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Everything posted by Daid

  1. If the lines are closer then 4 line widths then it will start doing the alternating stripes instead of the full grid. This happens between 24% and 25%. The new support uses the same code as the infill routines. But the % of support and normal infill will be configurable separately (for my test I used the same for both, 20%). I did a test print with 40% material in the support, but this made it hard to break apart, it was also a bit to close to the object. So I'm doing my 2nd test print now, with 0.7mm distance between the object and the support on the X/Y level and 0.2mm distance on the Z distance to the object. This should generate an gap between the print and the support material, making it easier to break off. Also, the grid infill for support will make PVA dissolve faster, as the water can get into the support material. With the line support this didn't happen because of the surface tension of water, it didn't get in between the lines.
  2. Could also be the {date} {day} problem, remove those 2 tags from the start.gcode to save yourself some problems.
  3. I'm working on re-doing the support material in the CuraEngine. The line support material was a quick implementation to get the feature ready for release. Now that we will get dual-extrusion, and with the future of soluble materials, I think it would be good to re-visit the support material and take a good look at it. I've worked hard to get the line code (which was hacked together) in a shape where I could do more with it. And this is the first result: (cyan is support for the people that haven't seen support yet) I'm currently printing this to test how good I can break away the support. I'm hoping it breaks away as a single piece instead of separate walls. This new code also uses less material and prints quicker. But I'm sure quite a few of you have comments on it and ideas, so shoot!
  4. PLA/PHA filament from Colorfabb strings a lot if you print it at the wrong temperature, and the temperatures vary a bit between colors. It's one of the main reasons Ultimaker is not using them as a supplier, their filament is awesome, but it's tricky to print.
  5. If you have a larger then normal Ultimaker, then it's not an Ultimaker and you should configure it as a RepRap instead of an Ultimaker from the first-run-wizard.
  6. Octoprint is based on the GCode sender of Cura, so you can be sure there are no compatibility issues there ;-) It's fine to run the printer un-attended. I highly recommend the UC, as USB printing is known to suddenly stop sometimes (on windows) We've run multiple day prints here at Ultimaker without issues. But I do recommend running the first 50 hours with you being close or even watching the machine (people tend to watch the machine anyhow, because it's hypnotizing) just to be sure you assembled it right. (For pre-assembled this is no issue, as they are tested in-house)' Safety wise there is little to go wrong except for wasted PLA and some extra smell (but PLA doesn't smell so bad, ABS does smell bad and needs ventilation) Just one thing, be sure to have this screw: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ultimaker/8185559520/ in the heater block inserted. I've seen it missing for some machines, and that can be a fire risk if the heater comes out of the block.
  7. I'll see if I can find the part number on our Lathe at UM. It's some Chinese cheap small desk lathe. As they still have it from the early days I expect it to be cheap.
  8. I know Harma from Ultimaker will be there (not sponsored by Ultimaker, just by herself). I won't be there (shame, I would have loved to go there)
  9. Next to that pulley, I would also tighten the pulleys on the motors with as much force possible. If those get lose you'll have to take out the motor to tighten them properly. (Note, I can tighten that back pulley, it requires a downwards angle next to the Z guide rods for your screw driver. It's a tight space and I have small hands. And I've done it on enough machines to get some skill in it) As for the set-screws, the kit comes with some spare in case the supplier added some bad ones in the batch once again. Else you can also get those from http://www.rvspaleis.nl/ in Europe.
  10. Best list to check is in the Marlin sources: https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin/blob/Marlin_v1/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp
  11. Actually, Cura can handle more then the wiki page shows. As some packages violate the standard. (Ascii files should be detectable by starting with "solid", but some binary files also start with "solid". I think FreeCAD does this) Maybe this is a case of the reverse, making an ascii file without starting with solid (I won't detect that case right now)
  12. Both should be fixed in the latest download version. If the 13.06.X version suddenly got slower with a certain model, I would like to know. As I had some speed issues in early versions, but I managed to fix them.
  13. Ok, easy fix for this one, as floppy drives are always A: or B: drives, so I'm ignoring those now in the SD card detection.
  14. STL is really stupidly simple, so that Cura cannot read the export tells me something is odd in the export. I'm not asking for the specific STL (actually, if they are weapon bits, I rather not have them anyway, doesn't reflect good on Ultimaker right now with all the silly 3D printed weapon stuff) Negative coordinates shouldn't be an issue in STL.
  15. Actually, I'm quite convinced the current Z stage issues can be fixed with a few drops of wood glue. (due to experience with my own machine and a slight manufacturing mistake on that one, causing the platform to be super resistant to needing calibration)
  16. The one in the UM, with the 1:6 gear ratio is overpowered. You could go with less, if you keep the gear ratio. You'll have to experiment to know for sure.
  17. Can you send me an example stl file? (to d.braam@ultimaker.com) just a cube or something. Maybe the CAD software is doing something odd in the file and I can catch and fix the problem in the stl loader. (Note that Cura also supports obj, maybe that export works)
  18. Cura accounts for the skirt/brim or raft. Disabling those gives more build volume. Cura also defaults to a slightly smaller print area of 205x205x200mm, to account for possible difference in builds where endstops have slightly moved. You can change the preferences to 210x210mm and disable the skirt in the expert settings (skirt lines to 0) this gives more print area.
  19. I was taking a vacation. I'm watching this, I've noted down a few problems. I did some more testing on USB printing last friday, and I got totally pissed off as it was dropping USB connection all the time. Until I added a powered USB hub! I still think UltiController printing is the best option, but if you are having USB printing issues, an powered USB hub could help. Main issues I see right now on Cura: * Support and brim/raft does not work as expected * Support material needs work * Brim on 2nd (and later) objects get printed in the wrong order * Tons of feature requests (Note that I have a few other duties at Ultimaker that do not involve Cura development, which require my attention right now. So that's why there is less word from me)
  20. Oh, yes, sorry, that "missing shaders" error is from the Python-OpenGL package, most likely the version on your machine is too old for Cura.
  21. mttr, your version of wxPython is too old for Cura (no idea which minimal version is needed)
  22. FYI, I don't think there is a lot of negative reactions, there are loads of users. And with this new release even more (As more reprap users are switching to Cura) As I pulled some features I would expect some complains. (Oh, and I have a vacation right now, so I'm only checking the forum for serious issues, which is why I'm pretty much silent in anything else)
  23. Try running it in a terminal window. I've only tested it on Ubuntu 12.10
  24. I'll see if I can add the briding speed, more people are asking for that. Could you show a screenshot or model to explain the other problem? I'm not sure if I'm getting it.
  25. We haven't talked about it yet. But most likely we will at some point. Not because I think it's a good idea, but because the market will ask for it. That's the power Microsoft has. Currently I only need to maintain 1 code base, for Windows Linux and MacOS. Adding a special driver interface for Windows does not really help there. What is is good for, is that you no longer need to go trough the STL export step from other applications. That windows 8 has only 5% market share means it's a low value target right now. (And I think of that 5% many would choose for windows 7 if they had the option) MacOS has only a slight higher market-share, but in my experience, the Mac users are much more common in the Ultimaker crowd then the general crowd. While it took 2 months for someone to notice that the drivers in Cura did not work on Win8.
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