend, so that helped for me. (But, the UM2 hotend in dual-extrusion still has some cooling issues right now. So it jams quite easy)
  20. STL only allows for triangles, nothing else. So I cannot save support material, settings and stuff like that in it. If you want a model that has the support structures and shells generated internally, then you mis-understand how Cura works, Cura never generates a model like that. As Cura slices the model in 2D slices and from that point on only works on the 2D slices, the shells get added on 2D slices, infill gets added on 2D slices. Everything actually happens in 2D.
  21. Most likely the GCode format generated with Cura is not understand when converting to dual-extrusion to x3g, as the dual-extrusion GCode in Cura is quite specific for Marlin.
  22. I'm redoing the whole printing interface code right now in some spare time (no final date on it), as I'm generalizing the code so it can be used for other interfaces next to USB printing (WiFi printing for example) I'll try to keep multiple extruders in mind.
  23. The support points are a 2D grid projected on the Z plane. The grid is as large as the object and each point has a fixed X/Y position by the dimensions for this grid, and each point has one or more Z positions for each time a ray from the bottom to the top crosses the object boundary.
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