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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Ha @Jeex, Zat er bij de Ultimaker 2 een pritt stift? Voor PLA is dit niet noodzakelijk, je heated bed goed levellen en tot 60ºC laten opwarmen moet voor de meeste prints afdoende zijn. Denk er aan dat je eerste laag langzamer geprint dient te worden, in Cura staat dit standaard op 30mm/s. Als je ABS wilt printen, is een lijm wel aan te raden. De pritt zou afdoende moeten zijn, maar verschillende gebruikers hebben de voorkeur voor verschillende lijmen. De pritt kun je gewoon onder de warme kraan schoonmaken. @pm_dude, you use a glue spray don't you? Which one do you use?
  2. SandervG

    Onderhoud UM2

    Dag @Jeex, heb je je Ultimaker 2 via een officieel (ultimaker) kanaal gekocht? We kunnen je eventueel wat documenten digitaal toesturen zodat je op de hoogte bent. Afgezien daarvan hoef je niet veel onderhoud te plegen. Je zou na een paar maanden printen je X en Y as in kunnen smeren met een paar druppeltjes naaimachine olie in kunnen smeren, en je Z-as met de groene grease die als het goed is bij je Ultimaker zat. Als je besluit de pritt te gebruiken bij je prints zou ik aanraden als je glazen bed er vies uit begint te zien deze schoon te maken onder de kraan met warm water. Succes! Ps; als je een antwoord hebt gevonden op je vraag, zou je dat antwoord kunnen selecteren als 'Best Answer', dan kan dat toekomstige gebruikers sneller helpen met het vinden van het goede antwoord.
  3. Hi @mfknjohn, Depending on what model you are printing you may want to reduce the speed to 50mm/s or 60mm/s. I assume you kept the default temperature at 210ºC or 220ºC? It is fine for PLA at 50mm/s or 60mm/s but for 100mm/s you need to increase the temperature too. Not all models allow for printing at this speed, depends on detail and complexity too. Since (I assume) you are still in the beginning of your 3D print adventure I would recommend to print at lower speeds first, and when you get more familiar you could try to go faster. The resolution is also pretty high, 40 micron. I would recommend to go with 100 micron (0.1mm) at first. If you insist on a high resolution I would suggest 60 micron. 60 micron is already very high, and the difference between 60 and 40 micron is very hard to tell on the naked eye. Comparing 40 to 60 micron does save you a lot of time, compensating your decrease in speed. Good luck!
  4. Hi John, Could you be bothered explaining what the problem + solution was? It could be valuable information to share with the community to help someone who may run in similar issues in the future. Thank you!
  5. @henryCasson, you can but I don't think just the ring would justify buying an entire new head. You would only experience the benefits if you would be unlucky enough for your print to get detached from the bed ánd the filament crawls up into your printhead. Obviously, if you rather be safe then sorry, feel free I don't have any pictures available here, the machines on our desk are also from before this addition. Imagine a regular printhead, and when looking up into the nozzle you see a small white ring closing the gap between the nozzle and fan shroud.
  6. Hi Joshh, Thank you for your email. All of the above is good. You can use a hair dryer to remove most of the filament. It looks like indeed one (or 2) of the cables broke which you can either buy or you could connect with the support team to look into the possibilities of getting a replacement. My best bet is that your print got detached from your printbed. It can have a variety of reasons; - The leveling can be off - The bed could have been dirty - The bottom layer could have been deployed to fast or to cold - The footprint could be to small. The extruded filament no longer is being added to a print, because the print is being dragged along with the printhead. After a while it results in a big junk of filament surrounding your printhead, and sometimes (often) it also gets inside of your printhead. Let us know what the status is after clean up and what parts need replacement. Like Ulti-Arjan said: 'Don't panic the UM2 is one of the best reparable and maintainable printers out there.'
  7. In theorie misschien, maar niet van Ultimaker BV dan. Ik heb het hier op kantoor nagevraagd, en daar was niemand van op de hoogte. Er is zelfs nog telefonisch contact geweest maar dat was niet verhelderend.
  8. Sowieso zijn het geen oude beurs printers, want die verkopen we niet op een dergelijke manier. Afgezien daarvan staan al onze printers op een beurs constant te draaien, en klopt de '0 uren claim' niet. Het kan zijn, misschien ook wel waarschijnlijk, dat het de oude machines zijn die een tijd terug gestolen zijn, nog niet alle machines zijn terug gevonden. Omdat die machines inmiddels al wel een behoorlijke lange tijd ergens opgeslagen hebben gestaan, eventueel vochtig?, is de kwaliteit op geen enkele manier meer te waarborgen. Of het gestolen Ultimakers zijn is makkelijk achter te komen omdat we de serie nummers hebben van die machines. Diefstal of niet, deze advertentie is in ieders geval niet waarheidsgetrouw.
  9. Need some more testers before going live? Thank you for offering! Currently we already have a team but I will keep you in mind for future testing if you want
  10. I will on Thursday, currently we are in the last steps of testing and implementing any required fixes. Thursday we will go live, and I will use that opportunity to create a list of what survived beta testing and what was added. I will update this page.
  11. Don't know how it would do filament changes, but can you check if the set screw that holds the knurled sleeve is still secured? Maybe the motor is rotating freely inside that sleeve. (just like in the image, but yours probably isn't missing, just loose)
  12. Good point, thanks. Let me find out what the possibilities are!
  13. The stepper drivers are those blue 'squares', 3 in a row and 1 in the opposite. You can also see that on 1 of the 3, the black cube is missing. That black cube is a heat sink and helps the stepper driver cool down, when it is becoming hot. Obviously, the fan is helping the same cause. So the fact your fan is kaput, but it is missing also its own cooling you are probably over heating. On both pictures you have 1 stepperdriver with a heatsink missing, however on the second photo it is on the extruder motor, so that should not interfere with your X or Y movement.
  14. Are we in your opinion right in first improving the regular notification system before email, or is the lack of email so disturbing you prefer receiving emails now, even multiple, over waiting so you only receive the necessary?
  15. They are on our list, but making some pages more alive / information density is higher up that list. And before we install email-notifications we want to improve the regular notifications, so you won't get 4 emails for a single reply (1 for a reply, 1 for a quote, 1 for a tag and 1 for a like for example). But it will come, in a reasonable amount of time. How long exactly, I can not yet say..
  16. Hi Valcrow, Lets try to tackle one problem at the time. Maybe they are not related.. (or maybe they are..) Have you tried swapping around your stepper drivers? My initial thoughts were that maybe they were overheating. Pay attention when swapping them around that you replace them with the pot meter facing the right direction. There should also be 3 small black blocks next to the stepperdrivers, are those all intact? If it helps, try to take a micro-picture (I don't know if you have access to such a lens?) If that doesn't make a difference, you could try to swap the X&Y motors around. See if that makes a difference. Looking forward hearing about your findings,
  17. We all care about the forum and the community deeply and I think we are at a defining crossroad right now, I think being curious would not be out of place. Whether being convinced, hopeful or optimistic, after our meet up we all were on the same page. Next step is implementing.
  18. Hi Blizz, no not at all. Nothing like that! Just don't eat or drink anything in the 4 hours before the meeting and we should all be good......
  19. Hopefully you had a great day at the show and we certainly enjoyed meeting you who dropped by and said hi! Unfortunately tear down took us a few hours and after a quick shower we could barely find a place to get a meal. Luckily we got to talk to you during the show. Currently waiting at the airport, waiting to go home again after 2 great shows. Tired and satisfied
  20. @cloakfiend, thank you for your detailed replies, they are very helpful and definitely help us improving the forum. Making the forum faster is also on our list. At everybody, currently I am in San Francisco. Tomorrow we are building our booth for the Maker Faire Bay Area, and after the show I immediately fly back to the UK to attend the 3D Printshow London. That means I will have limit access to the forum. I will try to read it every evening, but be aware my responses may be a little bit slower or shorter then usual. The work continues back in the office, and we should have something interesting to show you later this week! Will keep you guys posted, thanks again!
  21. I will try to be there with the Ultimaker crew. But because we also have to break down I can't really say an exact date or if the entire crew still has some energy left. Looking forward seeing you all on the show, and have a beer afterwards!
  22. Great job @gr5! Good to see you are also involved in this amazing project. Do you usually ship them out like this or do you also assemble them sometimes?
  23. Hi Scfan, could you be a little bit more specific in what you want to know? You do know we use 3mm filament?
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